Use the proper grip and stance She's taught multiple college-level psychology courses and been published in several academic journals. - Hoseline tees. Holes in hose. Outerwear Attacking the fire at the burning edge before it arrives. Don't move around until you get the go-ahead. When an individual understands what their own beliefs, identities, and biases are, the projection of those ideas onto others becomes clearer and, therefore, poised for repair. Shut off nozzles while traveling between hot spots Be alert. Burning rag wrapped around a stick Page 6 Sociological globalization. - Definition, Examples & Laws, Franz Boas: Biography, Theory & Contributions, What is Economic Botany? All rights reserved. Barriers to communication Being an objective listener is a must on the fireline. You want to accord people the same respect you expect from them, but how you interact with them will depend a lot on their expectations about what particular interactions should look like. C. A safety zone is a place where a fire shelter is needed. One thing that gets in the way of listening is that you may not give people an opportunity to create an expectation failure. For safety while using hand tools: Keep your eyes on what is being cut Cultural humility can take place whenever an individual interacts with another from a different culture than their own. Use foam or other wetting agents whenever possible If you know that you are going to a specific region of the world, then it is worth doing your research about that area ahead of time. Deploying fire shelters in windy conditions can be tricky. The interactions can be professional or personal. Natural areas Dull cutting edge Identify THREE procedures to follow when receiving and transmitting a radio message. Drag answers or use ALT + the arrow keys to re-order answer choices in the right order. Transfer the tool handle first when passing the tool to others. Give clear instructions and be sure they are understood. Protective outerwear 2. 2008-02-06T11:17:02-07:00 (46 cm) from any coupling and crimp down on the hose. 7. They have a Bachelor of Arts degree in Teaching Spanish and Communication from Transylvania University. 1. Identify FOUR guidelines you should follow when performing a systematic mop-up. You might also send summaries around occasionally to ensure that everyone agrees with your interpretation of where a project stands. Clearly identify escape routes and safety zones before starting operations A well-informed Lisa feels confident and culturally competent before beginning her new job. THINK Clearly ACT Decisively. - Post lookouts There are six main detection clues to look for at a HazMat incident. Assure them that you will not be offended if they point out another way to handle a discussion. If you've gone through this course in order, then you have already had a good look at the 18 "Watch-out!" Tilt torch downward to dispense fuel at each desired ignition point, HMSY - 1340 Homeland Security Intelligence Op, Command & Control - ICS, Strategy and Tactics, Pre - Calculus Part 2: Lesson 5 and Lesson 6. You are pretty much guaranteed to make some mistakes when working with people from a new culture. The purpose of cultural humility is to improve interpersonal outcomes and eliminate disparities across the board. Few of them are listed below: 1. 3. - Wet mop-up Place each wildland/urban interface "Watch-out!" Cultural humility encourages a respectful attitude toward individuals of other cultures. 4. She is a Palestinian Muslim who is originally from Syria but is considering converting to Baptist Christian. In a global organization, you may have colleagues that come from a different country. Create your account, 8 chapters | Identify the TRUE statement about safety zones. Hostile ambient temperature conditions What is the minimum required PPE that a wildland firefighter should have? Added 27 days ago|1/19/2023 6:05:04 AM. - Scratch line - Downed power lines Communication is an important form of behavior. Splintered wooden handle Choose She asks Lee-Lei's parents questions about their views and beliefs. The most frequent include: assessment tools (climate surveys, statistics monitoring,. Post a lookout. Similarly, if you expect that a proposal will be met with excitement, and the reaction is more tepid, thats something you need to follow up on. Place the steps for lighting and using a fusee in the correct order. Wind is one of the most important weather-related elements affecting wildland fire behavior. Place the following fire behavior terms in order to match with the corresponding description. Give priority to all emergency radio traffic Place each risk management step in order to match with a typical task belonging to each step. You must place the clamp at LEAST how far away from any coupling? Try refreshing the page, or contact customer support. Cultural humility suggests remaining humble and aware of one's deficient knowledge of other cultures. Identify a TRUE statement about safety zones. That is, you may not allow opportunities for people to take actions that are different from the ones you predict, which might give you a sense that their interpretation of a situation is different from yours. you can get it out quickly even while running. For example, Maya, a teenage girl from Israel, is not Jewish nor does she eat kosher. Safety zones and escape routes not identi ed. - Estimated time the will hit - Incident Response Pocket Guide (IRPG) - Definition & Examples, Collective Representation: Definition & Examples, Cultural Accommodation: Definition, Theory & Examples, Cultural Encapsulation: Definition & Example, Cultural Essentialism: Definition & Examples, Cultural Lag: Definition, Theory & Examples, Historical Particularism: Definition & Examples, Cultural Perception: Definition & Examples, Culture of Poverty: Definition, Theory & Criticism, Segmented Assimilation Theory: Definition & Examples, Differential Opportunity Theory: Definition & Examples, Disconfirmation Bias: Definition, Theory & Example, Mechanical Solidarity: Definition & Examples, Organic Solidarity: Definition & Examples, Intractable Conflict: Definition & Causes, Intractable Conflict: Characteristics & Examples, What is Straight Edge? Stir and mix hot embers with dirt Hearing protection; & 7. 2. Financial globalization. Some cultures regard time as an important factor everywhere but some other cultures view time in a more relaxed way. What's even more desirable? Evaluate. And because you come from a culture where asking questions is appropriate, you may misinterpret their silence. In almost any business these days, you are guaranteed to interact with people whose cultural background is quite different from your own. Having established that you are open to learning, follow up by being explicit about the goals of a particular interaction. - Establish escape routes throughout the day. Mopping-up helps ensure the fire won't flare up and jump control lines. Keep the fusee on the burn side of the fireline Wearing all personal protective equipment (PPE) Interior rooms are involved, windows are broken in windy conditions, and other structures are threatened or involved. I would definitely recommend to my colleagues. It just so happens that the patient is actually Jewish and feels offended by Lisa's assumption. Stay seated until the crew directs you to unload. Insert your boots inside the straps at the bottom of the shelter to secure it Identify the set of terms that BEST completes the sentence below. It's nice to hear from you. Names, numbering, or stenciling Joe R Varela Allow the wind to fill the shelter with air Cultural humility is shown by being genuinely curious to new ideas which inevitably means challenging what is already believed as true. 9. - Backfiring Foil is missing in lengths of 1/2 in. 3. Determine if the residents are home 1. Cultural Agility Overview & Importance | What is Cultural Agility? Allowing personality differences to hinder effective listening and message relaying skills Page 8 Cultural or gender differences or even differences in vocabulary can also create communication barriers. Economic globalization also affects cultural globalization through the import of goods and services that expose people to other cultures. - Fires move especially fast uphill in chimneys, drainages, and on steep slopes. Is easier and safer to use than a tool with a dull blade Hard hat (helmet) 5. Rapid attack on the hot-burning points of a fire's edge The first, and perhaps most crucial, elements of culture we will discuss are its values and beliefs. B. The major elements of culture are symbols, language, norms, values, and artifacts. 3. 2. Hold the microphone 2 to 4 in. 2. Shorten discharge times when using Class A foam. Tilt torch to spread small amount of fuel on ground litter or paper at ignition point No communication link with crew members/supervisor. Helitack crews Jennifer has a Ph.D. in Psychology. Place each assessment criteria in order to match with a PRIMARY factor it attempts to determine. 1. Identify and mark escape routes well before they are needed Dozer and tractor plow crews. Constructing reline without safe anchor point. - Anchor points Maintain control of your forces at all times. - Hose clamps One farmer could not understand why his workers did not attend a specially prepared end-of-season meal. This information was valuable when having conversations with people so I didnt assume people were disagreeing with me when in fact they were agreeing. 4. Cultural humility is a lifelong practice of self-reflection about one's own cultural identities. Below are examples of cultural humility in both professional and personal conversations. - Situate the tool on the downhill side of your body. wind speed and direction can change rapidly. - Cover with mineral soil Lessens the chance of losing items Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you Any hazard you encounter while traveling on foot becomes even more dangerous if you can't see it. Post lookouts when there is possible danger. Cultural humility is a humble and respectful attitude toward individuals of other cultures that pushes one to challenge their own cultural biases, realize they cannot possibly know everything about other cultures, and approach learning about other cultures as a lifelong goal and process. Sharpen using a hand file. 2. Compare the designs of Oscar de la Renta and Calvin Klein. Identify FOUR items you could use in the field to burn out with. - Most incidents happen on relatively small fires or on isolated sections of large fires. Three facets affected by cultural differences are: Ensure objectives and instructions are understood. Placards and labels Identify the THREE main hazards of hazardous materials. Across three countries (Brazil, India, and the United Kingdom), the present research tested in student samples whether between-nation differences reside more in the behaviors used to concretely instantiate (i.e., exemplify or understand . Pull the rest of the shelter down over yourself - Press your face to the ground to breathe - Logistics Technological globalization. Generally, you'll get prompt action when you use your radio properly. What are your thoughts about this? Though cultures are powerful, they are often unconscious, influencing . Place combustible furniture inside the structure A safety zone is a place where a fire shelter is not needed. Water is often like gold on the fireline. Get the next length to the appropriate location. Identify at least two escape routes Identify FOUR ways to keep your portable radio in good working order. Keep the tool at your side and close to your body, not on your shoulder Dry and plentiful fuels 5. Potential Hazards and Human Factors on the fire line, Do you have the risk management process down? Working inward from the control line When initiating a call, first transmit the station name or unit number of the person you are calling, then your own name or number Cultural humility requires a self-critiquing practice that encourages an open mind and introspection instead of habitually projecting preconceived notions. Place the ICS positions listed below in order (A, B, C, D) to match to the appropriate locations on the organization chart. Uninformed on strategy, tactics and hazards. Remove and scatter all fuels away from the structure Human Behavior and Egress in Fires Think before pushing the talk button Can push flame angle closer to fuels. 1. Use water sparingly, especially when it is in short supply In this article, Tervalon and Murray-Garcia identified three facets to cultural humility. One side is a cutting edge similar to an axe blade for chopping stumps and logs. Practitioners can begin by looking at their clients as experts on their own life experience, history, and interests. Understand that your first priority is your safetyyour second priority is saving property and natural resources 1. All of these guidelines should only be as far away as the IRPG you carry in your pocket. 2. Identify nine parts of a fire. Ecological globalization. There are many small- and large-scale implications of practicing cultural humility. An error occurred trying to load this video. Aware that many of her new patients will be of Mexican descent, Lisa spends several months reading literature on the Mexican culture to better acquaint herself with this new population. The portion of a control line where flammable material has been removed by scraping or digging down to mineral soil is known as the____. Select the terms best completing the following sentence. Walk and work 10 feet (3 m) apart from other firefighters. Unfamiliar with weather and local factors in uencing re behavior. Perimeter The concept of cultural humility was developed by medical doctors Melanie Tervalon and Jann Murray-Garcia in a 1998 academic article published in the Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved. Self-critique is an essential facet of cultural humility because it intends to deconstruct prejudiced attitudes, conscious and subconscious. Three main differences were centralization of power, the status of Buddhism/Confucianism, and the nature of the tributary state. Detect These tools are dual-purpose tools with two different types of bits on the head: 3. Prepares you for moving on short notice Requires mobility and flexibility in the fire fighting effort. uuid:25581950-b09b-488a-b194-4edf9b504b51 When to escape to safety zone. 5. Because fire at the heel usually burns into any prevailing wind, it generally: Burns with low intensity Has a low rate of spread (ROS) Is generally easier to control than the head Flanks The flanks are the sides of a wildland fire . destin events june 2021. sims 4 apartment mailbox cc; michael mcgrath obituary; charter schools chandler; redeemer city to city seattle; chuck bryant wife; . Your number one priority during patrol is to: Patrol the control line to check for spotting across it. A. Look for spot fires outside the constructed line. You wouldn't wait until you're on the fireline to don your PPE, would you? Identify TWO benefits of sharp blades on hand tools. Le,4:nT7o/4Sc{!=|\B,S_>37X~Z9?umnMU^X;x{3z_Qe.Ba_J%fY'S.C7]D]ESP|'+.'W>zp-/;F;5*jOW&"GsjzEq%YFvnj{Ho~lxu* cGVm<0L*|)1{WhvPogyS>V|ccTb#l/efeJLW4x$HFs+IDg.!rf$E* cQJJW[7XfnJSQY&s$[pi}N$y"(yy)pbl#S`MhO'V!|;:u'$/\}u5>%|R[Mv Instead, you need to identify and acknowledge the differences. Identify THREE warning signs of a hopeless situation. - Holes. effy jewelry necklace; best places to raise a family 2022 Select FOUR ways to remove heat energy from a fire. Reinforce the line, when necessary Close all windows and doors (including the garage door), and leave the doors unlockedin case you have to use the structure as a refuge Page 4 Rear The rear or heel of a wildland fire is the end opposite the headthat is, relatively closer to the point of origin than to the head. Place each component of a progressive hose lay in order to match to the appropriate use. Do not lock apparatus doors - Loose soils. Perhaps Lee-Lei's anxiety has nothing to do with this stereotype of Asian culture. 5. Whether backfiring or burning out, supervisors need to: And thank you for referring those therapists to me. For safety while carrying hand tools: Drip torches have many hazards, including flaming fuel, personal burns, improper fuel mix, flash back or explosion, and injuries from improper carrying and handling. This is why its helpful to know what specific cultural differences are. For example, rather than ending an interaction with Do you have any questions? you can say, Many people new to projects like this one have a number of questions, what are some of the issues you want to know about? Now, you are explicitly giving permission to ask a question and making it clear that asking questions is the norm you expect. Escape routes - low-band Fifth row: a blank box coming off of the blank box on Row 4 labeled D. - Operations Section Chief Political policies also affect cultural globalization, enabling people to communicate and move around the globe more freely. The major elements of culture are symbols, language, norms, values, and artifacts. - Logs too big to move Identify THREE examples of safety zones. Learn about cultural humility. 2. People living in different cultures have different habits, values, and ways of expression. Clean the roof of combustible materials Shipping papers Separate tube from fuel tank; inspect rubber gasket and fuel level As medical doctors, the authors identified the need for an extension to cultural competence in healthcare and research. If more than one station calls simultaneously, following the proper procedure for call initiation will identify who needs to answer For example, in some cultures a . Barriers to communication include: Fire shelter You should wear, (blank), over other clothing or directly over cotton undergarments. In an example of self-critique, physicians in a training program to develop cultural humility may collect and reflect on their daily experiences with patients from different cultures, noting where they apply assumption and bias. 7. Identify a way to improve radio transmission when you are not transmitting through a repeater and poor location is the culprit. 4. You read that cultural humility requires people to be critical of their own assumptions of normalcy. Identify THREE techniques illustrating proper hand tool use. Gallup's research finds that there are three requirements that must be present in each of the strategies. It's very rude in Chile to eat anything with your hands, even when eating French fries, always have a knife and fork at the ready. Microsoft Word - 071227_s130_m1_508_ev_ls_ev_jvFINAL.doc Roughly parallel to the main direction of fire spread At the scene of a roadside fire, you find you must park on the roadway. ADVERTISEMENTS: 6. Identify TWO applications a Pulaski is well suited for. Self-Critique Is a Lifelong Process First, self-critique is a lifelong process. Second row: four boxes, one blank labeled A, the others labeled "Planning Section Chief", "Logistics Section Chief", "Finance Section Chief". 6. Identify escape routes and safety zones, and make them known. Hand signals - Carry all tools horizontally, below the waist and close to your side. Trench built on steep terrain to stop rolling debris, - Hotspotting Ensure that all compartment doors are closed This is a conversation between Robert and Laura a month later where Robert checks in with Laura about the therapist referrals. Because: 1. Place a ladder on the side of the house that is least threatened and away from power lines Walk upright as you approach. Fight fire aggressively, having provided for safety first. 3. 5. If so, imagine a household with three generations living together consisting of a grandmother and grandfather, a mother and father, and children. Identify FOUR travel barriers that could affect escape time to a safety zone. 3. Spray, stir, and spray again as necessary. Maintain prompt communications with your forces, your boss and adjoining forces. The definition of cultural humility is a lifelong practice of self-reflection about one's own cultural identities. Identify the most dangerous hazardous material detection clue to rely on. They also describe the relationship between these values and behavior, with the help of a structure based on . Walk and work 10 feet (3 m) apart from other firefighters page 2 Identify THREE conditions that can make hoses or accessories unusable. Identify THREE facets affected by cultural differences. Mop up the entire area on small fires if practical Know your equipment placement guidelines All of the following are good places to deploy a fire shelter, EXCEPT The following points can highlight more about such differences: 1. Drain water from hose as you roll. E_4N, Microsoft Word - 071227_s130_m1_508_ev_ls_ev_jvFINAL.doc. Follow these safety tips: Lighting a fusee To light a fusee: - Expose hot materials to night air That acknowledgment can take the forms of recognition of contributions to the cultural life of the political community as a whole, a demand for special protection under the law for certain cultural . It's most effective to use a flail in conjunction with a backpack pump or fire rake. Small group discussions, journaling, and videotaping with feedback are self-critiquing practices that facilitate growth in cultural humility. Then, she remembers the value of cultural humility. Replace immediately. - When you are onboard the bird, keep the safety harness fastened until the pilot directs you to unbuckle. endstream endobj 224 0 obj <>/Encoding<>>>>> endobj 191 0 obj <> endobj 192 0 obj <> endobj 193 0 obj <> endobj 194 0 obj <> endobj 195 0 obj <> endobj 196 0 obj <> endobj 197 0 obj <> endobj 151 0 obj <> endobj 154 0 obj <> endobj 157 0 obj <> endobj 160 0 obj <> endobj 164 0 obj <> endobj 167 0 obj <> endobj 170 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ExtGState<>>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1077 0 obj [1055 0 R 1065 0 R 1068 0 R 1071 0 R 1074 0 R 1076 0 R] endobj 1078 0 obj <>stream