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Over the years, she raised livestock animals, small animals, dogs, cats, and birds, which is where she learned most of what she knows about various animals and what allowed her to work as a dog groomer and manager of a specialty pet store. North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission: white-tailed deer overview. Colorado doesnt count deer species separately. This total included 95,665 antlered bucks, 12,219 button bucks, and 83,847 does (44% females). Colorado Parks and Wildlife wants to hear from you about the current Colorado big game hunting season structure and possible changes for 2025-2029. Those areas where populations are rapidly increasing are typically urban/suburban areas where the utilization of hunting as a management tool has been greatly hindered. Deer are popular among hunters and wildlife watchers. White-tailed deer, also known as whitetails or Virginia deer, are a common game animal in the United States. Combined with habitat protection measures, this ban allowed deer to thrive. Depending on the time of year, they eat: The total population of all deer in the U.S. is around 25 to 35 million. Restrictive game laws also helped allow the population to grow. Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department: white-tailed deer hunting information. The states Department of Natural Resources and other groups want to attract more hunters to reduce deer populations. Deer where nearly extirpated from the state by the early 1900s, with only a few thousand left in remote pockets. Missouris white-tailed deer population sits at about 1.4 million. Columbia Black-tailed deer (Northern California and Pacific Northwest). They are adaptable to a wide range of climate conditions. Download the report for the 2021 season. The main noticeable difference between the mule deer and the white-tailed deer are ear size, tails, and antlers. The only Southern state in the top 10, Mississippi has an estimated 1.75 million white-tailed deer. As the largest of the lower 48 states, Texas has lots of room for deer. Title. As recently as 1968 the in-state population estimate was only 25,000, but through conservation and management by 1990 that number skyrocketed to 100,000. Making deer dependent on human feeding can make them more vulnerable to predators, diseases, and vehicle collisions. For both species females are smaller than the males. With laws enacted and amount of farmed land decreasing, deer began to rebound. Of the states roughly 500,000 deer, roughly 212,000 are white-tailed, and the rest are mule deer. Deer play vital roles in the natural and cultural environment of New York and are highly valued for their beauty and grace as well as the utilitarian benefits they provide. However, they have adapted well to many environments. When you click and buy we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. New Mexicos game & fish page states that while poor conditions in the early 2000s suppressed deer numbers, things have since improved and today populations are stable with most experiencing growth. In 2021, the state launched a new initiative to enhance populations of mule deer and white-tailed deer. According to a quote in the Michigan Bridge made by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, there may be as many as 2 million deer in the state today. Hawaii Division of Forestry and Wildlife: hunting rules and regulations. A useful trick if they are grazing and need to quickly flee from a predator. The most recent data I could find for white-tailed deer reported around 300,000 in 2016. The mule deer population has been in decline since 1980, decreasing from 300,000 to todays estimate of 170,000 190,000 in 2020. Kansas is home to two kinds of deer, white-tailed deer and mule deer. The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries says they are an abundant and sustainable game species in Louisiana and the species most targeted by Louisiana hunters.. 20+ Foods, Discover The Largest Whitetail Deer Ever Recorded, The 4 Best Deer Repellents: Reviewed and Ranked, How and Where Do Deer Sleep? 2021 WAFWA Deer & Elk Business Meeting: Jim Heffelfinger: 1:00-2:40 PM: Deer Session 3: Disease: This study from 2020 says that while imprecise, their best estimate is 333,000 346,000 black tailed deer live across Alaska. The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources estimated Utah's deer population at about 384,000 in 2015. Deer Population by State: How Many Deer are in the U.S.? In the current Maryland white-tailed deer management plan the most recent population estimate I saw was 207,000 tailed deer in 2018. Since losing its mountain lions and wolves, the state depends on hunting to keep the population under control. It has around 100,000 white-tail deer, 100,000 mule deer, 100,000 black-tail deer, and more than 5,000 Columbian white-tail deer. North Carolina's major efforts to restore our state's deer resource took place in the 1940s through the 1970s. For white-tailed deer, the last mention I could find was about 520,000 around 2015. The Oklahoman reports the estimated deer population today at around 750,000. Many towns are trying to figure out programs that will work for them to keep the deer population in check. According to one source, the introduction of the white-tailed deer did not negatively impact the mule deer, elk or moose in the state as they occupy different types of habitat. We couldnt find any hard numbers and its likely an estimate has not yet been made. When Europeans first came to America, they found deer a plentiful resource in most states. These categories represent coarse deer density levels as identified in the QDMA . While deer are not naturally found in Hawaii, an invasive species has taken over in the last 150 years, the Axis deer. Mule deer make up the largest portion of the population and 95% of the annual deer harvested. Like most deer, black-tail browse on what vegetation is available in each season. During the 2020 deer season it is estimated that a total of 107,212 bucks and 90,681 does were harvested for a statewide total of 197,893 deer ( Table 1 ). I live in the Pacific Northwest and am surrounded by nature. That is a quick comeback from the estimated 662 that were left in 1941. Michigan State University Extension . (Texas is big in everything, it seems even deer!) Pennsylvania had the highest estimated number of auto claims (156,176). The state Department of Environmental Conservation is concerned that this population may not be sustainable. Like many states, Oklahoma had nearly lost all its deer by the early 1900s. Colorados white-tailed deer mostly live in the eastern and central mountain areas. Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks: deer information and hunting guide. The Columbian white-tailed deer is an endangered species so is protected rather than hunted. . The majority of the North American population lives east of the Rocky Mountains. . Deer live in every county of the state. Wyoming is home to both mule deer and white-tailed deer. Deer hunting is a huge sport in the state, and the 2020-21 season saw a whopping 435,180 deer harvested, one of the largest in the country. Lets find out. By the late 1800s and early 1900s, deer populations had plummeted across the country and some states were in danger of loosing deer entirely. State Harvest Statistics 2022 - 2023 Deer Statistics for Alabama # of Deer reported: 195241 # of antlered reported: 102366 Public Land. Ready for more deer facts? While their historic range expanded further east, today you can find them in western Oregon, northern California, Washington, the Alaskan panhandle and areas of British Columbia. When alarmed, white-tailed deer will raise their tail straight up, flashing the white. For our population numbers, we relied on official numbers from each states Fish and Wildlife Department, Department of Natural Resources, or another appropriate source. Population expansion is expected at about 1-2% each year in the near future, how some areas of middle and west Tennessee may be trying to lower the deer numbers to a more manageable level. Read More Although we think of deer as a forest animal, they also thrive in Floridas swampy coastal regions. However Texas is also home to mule deer, who live in the Trans-Pecos and Panhandle regions. As conservation efforts increased, deer restocking programs helped bring in just over 4,000 deer from other states between 1928 and 1992. "With the information we gathered from the aerial counts and the harvest reports we can then adjust the hunting permit levels for that area," Palmer said. Thank you for reading! White-tailed deer are statewide but more populous in the east, while mule deer are found in the western two-thirds of the state. Nebraska Game & Parks: deer hunting in Nebraska. Overall outlook: New York's 2021 deer hunting forecast said biologists expect 2021-'22 to be another productive season for hunters. Damage to landscape overpopulation of deer in the suburbs makes them more and more apt to use your flower beds and gardens as a snack station. High 62F. This means they fork as they grow. Like many states, Ohio successfully reintroduced deer, and they are now thriving. The Mississippi State University Extension says only Texas has a larger deer population. The antlers are used during the breeding season to compete for breeding females. Wisconsin: 33 deer per square mile. Georgia Wildlife Resources Division: deer hunting information. The lowest estimate in the state came around 1931, when Virginia was down to just 25,000 deer after over 100 years of hunting and habitat loss. These deer live on a series of islands along the river. South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks: deer hunting information. The Largest Deer in the World Do you know which species of deer are the largest? On Saturday, February 18, 2023, staff from CPW were able to recapture and refit the collar on male wolf 2101 near North Park. Like other deer species they grow new antlers each spring and shed them during the winter. Mule deer are native to the state, and the white-tailed deer were introduced by Idaho Fish & Game in the 1950s to present more hunting opportunities. They mostly live along the watersheds of the states major rivers. Indiana: 28 deer per square mile. Arkansas Game & Fish Commission: deer hunting information. There are approximately 5.6 Million White-tailed deer in Texas. South Carolina Department of Natural Resources: deer hunting resources. In the 1920s, the population almost went extinct from hunting and deforestation. The total deer population in Kansas was listed in this article as being 700,000. Deer are one of the most populous and hunted big game animals in North America. This is due in part to lack of predators and changes in land use (less mature forest, more transition zones). The white-tailed deer is native to North America, Central America and parts of South America. I am a freelance writer with 22 years of experience. Marylands deer population includes 207,000 white-tail deer and about 10,000 Sika deer. . Population estimates for recent years put the white-tailed deer numbers around 850,000 1 million. Idaho Fish & Game: Deer Hunting information. Read more about New Yorks deer abundance on the DEC site here. Although they were once almost wiped out from many states, they have successfully repopulated most of their former territories.