Close with an airtight lid. tomatoes, garlic, peppers, and ginger. Too many people in this world think they are so much more superior than others by hating on community's that clearly have a lot of love for something. I want to try it again, but I really need to rebalance this. I just wanted to share that part but my home also smells delicious and I can't wait to share this new rice with my family today! } He loved it! Turn off the heat and leave with the lid on to "rest" till ready to serve. Jollof Rice is an excellent way to introduce people from around the world to the exotic tastes of Africa. I couldn't help myself. It's a good basic starting point to make it your own. Although it is believed to have originated from the Wolof people in northwesternSenegal. I do have a soft spot for this kind of one-pot rice dishes and tomato-based rice dishes are my favorite. I cut the recipe in half and was surprised when I took off the lid at the end of the thirty minutes and saw a lot of sauce on the top but once I stirred it up all was well and it was perfect!! Now add in your washed rice (and a bit of water if necessary to cook the rice) and mix it together with the fried tomatoes. Ive tried it with slow-roasted chicken on several occasions and it tastes amazing. Party jollof rice is commonly the most sort after type of rice, because of its very unique taste. Served with fried, ripe plantains which we call dodo and coleslaw, it is everything. One of those dishes where you could add sausage, or shrimp or goat or just about anything. It consists mainly of cooked rice and tomato stew flavored with spices such as thyme, scotch bonnet pepper, onions, and garlic. Our best tips for eating thoughtfully and living joyfully, right in your inbox. Pour into a large pot/ pan and bring to the boil then turn down and let simmer, partly covered for 10 - 12 minutes. I WOKE UP A FEW NIGHTS AGO IN A DEPPRESSIVE STATE. Visit our Privacy Policy page for more information. I have the recipe here: Tomato is an indispensable part of Ghanaian cuisine and it is heavily consumed in the processed form as tomato paste. Thank you so much for sharing this nigerian Jollof rice recipe! How to make Jollof Couscous - A nice couscous Recipe, NATIVE JOLLOF RICE IWUK EDESI/PALM OIL RICE, How to make Jollof Spaghetti - Jollof Spaghetti Recipe, Basmati Jollof Rice recipe (The Party style with Beef), How to Cook Rice - Perfect Results Every Time, basmati. I can say jollof rice is a staple in any Nigerian home. justify-content: center; The Romanian version is spiced the Romanian style, which means barely spiced actually, just some garlic and thyme, salt and pepper. Then cover with parchment paper right above the rice (to lock in moisture and add natural cooking pressure). I can have it on its own any time of the week, and it makes a wonderful side dish for lots of dishes. (You may need to add more later if the rice is still hard.) body { font-size : 18px; line-height : 1.6; }. Serve it with curd or curry! All I know is that a good cook will make a good-tasting Jollof Rice. You can also check for moredelicious Nigerian recipeshere. Sardines have very strong flavors compared to dried crayfish. Add more water, bring to a simmer, and continue cooking until the grains are soft and chewy. I have been yearning to try jollof, and this was the perfect recipe to start! Add the tomato paste, stir very well and let simmer for another 4-5 minutes, until the sauce has thickened. Subscribe to get my latest recipes straight to your inbox! .wprm-recipe-instructions li .mv-ad-box { Privacy Policy. I have had my own theories as to how it happened that the modern-day jollof, a rice dish filled with ingredients that are not indigenous to West Africa, came to be, which you can read about in my Party Jollof recipe. This recipe uses easy-to-find ingredients that can be bought from a local store if you dont already have them in your pantry. Preheat oven at 200C and roast red bell peppers for 20-25 minutes (optional step for extra smoky jollof rice). Im Jamaican but I love Nigerian food and will continue making this recipe. To make Party Rice, you'll need one more step. Nothing but trouble with the recipe - seems like there is way too much liquid and it's not reducing enough at all. Freda has been a food writer for 10 years, with a significant focus on the under-explored area of African cuisines. The recipe turns out perfect each time. Next, pour in your tomato paste and let it fry with the onions. Thank you Kweku. I use Maggi cubes in most of my cooking for the boost of flavor it gives. Love the combination of flavors in this rice dish. Unsubscribe at any time. ***To help clean the pot, boil some water in the empty pot. My rice came out sooo good. Want to hear more about jollof rice? I liked this version even better. Allow the rice to cook for about 30 minutes. Cook further until oil floats on top the sauce. Curry powder, thyme, scotch bonnet, and bay leaf are the best spices to make a flavorful Jollof rice. And that crusty layer at the bottom of the pan is absolutely delicious while eating I was wishing there was more of it there. Africa | Asia | Australia | Central America | Europe | Middle East | North America | South America, Jollof comes from the Senegambia region of West Africa, particularly Senegal. If you need more water then u add it bit by bit. I followed your instructions to the letter and, in 3 years, finally tried to cook Jollof Rice, and what a success ! It doesnt have to be canola oil. I cannot stop eating this rice, its that scrumptious! Nigerians prefer the plump and separated grain effect of par boiled rice such as Uncle Bens style rice, easy cook rice, or what we now know as Golden Sella Basmati rice. Thanks for leaving a review . 3 tsps of chicken seasoning8. Stir and cook for another 15 minutes (see notes). Also, the only types of rice I soak for jollof are basmati and parboiled rice. This rice flavoring is so tasty! Hi Josephine. The recipe varies from country to country, region to region of the continent, but it always starts with a tomato base. my own theories as to how it happened that the modern-day jollof, a rice dish filled with ingredients that are not indigenous to West Africa, came to be, which you can read about in my. I didnt have it though. Good recipe but this definitely looks too moist. } Peel and dice the onions, chop the garlic, rinse and drain the rice then set aside. .dpsp-network-btn.dpsp-has-label:not(.dpsp-has-count) { Yum! Season with thyme, curry powder, bouillon cubes, salt, and pepper to taste. As previously mentioned, in Senegal, the dish called, Similar Dishes to jollof rice around the world, When cooked without meat, jollof is very much a savoury rice dish, comparable to the Portuguese. This rice really has some beautiful flavors! Add in the cooked ofada rice and green onions. It's made with a unique blend of spices, long-grain rice, and a tomato and red pepper base. Thank you. This is such a flavorful side dish for any meal. You should monitor your rice as it cooks, adding more water as necessary to keep the rice grains moist. I specifically prepare the Nigerian party jollof rice which I still feel is one of the best recipes out there (not being biased, just stating facts LOL). I would love to make this for my family soon. Blend some tomatoes, onions, habanero peppers, and red bell peppers together until you achieve a smooth consistency. There t, Some think that this could be connected to the Senegalese Wolof tribe. The sauce will reduce and deepen in color. Cover it immediately so that the heat remaining in the rice can steam up the vegetables a little. what the hell have i just read? 3. medium tomatoes. I love this. Recipe link ---, How To Cook Party Jollof Rice Without Tomato Paste. If you like, add sliced onions, fresh tomatoes and the 2nd teaspoon of butter and stir through. I ignored all these serving suggestions and served this side dish with some delicious. Jollof rice is a beloved West African dish with many regional variations. So, I just assume that this slightly letting the rice burn is just the way it is supposed to be when cooking this Nigerian dish. All ingredients are regular staple items in every household, which makes it easy for most. Feel free to add a variety of vegetables and spices to make vibrant yet flavorful rice! I've made jollof rice before, but after watching the video in conjunction with the recipe to get a better idea of how to make the stew, it was perfect. He made the heaven and the earth, formed us out of His own image (Gen. 1:27). As much as we have prominent jollof wars between Nigerians and Ghanaians, all centered around who makes the best jollof rice, it actually originates somewhere else. The steaming enables the rice to absorb nutrients and changes the starch so that it cooks into a firmer, less sticky dish of rice than regular white rice. However, if you cant find it, dont be tempted to dig through it since over-stirring will cause the rice to break. 3 red bell peppers2. Then the hull is removed to make parboiled rice. ***. a stiffer grain that does not stick together when cooked. Then pour out and wash thoroughly with clean water, then set aside in a bowl or plastic sieve. Add in the chicken broth and deglaze the bottom of the Dutch oven with it, bringing it to a low simmer to get all of the stuck on browned bits off the bottom. Haitian pink rice is an extremely budget friendly meal that is done with tomato paste, garlic, and onions. Thank you.Description5 Cups of rice 3 Tomatoes, 2 Onions, 4 Red Bell PepperDifferent Spices as seen in the videoIt's high time we need to start cooking our meal without the use of chemical product so as to live healthy. This should take about 2 minutes. My apologies Dano. It is often cooked in large quantities, over a wood fire and is described as having a smoky flavour, which comes from the charring at the bottom of the huge three-legged vats that caterers use. One thing for sure is that we can't live life on our own. I used no peppers at first because my roommate cannot tolerate spice, but I put peppers in after the rice was cooked and I took out her potion and closed the lid down as I was making the rice smoky and it was the perfect addition. Taste the rice. But Im going to give you a recipe that comes close to the wonderful taste of party Jollof without any firewood. Let me know your opinion. Add the tomato paste to the onion and saut for about 5 minutes. Prep the ingredients; remove the chorizo from the casing and slice into about 1 pound coin rounds. Start by preparing the tomato and pepper sauce by blending all of the ingredients in the blender until smooth in texture. As for the palm oil, no Nigerian uses it in our recipe, maybe an attempt at some other kind of recipes but not Nigerian Jollof, its a fat no. I dont think the restaurant used curry powder. Simmer covered until the rice is cooked. I love the addition of the scotch bonnet and curry powder. Blend until you have a smooth, spicy paste. I will share more feedback once we eat it! Again, thanks for stopping by and please don't forget to SUBSCRIBE if you haven't done so and follow me on my social media handles as seen below. First, make the tomato-based sauce by blending together the red bell peppers (pimento), tomatoes, onion, and scotch bonnet. Its party style! Finally add bay leaves and 1/2 a thinly sliced onion (optional), stir and leave to cook on a low heat until done. ErrmmmI'm Ghanaian and apart from the ingredients being spot on, the final result isn't. (I love jollof rice with goat meat or beef.). We use Vegetable oil. I love the flavor it adds and using the song allowed me to taste test immediately instead of waiting for the cubes to dissolve, Sounds good, I am glad it worked for you. Add in the rest of the ingredients, the cooked steak and water; and bring to a boil. I made this recipe for a Nigerian birthday party and it was a hit!!! Reduce the heat to low and simmer gently for 20 minutes. Jollof rice is a staple in West African cuisine. At Sims Home Kitchen youll find tried and tested healthy recipes, world food, dinners, cakes and more! Add in the minced garlic and fry until browned and fragrant. This recipe for Ghanaian jollof rice brings you a brightly colored red/orange rice dish, with a wonderful spice and rich, spicy, and saucy meat. To enhance the colour of the dish, tomato paste (pure) is added. Curry Powder- adds a spicy touch to this recipe. Your email address will not be published. is a participant in Amazon Services LLC Associated Program, an Affiliate Advertising Program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to. Thanks for sharing! 1. :) And yes, smoked paprika is easier to use than wood, but on the other hand, wood is more genuine, I suppose, and actually an interesting thing to try. I have so much now, and it's all hard. @media only screen and (max-width: 940px){ .ez-toc-sticky #ez-toc-sticky-container .menu-toggle,#ez-toc-container .menu-toggle, #ez-toc-widget-container .menu-toggle{display:none} .ez-toc-sticky #ez-toc-sticky-container nav,#ez-toc-container nav, #ez-toc-widget-container nav {display:block} } To the cooked sauce, add salt, thyme, knorr cubes, curry powder (optional), tomato paste (pure), and chicken stock. Amazing colour and depth of flavour. With the right recipe, Jollof rice can be made quite easily. Though quite a lot of rice types can be used to make Jollof rice. I DISCOVERED JOLLOF RICE AND THOUGHT IT COULD UPLIFT MY STATE. My name is Lola, Im a wife, a mom, and a classically trained home cook. In my own opinion, I think it has to do with the cooking abilities of an individual and not a country. 8. JOLLOF RICE HAS DESTROYED EVERYTHING, MY LIFE, MY LOVE LIFE AND MY MENTAL STATE. With a bit of practice, youll get a feel for the exact right amount of water and rice to combine for the dish. . Jollof rice originates from West Africa, where its a prominent staple food. Cover pot with aluminum foil, to avoid heat from escaping through lid, Once cooked, mix thoroughly to combine ingredients. Step 3. I know someone else asked about the tomato puree. It is better to use 1:0.5 for rice to water ratio since the stew will also help soften the rice. (This is a preference particular to Ghanaians, who will often eat jollof rice with additional stew on the side.). Do this for about 10 mins, or until the paste fully fries in the oil. However, to get rid of that tart taste, fry the tomato paste for a few minutes in hot oil before adding the rest ingredients. owever, the direct connection has been heavily contested even though the dishes look similar in appearance. Not far away in neighboring Gambia, benachin is the thieboudienne equivalent. The classic version is cooked with long-grain rice (Uncle Ben's/Carolina's) and seasoned with Nigerian-style curry powder and dried thyme. Heat the cooking oil in a large pan over medium heat, then add the diced onions and let them cook for about 3 minutes or until they are soft. How to Make Jollof Rice Serves 4 to 6 2 cups jasmine rice 4 tablespoons peanut or vegetable oil 1 cup chopped yellow onion 1 cup chopped green bell pepper 2 tablespoons tomato paste 1 cup. Do you have a recipe for it? Nigerian Jollof Rice a spicy and vibrant one-pot tomato rice, which will become a family favorite, this is probably the best-known Nigerian food recipe. Leave the tomato paste as is and slightly adjust the spices- When you add the rice in Step 4, trust the process - leave it to steam without fretting. I had the recipe on the left side of my screen and your video on the right One thing that kept messing me up is that your video on this recipe does not match the recipe. Were always looking for new rice recipes and this was was a great add to our menu. It also burns when there is not enough water. In a large pot and over medium heat, heat the cooking oil and add the chopped onions. Thank you so much for this recipe! Oh my goodness, this jollof rice recipe was so flavorful. I'm so sick and tired of people hating on this community over and over again. It's made from rice, tomatoes, onions, peppers, and other seasonings. WikiZero zgr Ansiklopedi - Wikipedia Okumann En Kolay Yolu Thanks for reading this recipe,comment below if you made this and let me know how it went! I'm shooting out 5-Stars to Ozoz. Step 2. Take off the heat and your rice is smoky and ready to eat! This morning when i woke up i discovered jollof rice, its the best thing thats ever laced my mouth. yes, you can use any oil you like. Step 2. Come Along! She would make it with dried salted fish, which had a fermented flavour. This is a staple at my house. Mix and fry for about 30 minutes, continuously stirring to avoid burning. I made this recipe for thanksgiving 2021. Saut the onions for about 3 to 5 minutes, or until translucent. Please let me know how well it turns out for you. I tried it and my family said it was amazing! Rinse your rice and start some water boiling (for soaking the rice in step 7). Thanks. I love a good versatile recipe like this! Im so glad that you enjoyed it . Also use broad wooden spatulas to prevent the rice from breaking. The rice cooks in a rich and spicy tomato-based sauce, giving it a bright color. I dont know where I can get canola oil. Stir and simmer covered for about 3 minutes. Oyinbo People Queue To Buy Nigerian Jollof Rice From "Mama Put" In London. padding-left: 10px !important; max-height: 40px; .site-inner { document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. 26Disclaimer: Every Nairaland member is solely responsible for anything that he/she posts or uploads on Nairaland. Explore recipes inspired by global flavors: Shes revisited it to make a few key changes that are slightly different from what youll see in the video.In the original recipe, the method instructs you to first parboil the rice in stock, but it can sometimes lead to overcooked rice. margin:0 2% 10px 0; It honestly gets on my nerves, and I'm pretty sure it's getting on everyone else's too. How to make jollof rice Season and cook the steak. I could not find any Scotch bonnet around here and I know that kind of chili to be unbearably spicy anyway, probably too much for the children. I love food and I'm interested in making space for little-heard voices, as well as celebrating Nigerian cuisine in its entirety. This step may have come out of food and nutrition or catering lessons, as the result is a beautifully bright garnish, however, it is a very common step in Ghana. Allow the onions to fry until the redness starts to slightly fade off. var _mmunch = {'front': false, 'page': false, 'post': false, 'category': false, 'author': false, 'search': false, 'attachment': false, 'tag': false};_mmunch['post'] = true; _mmunch['postData'] = {"ID":21445,"post_name":"nigerian-jollof-rice-recipe","post_title":"Nigerian Jollof Rice Recipe","post_type":"post","post_author":"1","post_status":"publish"}; _mmunch['postCategories'] = [{"term_id":14,"name":"African","slug":"african","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":14,"taxonomy":"category","description":"African recipes","parent":1541,"count":29,"filter":"raw","meta":[],"cat_ID":14,"category_count":29,"category_description":"African recipes","cat_name":"African","category_nicename":"african","category_parent":1541},{"term_id":8,"name":"Mains","slug":"mains","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":8,"taxonomy":"category","description":"","parent":0,"count":123,"filter":"raw","meta":[],"cat_ID":8,"category_count":123,"category_description":"","cat_name":"Mains","category_nicename":"mains","category_parent":0},{"term_id":9,"name":"Recipes","slug":"recipes","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":9,"taxonomy":"category","description":"","parent":0,"count":292,"filter":"raw","meta":[],"cat_ID":9,"category_count":292,"category_description":"","cat_name":"Recipes","category_nicename":"recipes","category_parent":0},{"term_id":2,"name":"Recipes","slug":"recipe","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":2,"taxonomy":"category","description":"","parent":0,"count":287,"filter":"raw","meta":[],"cat_ID":2,"category_count":287,"category_description":"","cat_name":"Recipes","category_nicename":"recipe","category_parent":0},{"term_id":1,"name":"Uncategorized","slug":"uncategorized","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":1,"taxonomy":"category","description":"","parent":0,"count":4,"filter":"raw","meta":[],"cat_ID":1,"category_count":4,"category_description":"","cat_name":"Uncategorized","category_nicename":"uncategorized","category_parent":0},{"term_id":13,"name":"Vegetarian","slug":"vegetarian","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":13,"taxonomy":"category","description":"","parent":0,"count":108,"filter":"raw","meta":[],"cat_ID":13,"category_count":108,"category_description":"","cat_name":"Vegetarian","category_nicename":"vegetarian","category_parent":0},{"term_id":1541,"name":"World Food","slug":"world-food","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":1541,"taxonomy":"category","description":"","parent":0,"count":76,"filter":"raw","meta":[],"cat_ID":1541,"category_count":76,"category_description":"","cat_name":"World Food","category_nicename":"world-food","category_parent":0}]; _mmunch['postTags'] = [{"term_id":1597,"name":"African","slug":"african","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":1597,"taxonomy":"post_tag","description":"","parent":0,"count":5,"filter":"raw","meta":[]},{"term_id":127,"name":"nigerian","slug":"nigerian","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":127,"taxonomy":"post_tag","description":"","parent":0,"count":17,"filter":"raw","meta":[]},{"term_id":636,"name":"nigerian food","slug":"nigerian-food","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":636,"taxonomy":"post_tag","description":"","parent":0,"count":8,"filter":"raw","meta":[]},{"term_id":151,"name":"rice","slug":"rice","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":151,"taxonomy":"post_tag","description":"","parent":0,"count":8,"filter":"raw","meta":[]},{"term_id":164,"name":"spicy","slug":"spicy","term_group":0,"term_taxonomy_id":164,"taxonomy":"post_tag","description":"","parent":0,"count":8,"filter":"raw","meta":[]}]; _mmunch['postAuthor'] = {"name":"Jen Sim","ID":1}; Both good, mind you, I could not say which one I like best. We don't wash the rice with hot water or soak it. Stay connected and follow me for more recipes onFacebook,Pinterest, andInstagramfor all of my latest recipes! Reduce the heat to low and cover the pot with aluminum foil and then the lid. Thanks. I love pairing mine with some fried Plantains, coleslaw, and baked chicken! particular to many Ghanaians, is meat mixed into the rice. Cook the onions until they are soft and translucent. Season the chicken with the curry powder and 1 tsp of salt. In French-speaking areas, it is called riz au gras.. Required fields are marked *. You will add it to the finished dish, thus enhancing its flavor and bright color. Starting all the way over and I will only use 2 cups of rice. Jollof can come with or without meat. Can you let us know if you feel that the new ones are a better representation of jollof? I also have a beef jollof rice recipe that I prepared using basmati rice. Step 3. I was going through a very dark and depressive time before I came across jollof rice. Not far from jambalaya in Americas south, Gullah red rice is almost identical to jollof, with the addition of smoked sausage. .woocommerce-product-gallery{ opacity: 1 !important; } So expect to see more recipes in the future (fingers crossed). However, Jollof rice is usually served on special occasions, such as christenings, birthdays, Christmas, and weddings. @media only screen and (max-width: 359px) { /*Mediavine Mobile Fix*/ Cook the sauce for about 15 to 20 minutes. Once the oil separates I let it cool down before blending it and mixing it with my rice. I mean, come on, what are we (Africans) supposed to eat? It is also the most served food at Nigerian parties!In this video, I. (Keep in mind Im only 14) Thanks for the recipe . We appreciate your support if you make purchases through our links. To defrost, thaw the rice on the counter and reheat it in the microwave before serving. Instructions to make Fish jollof rice. It's no news that celebrities' opinions during the general elections carry a lot of influence; hence, many politicians invest in celebrities' stomach infrastructure to get their endorsement. If you're served/eat jollof rice with stew, you can't be trusted lol. This native rice is distinct because the recipe contains vegetables, crayfish, stock fish, dry fish and sometimes locust beans. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I used Maggi sauce instead of cubes. Stir to combine. Nigerian Jollof Rice is a popular easy-to-cook dish well-loved in West Africa. Prep Time 5 minutes Cook Time 1 hour Total Time 1 hour 5 minutes Ingredients For the meat 750 to 800g (1 1/3 lbs) lamb (or beef) an onion 1 scotch bonnet pepper (habanero is a good substitute)* Im sure youll love it. It's such a bad idea cooking jollof rice with lots of tomato paste. You can now even find jollof mix spice blends in some stores depending on your location. Add in the diced tomatoes, tomato paste and curry. This will be on repeat! (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), Hi Mari, I am so happy to hear that you enjoyed it! I find that the choice of meat will determine the direction of spices used. Washing the pot will be interesting afterwards, but nothing a good soaking cant fix. Strain the soaked rice and add it to the pot. .dpsp-share-text.dpsp-hide-on-mobile, After you have made the sauce, cook it for a few minutes to thicken it slightly. Jollof Rice is a rich and incredibly tasty west African one-pot Meal. I cant wait to make this recipe for the family! Those are my go-to sides as well . The rice is very hard and uncooked, even though I added plenty of hot water throughout the cooking process when I saw there was not enough liquid to cook the rice. So fingers crossed. However, due to variations in recipes, you can find different flavors in different countries. adding tomato paste or puree to enrich the sauce. PARTY JOLLOF RICE RECIPE | COOK & PREP TIME: ~ 1 hour 15min Ingredients: 4 Tablespoons of Canola oil or any oil of your choice 1 Tbsp butter 4 Fresh tomatoes or one 14.5oz can of diced (no salt) Hunts tomato (I seriously suggest using this brand If you decide to buy canned) 1 6oz can Tomato paste 4 Red onions 2 Red bell peppers, Jollof Rice (, Niter Kibbeh Ethiopian Spiced Clarified Butter, Mouth-watering Buffalo Chicken Dip Recipe, Easy And Delicious Chicken Cacciatore Recipe.