After separate attacks are made on Homura Mitokado and the Land of Fire's daimy, Kakashi assigns Sai to investigate; Kakashi believes Kido Tsumiki may be somehow involved, so recommends that Sai focus on him. In this case, Kakashi was a perfect fit for the office. save. Kabuto, their summoner, ends their conversation short by suppressing their personalities, so Haku and Zabuza they use their last moments to beg Kakashi to defeat them. We can speculate on a few reasons why Kakashi became Hokage before Naruto in the aftermath of the Fourth Shinobi World War. In past, Kakashi nearly became Hokage during the 5 Kages Summit arc due to complications with Tsunades coma and the Hokage-successor, but when she nominated Kakashi himself, he officially became the Kage of Hidden Leaf Village (Konohagakure) also known as Hokage. Naruto in turn told him about the resolution of another matter, and Kakashi was glad for the successful outcome. Kakashi leaves Naruto with Yamato and has Sai's ink clone guide him to Sakura so that he can stop her. Nearly a year after the war, Kakashi has yet to officially take on the duties of being Hokage, feeling he's unqualified, leaving Tsunade to continue managing Konoha's affairs. He also helps him improve his physical speed by visualising and mimicking Rock Lee's movements. Kakashi is actually grateful. Kakashi was named Tsunade's successor, the Sixth Hokage, and his first act was to forgive Sasuke for his misdeeds. Minato assisted them with destroying the Kannabi Bridge and then returned with them to Konoha to mourn Obito's death. Ultimately, time ran out before anyone could get the bell. [75] Kakashi initially had trouble to aim Kamui properly and hit his targets. While recuperating, Kakashi starts to find Zabuza's death suspicious and worries he may still be alive. Kisame is stopped by Might Guy and they retreat, at which point Kakashi passes out. They are afterwards able to deactivate the Ama no Hoko, though Kabuto himself escapes once again. He didn't do a damn thing, and it held no meaning either. The Third Division arrives in time to save them from the reincarnated Gari, Pakura, Haku, and Zabuza Momochi. Viz Media. Why was Kakashi capable of becoming Hokage? In the wake of the village recovering from the war, Kakashi succeeds Tsunade and becomes the Sixth Hokage, although he is dismayed with the amount of paperwork. Lets talk about Kakashis suitability for Hokages role. Because his mother died when he was very young,[13] Kakashi was raised during his early years by his father, Sakumo. Kakashi being Hokage was poor fanservice. !" of Naruto: Shippuden anime. During the Third Shinobi World War, he wore a black T-shirt with white stripes in the middle of the sleeves, additional sleeves over his arms, metal arm protectors, leather straps around his back and chest, and dark pants. Kakashi remained Hokage for almost a decade until he nominated another shinobi, the 7th Hokage. Guren and her team interrupt them and the Three-Tails gets away, but Guren's team is defeated. Before he falls from the ship, Kakashi notices Kahy's mask has come off, who he recognises as the woman he helped before. For other uses, see, Kakashi placed in the top three of all the, Studio Pierrot's Settei sheets of Kakashi show that he was: 124 cm when joining the Academy, 140 cm in. The Sage of Six Paths explains how Naruto and Sasuke can end the Infinite Tsukuyomi, but Sasuke has one intention before that: killing the tailed beasts and the Five Kage. While the world around them falls to the Infinite Tsukuyomi, Sasuke uses his own Rinnegan to shield Naruto, Sakura, and Kakashi from its effects. That also answers the question, Kakashi wasnt a detail-oriented person, and after years of fighting in the worlds latest war, he had sacrificed his home and family to protect Konoha with little or no political gain. +5 years, Himawari was born 5 years younger than Boruto. In case this is true, he shows Team 7 the Tree Climbing Practice in order to improve their chakra control, which will be useful if Zabuza does indeed return. Main article: Akatsuki Suppression Mission Kakashi was on his 3 years term as Hokage while Naruto is still a Jounin and Hinata still a Chunin. EX, Naruto Shippden: Gekit Ninja Taisen! Over time, Kakashi comes to accept that Rin chose to die, so his guilt instead became more about his broken promise to Obito to keep Rin safe. Kakashi was the best choice for this role because he was very dedicated, insightful, calm under pressure, never sought credit for himself but was always willing to share the praise with others, always listened carefully to what others had to say, and more. Sai informs Kakashi that he has been in contact with Sasuke, whom Kakashi had previously asked to lead the investigation into the disappearances due to that only his ocular powers can cancel genjutsu, and Kumogakure and Kirigakure have agreed to cooperate in the investigation. The Third Division is mobilised ahead of the other divisions in order to be on hand for any eventuality. No way! Kakashi pretends anger when he approaches them, but tells them that they pass the test for placing the team's well-being above the mission parameters. Upon realising this, Boruto used a shadow clone to aid him in perfecting the Wind Release: Rasengan to Kakashi's impression. Although Team 7 was able to meet Sasuke, he was too strong for them to capture and bring back to Konoha. Just then, a light envelops Kakashi, a sign of his revival; before Kakashi returns to the living plane, Sakumo thanks him for putting him at peace at long last, allowing him to continue to the afterlife. Once Naruto arrives to lend Sasuke assistance, Kakashi engages Zabuza in combat. Just as they are about to be killed, the combined Allied Shinobi Forces arrive to help, deflecting the Ten-Tails' Tailed Beast Ball. Kakashi and Obito shield Naruto and Sasuke. As it has had no updates since 2012, this is a Dead Fic. share. Kakashi is afterwards tracked down by Naruto, who asks Kakashi to help him train for the exams' final matches in a month. Knowing the characteristics of Kong Nin, he did not choose to do it immediately, but put the time in the middle of the night. So between then and Naruto becoming Hokage, did Kakashi do anything substantial at all? Similar Post:Naruto Shippuden Filler List. Moreover, he isnt as physically strong as other kages. Kakashi is still just as apathetic as he was during his youth, often speaking bluntly about sensitive topics and occasionally ignores his fellow classmates, whenever he passed by them. Kakashi is able to analyse their attack strategy and formulate a response, but other reincarnated members of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist appear on the battlefield before Kakashi has a chance to put his plan into action. Naruto becomes concerned when Shikamaru fails to return from his mission and barges into Kakashi's office demanding an explanation. Before leaving them, Minato advised Kakashi to not use the Chidori again. Itachi advises Kisame to keep his distance from Kakashi, stating his fight with Kakashi would take too long. Kakashi becomes the 6th Hokage after Tsunade steps down from her position as she wanted to retire from the post of Hokage and go back to gambling and traveling. What? [62] In the field, he can summon one or more of his ninken to fetch things for him, restrain targets,[63] or deliver messages. Convincing an emotional Kakashi that the Third was not best for the future of the village, Kakashi agreed to join Danz's Root division and spy on the Hokage for him. Seeing that Tobi has six reincarnated jinchriki, Kakashi theorises that they are each possess one of the Six Paths Techniques, just as the Six Paths of Pain did. More particularly, he became committed to teamwork and always places teammates' well-being above the mission's: he believes goals can be accomplished more effectively together, asking for help when he needs it, providing help when it is requested of him, and praising allies when they deserve it. Deidara takes Gaara's body and flies off, which Naruto and Kakashi go after, leaving Sasori to Sakura and Chiyo. Kakashi tells Sakura that she doesn't need to take responsibility for Sasuke since he, as Sasuke's former teacher, is much more to blame for the team's growing rift and current dire situation. Kakashi becomes Hokage in episode 479 of Naruto Shippuden. The seventh Hokage is a character that everyone wanted to see in the position of Hokage - Naruto Uzumaki. Needing to separate Hidan and Kakuzu if they're to have any chance of victory, Shikamaru takes a vial of Kakuzu's blood that Kakashi secretly collected and leads Hidan away. Obito briefly regains control for long enough to implore Kakashi to destroy his Rinnegan so that Madara can't acquire that too. Later during the trip, Tatsumi and Mirai snuck off in the hopes of a nearby hot sp ring rumoured to let people talk with loved ones from the past. During the Third Shinobi World War, his left eye was damaged, leaving a vertical scar from the injury. During her fight with Sasori, Sakura learned of an opportunity to possibly meet with Sasuke in a few days' time. In the anime, many believed he purposely killed Rin to prevent her from leaking information, earning him the nickname "Friend-Killer Kakashi". With Kakashi's instructions and the training grounds created by Yamato, Naruto quickly masters how to use the wind nature. Kakashi became the 6th Hokage after Tsunade steps down from her position. Main article: Cursed Warrior Extermination Mission Kakashi and Guy eventually leave the Third Division to join the original Naruto and Killer B in their fight with Tobi, arriving in time to stop Tobi from capturing Naruto. Too exhausted to do anything himself, Kakashi stays behind with Sakura while Naruto and Sasuke leave to fight; the Sage of Six Paths uses his last moments to talk with Kakashi, remarking that the centuries of hate may be on the verge of ending due to the love Naruto displays for everyone. [102] In keeping with the meaning of his name, scarecrows are occasionally used to represent Kakashi; Naruto, for example, uses a scarecrow that is dressed like Kakashi to help him train for a combat test between the two. [60] With this arsenal, combined with years of experience, Kakashi can handle almost any situation in various ways. The Third then mused that the Nine-Tails might have been defeated and Minato saved had the research been successful. Kakashi Hatake [The Copy Ninja] (Japanese: , Hepburn: Hatake Kakashi) is a fictional character in the Naruto manga and anime series created by Masashi Kishimoto.In the story, Kakashi is the teacher of Team 7, consisting of the series' primary characters, Naruto Uzumaki, Sasuke Uchiha, and Sakura Haruno.He is initially portrayed as a detached and apathetic figure, but as the . In addition, Kakashi received some of the Six Paths Chakra, allowing him to use the Mangeky Sharingan and its abilities for repeated and extended use with no effect on his health or eyesight. He knows if someone like Sasuke had taken over as Hokage, the village would have been destroyed, or at least the villagers would be unsatisfied. Kakashi confronts Rahy about this and Kahy, unaware that this was intended, is aghast. [14], In the Academy, Kakashi earned top grades, earning him recognition as a prodigy and the best of his generation. Even his ninken have seen his face so sparingly that most of them don't remember what he looks like unmasked. Tsunade named Kakashi as her successor, the Sixth Hokage, with his first act being to pardon Sasuke for his crimes. How Did Kakashi Become Hokage? When they emerge, they find Madara has bound the world's population with God: Nativity of a World of Trees and trapped them all within perpetual dreams. Similar Post:When Do Naruto and Kurama Become Friends. Kakashi attempted to resign from the Anbu afterwards for working against the Hokage, but the Third insisted his service was invaluable and made Kakashi his right-hand man. The loss of his Sharingan during the war resulted in him no longer using his signature Lightning Release, as the tunnel vision was no longer countered by the Sharingan. Uchiha roared angrily. Kakashi brought Boruto back to the hospital to recover. Kakashi did not originally want to become Hokage, but after understanding the severity of the situation, he settled into the position for over a decade so Naruto could mature and take his place one day to lead the village by becoming Hokage as his successor. When they arrive in Suna, Kakashi is attacked by Chiyo, who mistook him for his father, but her brother Ebiz cleared up the confusion before the attack could connect, to Kakashi's great relief at the close call. Kakashi reports this to the other Kage, who decide to delay the Moon's destruction in order to give Naruto and the others a chance to save them. Kakashi agreed that it would also explain why he was after the scroll. He went back to where Obito and Rin were, but Iwa reinforcements soon arrived and started constricting the rubble. From careful observation of the Deva Path's abilities, Kakashi notices a brief cool down period between its jutsu. Kakashi and his peers are blocked from helping Konoha. Sabure from the new city and Yubeshi from the old town wanted the dispute resolved so they could get married with their grandfathers in attendance. He has a Ph.D. and speaks five languages. Sasuke avoids doing so and Kakashi takes him away afterwards, applying the Evil Sealing Method to prevent the cursed seal's use. Kakashi decided to watch Boruto from afar, intrigued by how the genin seemed to have found an alternate solution. Kakashi and his team escort Prince Michiru and his son, Hikaru Tsuki, to their home in the Land of the Moon. Konoha's ninja search the crashed Tobishachimaru, treating the passengers and taking Kahy into custody. Kakashi Retired and stepped down as Hokage because he desired to nominate someone who could do better than him. Fighting continues into the night, with neither side emerging victorious. Team 7 completes a number of D-rank missions, which Naruto believes they are over-qualified for. Currently they were in a meeting with the Hokage and the man Hirohito Inagi was also present. Part of the White Zetsu Army then arrive to fight the Third Division, but they are met by one of Naruto's shadow clones, sent to lend assistance with defeating the remnants of Akatsuki's forces. He trails Disonasu to a meeting with Kabuto, who is trying to resurrect the Ama no Hoko. Luckily for you, we at Fiction Horizon have done our research and can, thus, tell you that Kakashi became Hokage in episode 479 of Naruto: Shippuden, which was titled Naruto Uzumaki!!. That MIGHT make him the weakest Hokage by strength. In the anime, Kakashi leads Team 8 on a mission to investigate one of Orochimaru's recently-discovered bases. He tells them about his life, recent events in Konoha, and others they knew, but mostly he shares his regrets that they cannot be with him or that their deaths were his fault. Since its print premiere in 1999 and the launch of the anime in 2002, the series drew in . Gaara also shares the Five Kage's requests that Kakashi represent Konoha going forward owing to Danz's behaviour during the Kage Summit. The Kage of Konohagakure, Naruto's village, is called a Hokage and in this article, we are going to tell you when exactly Kakashi, Naruto's friend, and mentor, became Hokage. During the mission, Kakashi discovers that Yukie's real name is Koyuki Kazahana, who he saved from Dot's Three-Man-Team when he was in the Anbu. Kakashi believed Orochimaru may know something and had Yamato look into it. Since his early childhood, Kakashi was very independent and self-confident, at times even appearing arrogant and condescending. He always thought before acting and never jumped to conclusions, which proved to be of great use to him as Hokage. Here is a good video detailing these events: Now, when it comes to exact dates, Naruto is not that obvious, which makes this a relatively tricky question. Rather than do that, he tells them about Sasuke's motivations: to take vengeance on Konoha for forcing Itachi to kill the Uchiha clan. While others were annoyed by this, Kakashi insisted that they already have enough shinobi in this era of peace. This also showed how much Kakashi was trusted in the Konoha. Before Naruto came back, Kakashi took care of him and made sure that he was safe. So yes, he definitely wanted to become Hokage and he . [25] Knowing that Wood Release was unique to the First Hokage, Kakashi broke in to the Hokage Residence to see what he could learn about this anomaly. More commonly, he uses them for tracking, picking up trails, or seeking out targets he doesn't know where to look for. As he snuck into the crowd, Kakashi realised that he went underground in the sewer. Several days after the exams start, Kakashi arrives to watch Team 7 in the preliminary fights. Sakura heals Kakashi and they then join the Allies' coordinated effort to restrain the Ten-Tails, but it breaks free by transforming. Kakashi asks Obito why he never returned to Konoha, to which Obito replies that it's because Kakashi allowed Rin Nohara to die. Naruto makes repeated failed attempts to rescue Gaara, prompting Kakashi to encourage patience while he prepares a new ability: a Mangeky Sharingan of his own. He starts by trying to discourage Sasuke from avenging the Uchiha clan, insisting that, even if he's successful, it won't bring back those who are already dead. He takes command of the team and eventually defeats Nagare and Hokushin with relative ease. Gaara asks Minato to seal his half of the Nine-Tails chakra into Naruto in order to save his life. Kakashi's eyes blurried from the emeraldness he saw when he enter the apartment. Kakashi was Hokage for almost 12 years. Naruto may not be the smartest or most powerful guy in Konoha, but he has always loved the village more than anyone else. With no time left to wait, Kakashi has Konohamaru Sarutobi impersonate Naruto so that the festivities can proceed as planned. In the anime, Kakashi attended the memorial service for the fallen people of the Fourth Shinobi World War. Zabuza uses the Hiding in Mist Technique to hide his and the others' movements, putting the Third Division on the defensive. NOTE: In the anime, the events of this arc occur after the Mitsuki's Disappearance Arc. Kakashi complies and, after he passes, buries them both. Meanwhile, Kakashi takes Karin to the Konohagakure Intelligence Division to be questioned. Later, Shikadai voiced his theory that the reason why Koji was able to slip past the Sensing Barrier unnoticed was because he was a former Konoha-nin. Kahy remotely kills two hostages with ice, forcing Kakashi to surrender to prevent more from being killed. However, Boruto refused to listen and continued training. Kakashi can use all five basic nature transformations, as well as the Yin Release and Yang Release. Minato did encourage them to improve their teamwork afterwards, a message that Obito and Rin took to heart, but fell upon deaf ears with Kakashi. Expecting that this will now happen soon, Kakashi asks Tsunade to place a seal on him that will activate his Mangeky Sharingan when Hiruko tries to assimilate him. Does he know himself? Twenty years in the past, Kakashi is waiting in line for the grand opening of Ramen Ichiraku when Minato invites him on a mission. He pretends to be killed by one of the Demon Brothers' attacks so that he can observe them, stepping in to neutralise them once Team 7 can't hold them off anymore. Kakashi ponders Obito's persistence in trying to convince Naruto that his actions are justified and concludes that Obito himself is not actually convinced that they are. 56% Upvoted. The Third Hokage explains that he is selected for the team in order to keep an eye on Naruto, the Nine-Tails' jinchriki and, in the anime, to help Sasuke cope with life after the Uchiha Clan Downfall. Kakashi has Yamato meet with Sasuke to exchange intel of the situation. As we all know, Tsunade was the Fifth Hokage before Kakashi. Main article: Kaguya tsutsuki Strikes He was disgraced when he returned home, shunned by everyone in . Kakashi nevertheless feels guilty about not telling Naruto this - he feared Naruto would at some point blow his cover had he known - so promises to buy Naruto as much ramen as he can eat. Kakashi guesses this tactic and goes searching for one of the latter group. The Chnin Exams are interrupted by an invasion of Konoha and most of those watching the finals are rendered unconscious by a genjutsu. They convince him to give them another chance after lunch, but Kakashi demands that Naruto not be fed. Kakashi talks to Kakuzu before killing him. While waiting for Sasuke, he strikes up a conversation with Asuma Sarutobi and Kurenai Yhi, quietly alerting them to the men in cloaks. Because it's raining he can't find Sasuke's trail, and besides Naruto needs medical attention. [88], Main article: Fourth Shinobi World War: Confrontation. He is quite amazing. He would also spend his days avoiding friends and former classmates and at night he would be haunted by dreams of himself killing Rin again. Later, after the scroll is obtained, Kakashi is assigned to defend it, but he and the other defenders are defeated by the Nine Masked Beasts. Team 7 is sent on a mission to protect the actress, Yukie Fujikaze, as she travels to the Land of Snow. His extreme knowledge combined with his high Sharingan skill makes Kakashi one of the most talented ninjas in Naruto. Did Kakashi kill Rin? As Kakashi treats his wounds, he catches brief glimpses of what Obito sees due to their common Sharingan: his fight with Naruto and Sasuke. When Konohagakure began a new holiday, Parent and Child Day, Kakashi discovered that the constantly-travelling Sasuke had returned to the village and was struggling to connect with his daughter. In the anime, Kakashi returns from a mission in time to help round up escapees from the Konoha Strict Correctional Facility. Black Zetsu intercepts this transfer and takes the Nine-Tails for itself. Where Naruto has an date with Destiny and wonders what these two strange men doing in his mind or where Naruto sets out to make his own destiny and destroy the shackels that binds him. This story is inspired by the works of The Omnipresent Sage and . During their investigation they are attacked by Guren - one of Orochimaru's subordinates - who traps them in her Jade Crystal Labyrinth Technique. Seeing this dream realised has been a real tearjerker for most fans . Kakashi is troubled by what this might mean, but doesn't overlook the important fact that they now have a way of fighting Tobi. When they arrive in the Land of Waves they are met by Zabuza Momochi, a former Kiri-nin. According to the Naruto fandom, Rin did ask Kakashi to kill her in order to save Konoha, her village. Kakashi attempts to stop it with Kamui, but Obito intercepts him and takes him to Kamui's dimension. The kanji "" (Literally meaning Six Fire) is written on the back, denoting his Hokage position. Kakashi's favourite word is "Team-work" (. This depletes his chakra reserves and causes his death. During one of these attacks, Rin jumped in front of Kakashi's attack, dying by his hand so that Konoha would be safe. In the following days, meteors increasingly rain down on the world and the Kage decide that the Moon must be destroyed. [76] He improved to the point that he can use Kamui on fast-moving projectiles. Unneeded, Kakashi returns to the village. Kakashi, meanwhile, volunteers to help Team 10 avenge Asuma; Shikamaru Nara, having previously come up with a plan, modifies it to take Kakashi's presence into consideration. As the stone carver begins to sculpt Danz's face onto the Hokage Rock, he is notified by his assistant that Danz has died. Sharingan requires a lot of chakras which are naturally available to members of Uchiha clans because they possess this Kekkei Genkai genetically. He therefore thanked Kakashi for his years of service and relieved him of his duty, returning him to the standard forces. Seeing the musician reminds Kakashi of Team 7's encounter with Hanare of the Jmae Village. Kakashi didnt want someone worse to take over the position of Hokage and ruin Konohas reputation or control its citizens with fear so they could be killed by their oppressors.