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"Hey! There were people I know that got upset, that I kiss people; I kiss them for luck and love, that's all. Dawson: Name something you might buy that could turn out to be phony. "Some (of the) departing contestants/families will receive (insert prizes)." Try to find the most popular answer. (Gets buzzed, his sister said it)Contestant: Gynecologist. I'm gonna ask you the same 5 questions, you cannot duplicate the answers. Call me! Combs: Name something you put on before you go to bed. Family Feud is a classic television game show that premiered in 1976 and continues airing today. Thanks a lot." (Somebody's playing for $10,000/$20,000.)" ", 19881994:Daytime 19881992/Syndicated 19881992; 19931994: "Let's meet/Introducing the (insert family #1 (and their names)), ready for action! Combs: Describe the weather with a word or phrase that could also describe your wife. O'Hurley: Name an actor fromBaywatchwho is still hot today.Contestant:Brad Pitt. Harvey: Little late for that. Combs:[during Fast Money]A Christmas present you exchange. "Thank you, and welcome to Family Feud. - Ray Combs when a family member hit it right on the nose during the Bullseye Round. [BUZZ]. Karn: Name a sport husbands and wives can play together. - John O'Hurley, "First team/family to (reach) [[1]]points/dollars plays Fast Money for (insert amount)! Playing against the Roderick Family: Brande, Debbie, Walter, Jason and Betty, on your marks! Harvey: You calmy said. Over this year, we've lost a beloved member of Family Feud, Louie Anderson. (insert two winning family members). Harvey:you cando thatonFamily Feud? (And from (insert city and state),)Theyreplaying against/It's the (insert family #2)!" - said before the start of the second half of the Fast Money round, "(buzz-buzz) Try again!" Come here, give the animal right here. It's packed with side-splitting humor and charm. That's where two typical American families fight it out for family honor, and a little spending money for the relatives. We will miss you, Richard. Harvey:This is when you know we're goin' to Hell. Harvey: Well, welcome toFamily Feudeverybody. - Ray Combs after the first family member gets over 200 points on the first try, "Come out here and hug 'em!" ", Louie: "Welcome (to the Family Feud)! (Play at home!)" The Dubra family against the Spoerri family. ", "To steal the points/For the win/a new car/Sudden Death, (insert answer)! O'Hurley: SomeoneBugs Bunnymight invite to his birthday party.Contestant: Doc. HOO! (laughter from the studio audience)Let's get started, let's play the Feud." O'Hurley: 401 Contestant: 401(k) jelly. The small animal will be on the bed. God bless all the little children in the world. According to statistics, this game is the third most famous show in all-time excellent TV shows. [buzzer]. - Gene Wood (1981-1985), We will be back with more Family Feud with Richard Dawson in just a moment! - Gene Woods throwing back to Richard after plugs, "If your family would like to tryout for Family Feud, and you live in the Los Angeles area (or expect to be there), call area code [[2]]. - Family Feud host (going into a first commercial break since 2003; although Richard Karn does funny jokes about the answers after the last round from 2003-2006), "It's still anybody's game, so come on back." Call me! When we come back, we'll play Fast Money and a chance for $20,000." "- Ray Combs on the first episode of the Bullseye Round from The New Family Feud in 1992, "Welcome to the Family Feud. Sairon: It's time to play family feud! Karn: Something that you pass.Contestant: Your dog. Game Shows Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. < Family Feud Edit Contents 1 Opening Spiels 2 Quotes & Catchphrases 2.1 Fast Money 2.2 Final Episode 2.3 Steve Harvey Catchphrases 3 Contestant Plug 4 Ticket Plug 5 Funny Contestant Guesses 5.1 Richard Dawson 5.2 Ray Combs 5.3 Louie Anderson 5.4 Richard Karn 5.5 John O'Hurley 5.6 Steve Harvey 6 Commemorative Speeches 7 Taglines - Ray Combs (start of Fast Money), "Point/Dollar values are Doubled/Tripled. "You know, I've done this show for six years, and this could be the first time that I had a person that actually got no points, and I think it's a damn fine way to go out. Whoever gets this Top/(Number) Oneanswer wins/will win the game." I've never DREAMED I would ever have a job where so many people could touch me, and I could touch them. (smacks lips) The first time I ever saw people of any color, was when D-Day left from my hometown in England, to go and free Europe from the war. ", and she changed my whole life with that statement. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! I was the first one to buzz in, so I'll just take my time answering this. I'm gonna ask you 5 Bullseye questions, each increasing value by $1,000, which means you could win up to $30,000." 3. (to Jason Black, a contestant) All right, Jason; the man who knows all things depilotory! I Know! Contestant: Orange. [buzzer]. O'Hurley: Name something women get tired of carrying.Contestant: A wig. O'Hurley: One ofOprah Winfrey's favorite people.Contestant: Regis Kelly. And I asked my mother about it; I said, "Is there something wrong?". A purse? I gotta tell you. - Ray Combs (whenever a strike was gotten or an answer scored zero in Fast Money), "You're over 100." - Host (Talking to the Judges about the same answer), "The Judges are saying '(I/We need to)(Be)More specific.'." Let's start the FAMILY FEUD! Combs: You know, the #1 answer was "Barks". My parents. Los Angeles, CA, 90036!" Whichever leader gives the highest scoring (most popular) answer gets to decide if their team will play through the survey or pass it off to the other team. And/Playing against(insert team #2) playing for (insert charity)! Points are tripled, but you only get one strike. third strike, then the (insert family name) will get a chance to steal (and win the game/remain the champs/play Sudden Death)! Find your station, watch outrageous clips and even get YOUR family on the Feud! ), "(Thanks for watching (Celebrity) Family Feud. I havekids. If not, (and there's enough points,) they'll play for $10,000/$20,000. Yeah. Family Feud is a game where players must guess the most popular survey answers. Contestant: 401(k) jelly. His very small package. Karn: Name a famous astronaut.Contestant: Neil Young. . Ang magpipinsan from Caloocan, ang Abuel Family (Kharmella and French Abuel) vs ang defending champion, ang De Guzman Family (Cheska at Shane De Guzman). I'm Ray Combs and today we have two typical American families battling out for family honor and the rights to spending money. Harvey: Name something that you pass around.Contestant: A joint. Here's the question." Be good to your family/families. All our new friends, we want to welcome you, this is a marvelous show. Dawson: Besides a bird, something in a birdcage. There were more bad answers, including Spain, Fiji, Armenia and Saudi Arabia. - Ray Combs, "BULLSEYE!!! Combs:[during Fast Money]Name a place you check in and out of. (Don't go away/Stay right there.)" Harvey: How long could you go without buying something new. Contestant Kenneth: Your shoes. Combs:[during Fast Money]A position on a football team. Combs: [during Fast Money] A state that gets a lot of snow. Bring the fun and excitement of America's favorite game show to your home computer or laptop when you download Family Feud 2 on PC or Mac. Mike:(buzzes in)Shit. Why did you do that to me? Harvey: You think because youre pronouncing the word "naked nekkid, that means it's different? Dawson: Name a fruit that starts with "A". Thank you. If we still have a show! Dawson: During what month of pregnancy does a woman begin to look pregnant? And he sawabsolutely nothingwrong! ", takes the points. - Louie Anderson (said during the Triple Round, to a controlling/opposing family whose bank may or may not have enough points to win; early from 1999), "That answer has to be up there for you to stay alive/steal. Here's the question." Wow! ", you (champions) remain the champs, otherwise the new champs are called the (challengers)!". When I get to you, you'll get three seconds to answer it. What is the number 1 Bullseye answer? Dawson: The price of a dozen roses. Not that I wanted to hurt 'em, but I 'cause I love 'em. Celebrity Family Feud Revival (2015Present): Burton: "It's time for Celebrity Family Feud! You understand that don't you?". ", Celebrity Family Feud (2008, other episodes): "Tonight on Celebrity Family Feud, it's(insert montage)(insert celebrity team #1)! Combs:[during Fast Money]Something that goes on a Frankfurter. Listen. ), "(Please follow Family Feud on social media. Harvey: Name something Steve's wife doesn't want anyone else to do to his head. Weve lost our creator and producer, Mark Goodson. [buzzer] You're a little strange. - Richard Dawson (1976-1985; 1994-1995), "For the (Family) Feud, I'm Ray Combs saying thank you for watching. I just have to thank this crew. We would take a moment to remember him as a great man, who made our show a dream come true. (We'll)See ya/you (here)on the (Family) Feud. Karn: Name an occupation that begins with the letter "J".Contestant: A jackhammerer. Bye." Now today, we have two families going to do battle for the chance at playing Fast Money, for a jackpot that could be worth more than $5,000! [ strike ] Ray Combs: Ooohhh.. two strikes. 1. First team/family to (reach) 400 points/dollars wins the Tournament worth (insert amount)!" Playing against the (insert family #2 (and their names)), on your marks! Thank you so very much, hello to the Kakadelas family, welcome to the Del Campos! Here are the rules and a list of 100 Family Feud survey questions and survey answers you can use to play the game with. Harvey: Thank you. "Hey, you can play Feud online anytime at - Richard Dawson/Ray Combs (said when a contestant checks the answers in Fast Money), "(insert name) is offstage where he/she can't see your answers. Where do you see this first one? - Ray Combs' alternate versions of BAM! Who's going first? Dawson: Name something you might accidentally leave on all night. This is the greatest show I've ever had! Introducing the Del Campo Family: Jim, James, Ed, Steve and Robert, ready for action! I that was very touching. Harvey: At what age does a person struggle to stay up til midnight on New Year's Eve. First Published 05/06/20 07:36. read transcript. Playing against the Campbell Family: Dre, Ava, E-Bay, Estelle and Sharee, on your marks! They buried themselves carrying us, and I love them for that. I have no doubt. - Ray Combs (at the start of the second and subsequent Face-Off), "Welcome back to (the) Family Feud. O'Hurley: Name a reason a man takes off his toupee.Contestant: To show off. O'Hurley: Name something you do to a fish.Contestant: Flush it down the toilet. Joe and Beldar, come on, let's go! Back to Ray/Richard." (audience cheering continues)If you do too much of that, I won't be able to do a show for you, because I'll cry." And now, here's your host, JOHN O'HURLEY!!! That. First up is the Rank Video Game PowerPoint Template. Harvey: He's praying? View full document. Girls working today. (audience applause) Take a nice round of applause on that! Combs:[during Fast Money]Name something you must have in order to live. I meant lawn your grass. (Strike sound plays; Steve goes intoHappy Dancemode as the contestant looks shocked). O'Hurley: Name the one thing people know aboutRosie O'Donnell.Contestant: I'll say that she was the wife on the TV showRoseanne. - Louie Anderson from the first episode from 1999, "It's time for the Feud. I am going to read the question once/one time. "(wild cheers and applause)RICHARD: Thank you, please. Harvey:(mocking her) "We're goin' for the money, so that makes it alright! I'm (your man)Steve Harvey. Mama's Family; s1e5 - Family Feud - script; Search. It's up there! I had the best staff you've ever dreamed of. (second player heads off to the soundproof booth) (insert winning family) are playing for $10,000/$20,000!" SCRIPT FOR FAMILY FEUD - ILS IN APPLIED ECONOMICS *Title of the game show appears Voice over- Patuloy ang labanan para sa P250,000 dito sa Family Feud. What are you trying to do?! If I been in the mirror, down the little girl down there, paper doll came down there. (1975 Pilot, 1976-1982), A Mark Goodson Television Production." Louie was a contestant on Celebrity Family Feud way back in 2017, of which he have inspiration for the Feud. Combs:[during Fast Money]Something your dog does. It all starts now,with your host AL ROKER!!! Alyson Hannagan: Ohhh! - Ray Combs (on an Opening Bullseye Question mentioned by Gene Wood at the Opening in 1992), "Welcome to The New Family Feud. (I hope you had fun!) "Today on Family Feud, from (insert location here, followed in the first season by a rhyming couplet about the family name), it's the (insert family #1)!! - Gene Wood (1985 Daytime Finale). Combs:[during Fast Money]Give me a word that describes thunder. (All the other questions are normal.)" [ Joe walks up to the main podium, but Beldar walks in too far ] Okay, Doctor.. we're gonna need a little more room, big fella.. [ guides him to his side of the podium ] There you go, stand behind this line.. For this crew thatdone every show we do here, the show has done other networks, they've been with us nine years, and the men and women that worked with ABCand do this show, I followed through hell and marvelous. I Know! My aunt & uncle. Something kids fill with water. Harvey: When people talk about the big one, what do they refer to?Contestant: A man's privates. Combs: Name an event you see at a gymnastics meet. 1975 Pilot: "It's time for the Family Feud! - Ray Combs about the Bullseye Round, "We'll get started right now, with the Bullseye round, and we'll put $15,000 in their banks. (ding) Clock will start/starts when I've finished reading the first question." Cool! [ The Baldwins clap and cheer ] Ray Combs: Can I see a fax machiiiiine! - Richard Karn (usually said at the start of the Triple Round from 2002-2006), "Nobody (has)reached 300 points, so we're going to play Sudden Death." - Burton Richardson, "Closed Captioning sponsored (in part)by." - said by Burton Richardson before cuing the second commercial break. (Thats) 6430 Sunset Blvd. "Listen (very) carefully as we move (very) quickly." Thank you very much. - John O'Hurley (on occasion from 2006-2010), "(We surveyed 100 people,) Top (insert number) answers on the board." [buzzer] Dawson[to the other family]: Name something made of leather that a cowboy uses. Audience: "Bad Haircut/Bald. - Richard Dawson from the 1975 pilot, "Thank you, oh, thank you! N-E-K-K-I-D. (pointing at the board and imitating the sound of a answer been up there)Bing. Contestant 2: Bow tie. This is Family Feud. It's time to playFamily Feud! This template can be used for showcasing any sort of game content you can think of, including any Family Feud-type games. (Do you wanna)Play or Pass? (camera snapshot)God bless all the little children in the world. Mark created several game shows, including The Price is Right, Match Game, and of course, Family Feud. STEVE walks out to family feud music. Harvey: Name a place people like to escape to.Contestant: A drunken state!Harvey:*looks up with a 'what the hell' expression*. O'Hurley: I remember401(k)being in a retirement plan, and not ajelly. (insert first winning family member). I wish you are. I've done lots and lots of jobs, and I've never, ever had a job like Family Feud. If I look happy tonight, I am. (Gets buzzed, his sister said it)Contestant: The inside of my ear. From 2002-2021, this was said before the final commercial break/fee plugs. We would like to take a moment to remember him as a great man, who made our show an institution. That's what my mother did to me. "This is the Perry Family: Don, Yana, Doug, Heather and Ivan, ready for action! Let's start the FAMILY FEUD!!!! Give it up for Steeeevee Harvey! Dawson: Name a food that people give as a gift. - Ray Combs from the first half of the 1992 pilot, "(Ray holding the microphone saying "Thank you!") It's/Introducing (insert team #1) playing for (insert charity)! "Welcome to the newFamily Feud Challenge! You fill it up. And I said, "Yeah!". Combs:[during Fast Money]A city in Mexico. Contestant: Uh,can I say nekkid? - Current version, "If you plan on being in Los Angeles, and would like to be a part of our studio audience, simply call these toll free numbers for tickets and information: In California, call [[5]]. - Ray Combs (going into a commercial from 1989-1994), "We'll meet the (family #2) when we come back." - Richard Karn (said during the Triple Round from 2002-2003), "If it's up there, we continue/keep playing. Van Waylon we've got the number two answer up there,I'm pretty sure it's Van Waylon. We have two families gonna come out, battle each other, and try to win a lotta money, and a lotta money can be won! Hello/Welcome to (insert family #1)! That's what we're going with. Im sorry! - Said ifthe contestant buzzed in before Steve asked the question, "Welcome back to (the) ((Celebrity) Family) Feud(, everybody)! You got to try to find the most popular answer to this question." Let's move on to the NBC side. - Richard Karn from the first episode from 2002, "Thank you,thank you, and welcome to Family Feud. I'm sorry. (scored 0 points). - Richard Dawson on the first taped episode of his 1994 comeback. Dawson:[laughs along with audience]This man's flying airplanes for us. - Richard Karn (2004-2006), "I'm John O'Hurley saying goodbye for now." Even if I never work again, they'll just be near me. Harvey: Name a city people win vacations to. - Ray Combs (upon a strong shout sometimes whenever an answer scored zero in Fast Money), "Didn't make our survey." Combs: To name a dangerous, dangerous piece of playground equipment, you said "a tire." "BEN/BAN/BAIL!" You thought I was a loser, until you walked up here. If you live in the New York City area (or expect to be there), call area code [[4]]. Karn: Name a famous Jamie.Contestant 1: Jamie Fonda.Contestant 2: Judge Jamie Brown.Contestant 3: Jamie Star. You and your family could win a lot of cash and a brand new car! Today, we're going to see two wonderful families battle it out for family honoron their way to $5,000, with a chance for $5,000. FAMILY FEUD INT. Discover everything about America's hottest game show, hosted by Steve Harvey. Harvey:[deadpan]They're black, okay. [scored 23 points]. Harvey: Boy, if this ain't a hood answer right here, boy. And we go to Sudden Death. ", Celebrity Family Feud Premiere (2008): (thats in) Hollywood, Calif. (thats) 90028! Dawson: Name something that can kill a lively party. Sweet Eddie, I thank you. O'Hurley: If you wanted to become the nextHugh Hefner, name something you'd need to get.Contestant: I think you'd need to get someViagra. Contestant: That's my 90-year-old grandfather. Harvey: Name a word or phrase that follows the word pork.Contestant: LAWN!!! Combs: Name a famous male country/western singer of all time. - said during the second half of theFast Money round, "You said (insert answer). Combs: Their husbands? What makes this moment even better isthe other contestant's answer, "a church collection plate" was worthless, and it was theonlyanswer on the board worth less than "a joint"Harvey:It scored less than the joint. This isnot good. You made me feel like a man. Dawson: Name something that people take with them to the bath besides soap and a towel. We've got two great families right here, and they're gonna battle it out for a chance to win a whole lotta cashy'all, and if you win it 5 times in a row, you're gonna be driving away in a brand new car." I meant thank you! O'Hurley: Name a part of your body that never gets sunburned.Contestant: My butt. - Richard Dawson on the first episode of daily syndicated version from 1977, "Thank you. Harvey: We asked one hundred women, name a reason you'd dump a guy. We sure will. - Steve Harvey (commemorating original Feud host Richard Dawsons death in 2012), "Hi, folks, we have a sad news to share with you. Everyone/Everybody settle down! Harvey: We have 4 answers up there but we only have one strike. Just get your ass (scores 3 points). Thank you, please. - Ray Combs. [buzzer]O'Hurley: I think the holidays are going to be a very different experience for you this year. Harvey: No, you didn't, on national TV, set us back 30 years. That's very touching, but I'm double parked now, and so, we have to get on with this. The family introductions vary per special edition of the show. ", 20102011: Dawson: Somewhere you see Farrah Fawcett's face. Have the next group respond and play a sound effect. {turns to board] Shoes! [laughter from audience] You never know, Ray. O'Hurley: A late-night TV personality you fall asleep listening to.Contestant #1: Jim O'Reilly.Contestant #2:Oprah Winfrey?O'Hurley:I didn't think she was a late-night person, but if you insist! - Richard Dawson (1975 Pilot), "(We) Love ya. Combs:[during Fast Money]A word used to describe a plane flight. - Family Feud host (coming out of the commercial break; 1999-present), "We surveyed 100 people/100 people surveyed, top (insert number) answers are on the board. [BUZZER!]. Harvey: Instead of a casket, name something a person might choose to be buried in Harvey: (starts laughing) In a---In a-- Let's see here. - Ray Combs, "Join me!" And now, here's your host, RICKI LAKE!!! If you said the number 1 answer is (insert answer) [off-screen arrow/dart hits the Bullseye], you('ve) hit the Bullseye (on The New Family Feud)! (NOTE: Remember that the slides with the answers display them in order from 1 to 5. Dawson: Give me a slang name for policeman. (On your marks!) You are not naked, this is the worst, scantily clad for strike 2. Despite Steve's reaction, it's on the board. Get online." Contestant: Wet! Dawson: Name something you buy in a delicatessen. 90028. There is no Fast Money. You got no points." "It's time for the Family Feud! Dawson: The dreaded phony horse gag! - Louie Anderson (1999-2000), "Play Feud at Combs:[during Fast Money]A country where people have long last names. (insert two winning family members). Harvey: Yeah, Don't say it. - Ray Combs (whether or not there's one answer left to be revealed), "Not there!" - John O'Hurley at the start of the Bullseye Round from 2009-2010, "Is (insert answer) the (insert amount) Bullseye?" O'Hurley: Name something out in the ocean that starts with the letter S.Contestant: Sea Slugs. Don't put no iced tea in that! - said before the second contestant plays Fast Money, "Let's remind everyone of (insert name)'s answers!" O'Hurley: Name a mischievous animal.Contestant: Uh Beaver! Contestant: Yes. Contestant: The bottom part. So, write to us, won't ya? As Jaylen and Don noted, the questions are written in specific ways to get "Steve Goes OMG!"-inducing responses from the contestants. And now, here's the star of our show,STEVE HARVEY!!! Let's meetthe Del Campo Family: Jim, James, Ed, Steve and Robert, on your marks! Harvey: We asked 100 men, tell me the perfect height for a woman. Besides medicine, tell me something else you can buy at most drugstores. Then, the other family gets a chance to steal." They were good people. Make those answers count!" ), you (challengers) are the new champs, otherwise you (champions) keep your title! Contestant: One another's husbands. Harvey: If Captain Hook was moonlighting as a handyman, he might replace his hook with what tool? (wild cheers and applause continue) Stop, please. Welcome to the Family Feud Challenge. +Ray would announce the Bullseye answer after he came out. - Richard Dawson (to the Controlling Family during the Triple Round if time runs short), "Top three answers on the board. - Ray Combs on a Fast Money loss. Harvey:Forgive me, I'm sorry. Here's the question. - Ray Combs (whenever the winning team is halfway through 200 points during Fast Money), "You had that on the other side." Welcome to Family Feud. - Richard Karn (going to a final commercial break before Fast Money is played; 2003-2006), "Who's playing? Folks, we have some sad news to give to you. - Louie Anderson (said during the Triple Round from 2000-2002), "Round four. He was also known for his humor, and was very loyal to our viewers. - said coming out of the final commercial break since the show's incarnation in 1999 until 2010, "Your partner is off-stage with headphones on; he/shecannot see or hear your answers. Thank you." Dawson: Name a time that most people get up. So come on back." - Richard Karn (said at the start of the Triple Round from 2002-2003), "But be careful, because in this round, you only get one strike. Combs: Name a tradition associated with Christmas. - Steve Harvey (commemorating former host Feud Louie Anderson in 2022), "We'll be right here, right on the Family Feud. Don't look anywhere else. Contestant withPatoisaccent: Richard, Me gonna go alone and say "Arange". - Ray Combs from the 1987 pilot, "Thank you. High School Reunion Tournament, (insert team #2) playing for (insert charity)! Somehow, he actually gets the Harper clan (including Ellen, but not Fran or Sonia) on . "Someone/Somebody's gonna play for $5,000/$10,000. Alright, today we got great actors versus great directors. Use the sound effects app to play a right (ding) / wrong (buzz) sound effect.