Age is believed to confer wisdom so older people are granted respect. In general, Nigerians start with the general idea and slowly move into the specific, often using a somewhat circuitous route. Seafood, beef, poultry, and goat are the primary sources of protein. However, even with the countrys infrastructural challenges, there are still quality hotels, restaurants, and innovative transportation options, such as Uber and Taxify that are available. As in the rest of Africa, it is rude to rush the greeting process. Traditional instruments include various types of flutes, trumpets, musical bows, xylophones, and wooden clappers, as well as many varieties of drums. For women, the loose-fitting blouse goes down a little below the waist. Photo by Muhammadtaha Ibrahim Ma'aji on Unsplash. Nigeria scores 60 on this dimension and is thus a masculine society. Nigeria has three main environmental regions: savanna, tropical forests, and coastal wetlands. The Yoruba language is pleasing to the ear as it places a lot of emphasis on intonation. A high value on Performance Orientation means the culture would ideally highly encourage and reward improvement and excellence (GLOBE, 2004). From the naturalistic statues produced at Ife to the bronzes made for the king of Benin, Nigerian artists have crafted art that is world famous. 5 importance of culture in nigeria food . Nigerian contemporary music, which combines Western popular music with indigenous forms, has been exported throughout the world and has had wide influence (see also African popular music). The ladies wear their hair in traditional styles and complement their looks with a lot of jewellery, ornaments, and paintings. Because so many Nigerians live outside the country, funerals for non-Muslims are often delayed for a month or more to allow all the family members to make plans to return home. by Lindsay Maizland They have been able to preserve their cultural practices over time as a result of their strong native system of government. The Yorubas are fun-loving people and are known for their eye-catching, colourful and rhythmic dance steps. Get the hottest stories from the largest news site in Nigeria. Culturally, Nigeria is like a coat of many colours. Nigeria is the most populous African country, and also amongst the top 10 most populous countries in the world with approximately 195 million people. The Yoruba people live in the southwestern and north-central parts of Nigeria. 1. The country has over 50 languages and over 250 dialects and ethnic groups. If the information has changed, have new cards printed. [23], The Binis, also called the Edo people,[25] are people of the South South region of modern Nigeria; they are said to be around 3.8 million as of the 21st Century. The women tie wrappers called Abaya and wear blouses, head ties, shawls, and hijabs. It is common to gaze at the forehead or shoulders of someone they do not know well. They can also be found in large numbers in Cameroon and other African countries. These include Femi Osofisan,[68] whose first published novel, Kolera Kolej, was produced in 1975; Ben Okri, whose first work, The Famished Road, was published in 1991, and Buchi Emecheta, who wrote stories drawn from her personal experiences of gender inequity that promote viewing women through a single prism of the ability to marry and have children. As a developing country, Nigeria faces challenges regarding its infrastructure. You will gain an understanding of a number of key areas including: For those needing a more detailed and comprehensive overview of Nigeria we have published an expert Report on Nigerian Society, Culture & Business. Discover w. Every culture in Nigeria has unique diets, mode of dressing, mode of production, language, greetings, marriage, mode of socialization, political systems that could be annexed for development. [86] The men wear buba (long shirt), sokoto (baggy trousers), agbada (flowing robe with wide sleeves) and fila (a hat). Photo by Ayoola Salako on Unsplash. Always make time to share a tea with people you're doing business with. The pioneer of Afrobeat, Fela Kuti, became internationally famous in the 1970s and 1980s and has inspired generations of Western artists, such as Talking Heads and Beyonc. The Ijaws were originally known by this name (Oru); at least it was what their immediate neighbours assumed them to be. Retrieved from [52] The Yoruba people are believed to have migrated from the east to their present lands west of the lower Niger River more than a millennium ago. Kanuri, Fulani, Hausa, Tiv - are the most densely populated groups that live in the north. [citation needed] The first Igbo in the region may have moved onto the Awka-Orlu plateau between four and five thousand years ago. In Nigeria,majority of parents are stack illiterates .They neither attend religious schools nor western type of institutions. The women wear their hair in native styles such as Suku. This overview of Nigerian culture has, hopefully, provided you with the insight you need to ensure the successful expansion of your business, as a new entrant in the Nigerian market. Another major Nigerian city is Port Harcourt. Never write on your business card. According to Yoruba Mythology, this group of people believes that they are descendants of Oduduwa. This article presents a high-level introduction to Nigeria's cultural heritage. Grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, sisters, brothers and in-laws all work as a unit through life.Family relationships are guided by hierarchy and seniority. Nigerian playwright and musician Hubert Ogunde, founder of Nigerias first professional theatrical company (the Ogunde Concert Party), incorporated traditional instruments into his musical dramas of the 1940s in an effort to revive interest in indigenous culture. Wait for a woman to extend her hand first. The major native languages spoken in Nigeria represent three major families of African languages - the majority are Niger-Congo languages, such as Yoruba, Ibo, the Hausa language is Afro-Asiatic; and Kanuri, spoken in the northeast, primarily Borno State, is a member of the Nilo-Saharan family. Here are a few commonly used saying in Nigeria that are worth noting: Nigeria is a very diverse and dynamic country. Kingdoms and empires of precolonial Nigeria, Controversies surrounding the 2007 presidential election, Nigeria under Umaru Musa YarAdua and Goodluck Jonathan, The 2015 elections and electorate concerns, Recession, fight against corruption, and insecurity, Which Country Is Larger By Population? Close friends and family members often kiss and hug when meeting. As stated above, the three most influential ethnic group in Nigeria are Igbo, Yoruba and Hausa. Most people who are a part of this ethnic group are based in the southeastern part of Nigeria, they contribute to about 17 percent of the country's population. As mentioned above, Nigeria is the most populous African country, and also amongst the top 10 most populous countries in the world with approximately 195 million people. In masculine countries people "live in order to work", managers are expected to be decisive and assertive, the emphasis is on equity, competition and . The Hausa and Fulani ethnic groups are said to be one of the largest ethnic groupings in Nigeria, if not the largest, with a population of over 20 million people.The Hausa and Fulani live in the northern part of Nigeria. Be the first to get hottest news from our Editor-in-Chief, Check your email and confirm your subscription. Photo by Oladimeji Odunsi on Unsplash, Catching a ride for the morning commute into work in Lagos. Any attempt to bypass this protocol will hamper your business success. Nigeria is a hierarchical society. 1. This is known as the Nze na Ozo title system. The import market for this fabric is dominated by the Dutch company Vlisco,[83] which has been selling its Dutch wax print fabric to Nigerians since the late 1800s, when the fabric was sold along the company's oceanic trading route to Indonesia. Meat is also popular and Nigerian suyaa barbecue-like roasted meatis a well-known delicacy. Language is the most important way of mastering the national culture. Since then, Nigerian and African patterns, colour schemes, and motifs have been incorporated into Vlisco's designs to become a staple of the brand. Stay up to date on the latest insights we have to offer. Most weekdays. Some more examples of their traditional dishes are eba, pounded yam, iyan, fufu and soups like okra, ogbono and egusi. Therefore, old people are always granted respect. The Okays make up 10%, Kanuri 4%, Ibibio 3.5% and Tiv 2.5%. Japanese culture places great value on respect, honor, discipline and personal growth. Since the southern part of the country is closer to the coasts, the climate tends to be more humid and tropical, while the northern part of Nigeria tends to be more arid and dry. Although Lagos is located in the southwest region of Nigeria, Lagos is a port city with an International Airport and is considered to be Nigerias center of commerce. The climate also varies slightly depending on the region. Nigeria is a multi-ethnic and multi-cultural country of almost 200 million people. Food and eating food is a universal experience, an element of common ground in terms of . Nigerians are a group of people who are so different but still united as one in the quest to achieve a common purpose of nation-building. Native religions in which people believe in deities, spirits and ancestor worship, are spread throughout the country. Nigerian food is mostly made up of meals that are high in carbohydrates, such as cassavas, rice, maize, yams, and plenty of vegetables. They look for the rationale behind behaviour and attempt to understand the context. However, pidgin English and indigenous languages are also spoken throughout the country. Both concepts, each an aspect of a single whole, aspire to protect and preserve the purity, sanctity and sacredness of the land and the people therein. Each musician organized a large band with a horn section, a variety of drummers, and many guitar players. For instance, "How you dey" means "How are you". Academic and Higher Education Webinars, C.V. Starr & Co. Their religion, mode of dressing, food, marriage, and language are all unique. The Great Wall of Benin was a great structural and architectural piece that was way ahead of time and stood to protect the ancient Benin kingdom. The women wear Iro and Buba and tie a complimentary headgear. It also explores some of the challenges faced (legal and extralegal) in the protection of cultural heritage and discloses recent legal developments. Lagos, Nigerias former capital, is also the countrys most popular city and is located along the coast in the southwest region. Being the first to find a settlement in the Lower Niger and Niger Delta, it is possible that they may have started inhabiting this region as far back as 500 BC. Tribal marks used to be widely popular amongst Yorubas but that culture is fast washing out amongst modern Yoruba descendants. Photo by IITA (CC BY-NC 2.0). The oldest person in a group is revered and honoured. Ekiti Yoruba dancers wear head masks so heavy that they can do only processional dances. The kora and the kakaki are also important. The Oshogbo movement, founded in the early 1960s, includes the artists Muraina Oyelami, Twins Seven-Seven (Prince Taiwo Osuntoki), Bisi Fabunmi, Tijani Mayakiri, Rufus Ogundele, and Ademola Onibonokuta.