Any help would be appreciated. Lexique de Tricot Anglais/Franais; Need More Fiber. Once you understand the meaning of each of the symbols, you can proceed to knitting the chart. alexaludeman catsrmecraftlady August 26, 2021 @ As with anything in knitting, these instructions are not set in stone. With the M1 instructions, does chart B show all stitches for that section, or just the center portion? Im used to purling across the wrong side. I would like to know how many times do I have to repeat the chart.Thanks. December 28, 2020 @ A Adyana 4:20 am, Hi, I am really struggling with the chart for the Low Tide Cardigan. Stitch charts in knit patterns are being used more and more as an addition to or in place of words to describe a pattern stitch. Thanks, alexaludeman A.1 is the name of the diagram, and. Im sorry, Im not sure which part of the post you are referring to? ( Two for one! December 11, 2015 @ If I continue on with k or p in empty squares, I am now 1 st off every time there is a slash (k2tog). For the Antler Hat you are working a number of purl sts (either 3 or 5 depending on your size) between the cables. Thanks, alexaludeman Lace Knitting. What am I missing here? the pattern has 16 stitches including what they call the centre stitch. It would appear that I should knit each lines twice but there are no instructions to do so. Cable charts may either show every row or round, or show only right side rows, with instructions for keeping in pattern given for the WS rows (typically you would knit the knits, and purl the purls). Thanks! Im making this poncho right now. June 17, 2020 @ Starts row one of chart with three sts then the repeat begins. Sincerely Maddie. 3:42 pm. April 11, 2019 @ I think I just need to knit it and watch it pan out :), Susie Faulhaber November 15, 2020 @ I can't see the picture clearly enough to tell. You can do it with your right hand after you performed steps 1 4 described above. August 30, 2016 @ You are working the sk2psso stitch correctly. 10:23 am, Kimberly However, a left handed person may prefer continental knitting and a right handed person may prefer throwing. July 25, 2016 @ I am knitting a flat lace chart where the number one row is on the left. Laura Maxwell You work them in different ways when they occur at the start (or end) of the lace panel. 4:02 pm. April 6, 2021 @ Or is it knit a stitch? Any suggestions for a good tutorial on knitting mittens using a chart. Hi Desre Im sorry, I have no idea. Hi Kimberlee Im not really sure without seeing the pattern, but usually the space is inserted for clarity and you should just go to the next charted stitch. 8:29 pm. Learn twelve ways to make side edges of a knitted project nice and tidy. I dont understand why the designer didnt just include the 8 stitches within the pattern repeat, because the picture of the FO definitely shows it is part of the repeatsam I making any sense? If you normally use the English knitting style, you will need to learn to work with the yarn in your left hand. You will want a border of 5 or 6 sts on the edge so you will cast on 35 or 37 sts. Working through the back loop would make the hole created by the yo a little smaller, so it should be okay either way. July 5, 2019 @ Charts are graphic representations of knitting instructions. November 22, 2017 @ Hi there, Ive been searching for the answer to a lace pattern question. 2:51 pm. It transforms three stitches into a single stitch. alexaludeman for B: work k2tog, except on last repeat of each time chart is worked work k1 (just before centreline and at end of row). November 3, 2021 @ September 5, 2017 @ Thanks for the time. May 8, 2020 @ Row 2 dots Hi Dawn I cant really help without seeing the pattern. Andrej Isakovic/AFP via Getty Images. 12:32 pm. 6:13 am, Fred My guess is Turn and Purl? If youre working from a print book or pattern, you could take it to a printshop (like office depot, staples, kinkos) and ask them to blow it up for you on a photocopier. I am knitting a 30 stitch cable- because I am knitting a larger size than the standard it says for RS work 30-st rep 4 times and work first 21 sts once- I assume this means 4 of the 30 stitch cable and then the first 21 sets of the cable. Does that help? 12:18 pm. November 6, 2014 @ 12:47 am, I am new at charts and I have finished working the rows 1-24 of chart b of the rosebud shawl for the first time and I am starting on the second time. October 13, 2015 @ 12:53 pm. Usually with other patterns I've seen, they bind off a row and start the pattern on a new row, this took some head scratching. Madeleine So my question is how many stitches am I suppose to have when I complete this stitch. February 25, 2021 @ Thank you so much I would really appreciate your help. Hello we havent published any double knitting patterns yet, nor am I familiar with the technique. Emma Thank you! Hi Kate The step ins represent the number of sts that actually exist at that point, so you can just keep following the chart exactly as before, stitch by stitch. Usually patterns come with both written instructions on how to work the mitten, how to insert the chart, etc. If the pattern is to be worked in the round, then you will read every round from right to left. Im starting the Urban Hiker cardigan, its my first time following a chart, and Im confused. Thanks for this tutorial. 12:18 pm, Hi Cynthia Hmm, you should definitely have enough sts to work the repeats. January 22, 2015 @ If the pattern is to be worked flat, then you will read the right-side rows from right to left, and the wrong-side rows from left to right (in the opposite direction); in order for the pattern to form as designed. Hi Toni sorry, I have no idea, there should be information on that in the pattern or the chart notes. It is really wonderful what you do for the knitting community. This decreases the 7 stitch patter by 2 stitches, yet the next row shows all 7 stitches. 11:58 am. March 6, 2019 @ Never having knit from a chart before, I am confused. January 3, 2015 @ Thanks for the reply. June 13, 2016 @ In fact, the only right or left handed distinction is exclusively pertaining to how you feed your yarn. There are more stitches on the needle than a row on the chart. The light went on!!! I am reading from left to right on each chart on the wrong side row. 8:59 am, Hi Carla for that pattern the red and green lines are indicators for different sizes. I have found others. To make a C2R, slip 1 stitch onto your cable needle purlwise and move it behind your knitting. Hi Cindy I think you probably want to purl the WS rows. Im starting a new project for a cardigan and starting off Im already confused. SARAH STAVROFF January 7, 2021 @ I am wondering if I should also k2tog, yo, at the end of row 1, or do the reverse in order to have a symmetrical lace pattern. Useful charts i have found for translating russian knitting chart symbols into english. I am 36 stitches short after row 22. 9:24 am. Does that help? Also, following that logic, I got close to the end of my row where it indicated I would have 7 more knit stitches to do, but I only had two more stitches on my needle. Actually, I think I understand it now. January 10, 2021 @ I dont understand how they are suppose to go together. October 23, 2017 @ Working sweater from Strange Brew. The instructions for my size say to complete 15 stitches on the chart. October 21, 2020 @ The very first stitch says it is blank, no stitch and the next two stitches are knit. So how do I modify a square pattern to properly knit up as a knit pattern? When I do row 2, should I begin with Chart B or Chart A? 6:17 am. What am I missing? :) thank you so so much! For your second (and all following) repeats of chart B start with row 1: One special feature of cable charts are the symbols for cable turns. Thank you Suzanne alexaludeman Penny September 6, 2021 @ As the chart increases the repeats will increase, so it starts with 6, then increases to 8, then 10. A circular needle holds the stitches between the needles, evening out the distribution. After a bit of practice, most knitters find working from charts much more intuitive, quick, and simple than working from line-by-line text instructions. Am I missing something here?. I have knit numerous Leisure Arts raglans and never had any problems. Body of the hat either 2 sets of 12 rows + plain knit body or 3 sets of 12 rows + plain knit body for to desired length. It means you are going to make 1 stitch in that colour. I understand that youre supposed to repeat those stitcheslike 5 times for the Gothic Cowl8 times for another pattern I have. Is there a key to the chart? What does it mean to work Row 1 of Left front eyelet lace chart over 2 sts indicated by BRACKET for your size. The bracket shows YO and K for the size I am doing (30) and 2K for the next size up (36). 9:50 am. Hi Teresa if the next size up is yo, k2 then it will be increasing as well, just not at the same rate. In lace section when done with first row 1-6 and starting over on row 1 in the chart. Im going to start it working the entire thing in the flat, putting the thumb stitches in a bit of spare yarn and then taking it up once done. The Orenburg region of . January 11, 2021 @ Hi Kimberly I dont really know without seeing the actual pattern, but I would assume if the pattern has a no stitch you should just ignore it and move to the next square. In round 1 of front of pullover it was KNIT 20, ROUND 1 OF LACE CHART, KNIT 20. July 13, 2016 @ Instead of purl rounds on the RS, yo, turn the work and knit back. June 9, 2015 @ I know that perler beads are done on an exact square pattern. 9:33 pm, Hi Molly You will want to use a different increase method. Just three days after the invasion, the Kremlin-funded state . On the sleeve the instructions for round two of the sleeve says purl to first stitch before marker, k1, work panel as set, k1. Hi there! September 5, 2014 @ Great that the charts show working in rounds as well as working flat. Round 1&2 are exactly the same? In an email interview, Kuznetsov drew a distinction between the arch and statues aggrandizing Lenin and other "Russian . 7:57 pm, Im reading a chart with 29 squares across. Sorry for the repeatI left this question the other day but cant find it now. So I just started the Prairie Fire pullover and I have gotten to the lace chart. Russian to english knitting chart translation. Hi, I need some help with a knitting chart regarding the knit and purl stitches. Just like lovers of charts frequently hate words which need to be prised from them and is the reason why patterns are difficult. This tutorial is heaven sent! The blank spaces part has thrown me for a loop, I'm guessing it's just there so it's not empty? January 28, 2015 @ Should I go left to right for the 3,7,11 etc and right to left for 1,5,9? Just wanted to make sure I understand it correctly: November 28, 2018 @ How do I know what to do with the increased stitches? This is a very useful, straightforward tutorial! Id suggest you contact the designer directly. March 21, 2016 @ 9:28 am. I love your patterns but was a bit daunted by the charts as I have never used one before. January 15, 2018 @ How do I do this. No typo, I think. Good luck! November 18, 2020 @ This was all very informative thank you. Shivika alexaludeman Have a great day! Which pattern is it? I understand the chart for the first 34 Rows . Elaine U must be a YO (perhaps U with the 2 in it is a double yarn over), and downward facing Vs are decreases (numbers in the arms of the V indicate the number of stitches to be decreased). As I find more of these charts I will keep adding them to this post! December 18, 2017 @ Hi sorry, i dont really know. The faux cable Chart A combines the symbols for passing a stitch over (stretched out over 3 squares in the chart) with the symbols for knit, yarn over, and knit. 2:20 pm. Hello I am confused by Sl1 k2tog psso. Since there is just a chart for a right handed mitten, how do I get the left handed mitten with the thumb at the right place. I have worked through many issues before even getting going, and, from the conversations on Ravelry, expect many more. April 19, 2017 @ Have had to frog my work twice halfway through. The biggest hurdle that new knitters have to overcome when learning to read a knitting pattern is learning the abbreviations. January 5, 2017 @ If that info isnt in the chart notes you may want to contact the designer to see what they intended. This will explain which symbols represent which kind of stitches. More Great Patterns Like This, Cable and Eyelet Columns Knitting Stitch. August 27, 2015 @ August 16, 2015 @ November 13, 2019 @ alexaludeman March 9, 2016 @, She also has a page about horizontally elongated stitches: 3:36 pm. When I count the boxes for my size there are only half as many as needed. Ive only read lace charts that had RS rows and just started one which had both RS and WS rows on the chart Now know that I shouldve been reading the WS row from left to right. December 29, 2016 @ When reading [k3(2),m1] what does the (2) mean? July 30, 2016 @ April 24, 2019 @ May 8, 2020 @ Im new and first time trying this too. Does the chart make provision for that or is this visible seam going to be in the front of my work. Wanted to say thank you for all that you do for others. Also, at the bottom of the chart it shows 4 6 8 st Repeat 6 4 What is this in reference to? 11:13 am, Hi there, You might want to try contacting the designer of the pattern, or maybe popping into your LYS (they usually know whats up), Becky Thank-you so much!!! January 8, 2021 @ I am having the same issue as Mindy. 1:08 pm. Walker: no stitch. It depends if they have written ws and rs rows differently, or if the chart always represents the right side of the work. Hope im making sense :D, Emily Wessel knitting each round in the opposite direction) makes sense in principle. Posted on May 18, 2015 October 7, 2022 Categories Button holes and slits, Hand Knitting (HK), Knitting Symbols, Lace, Ribber Fabrics, Swatches and Experiments Leave a comment on "Button holes" and "make many - increase" "lace . Good luck! Walker: no stitch, inserting needle from front through the st in the row below left-hand needle instead of the st on the left hand needle, inserting needle from behind through the st in the row below left-hand needle instead of the st on the left hand needle, insert the needle into the center of the stitch in the row below and knit it, then drop the unworked stitch off the needle, knit one stitch wrapping yarn twice; drop extra wrap from needle on next row, purl one stitch wrapping yarn twice; drop extra wrap from needle on next row, knit one stitch wrapping yarn three times; drop extra wraps from needle on next row, purl one stitch wrapping yarn three times; drop extra wraps from needle on next row, purl the yarn overs of the three previous rows, purl in the back loop, resulting in a twisted stitch, Patent Stitch: with yarn forward, slip 1 stitch, yo, Knit the stitch in the Patent Stitch, slipping the yo>, Purl the stitch in the Patent Stitch, slipping the yo. But thank you anyway. WS: wrong side. Hi Christina It looks like the charts have a 26 stitch repeat, which does go evenly into 130 sts. 12:29 am, Congratulations! I cant tell if each row in the chart represents one row of work or two rows. National Day: June 12 - Russia Day. 2:38 pm. How do I do that? The pattern is Drops Enchanted evening dress . 4:34 pm. Move to the next stitch in the chart. alexaludeman Id say that if only a single chart is given, then flipping the chart to make the opposite hand (ie. Original symbol instructions in Russian. Kaye Sharp Hartwell 1:48 pm. Can I just follow the chart as written? They are all great first Fair Isle. Please be warned that the Internet landscape has changed in the years since I wrote this. December 20, 2016 @ The pattern is from a book on Scandinavian stockings. As youll see in the chart notes, there are special symbols A and B. It might feel awkward at first, but dont worry with just a bit of practice, youll easily get the hang of this technique. Hi Freda Sorry, Im not sure what to do without seeing the pattern. (The chart is right at the bottom of the link). Regardless of its original military meaning, "Z" has become a symbol for support of Russia's ongoing war in Ukraine both at home and abroad. It might mean that you turn your work and purl back, they do sound like short rows to me. December 27, 2020 @ After youve worked the last (top) row of a chart, you would typically begin again at the bottom at row or round 1, if the stitch pattern is repeated several times. Is it possible that the lace chart is decreasing in the triangles in a non-obvious way? Beautifuldreamer No we dont find it fun, we dont want to be challenged we just want to knit the think we want to knit. Also, the square beside M is that the new stitch you just made? July 14, 2020 @ I dont understand why. Im confused . April 10, 2019 @ Working my way through them! Can you help? December 15, 2016 @ What do I do with the first stitch, slip it or is the first stitch actually the knit stitch? Hi Melissa Im sorry, I cant really say, I havent knit the chart and it isnt one of our designs. I still struggle but am trying to work through this mental block I have with carts, Beth You will continue to decrease every row until you have decreased 13 sts on each side and then it looks like there is a second instruction after 7 more decrease rows? Source: work even > . June 7, 2018 @ In your example of the Gothic lace, why dont the edge stitches look like they are decreasing if you are knitting two together (k2tog) on each row? November 11, 2018 @ 1:53 pm, Hi Susan Yep, there are no sts to fill in those areas yet so they are blank. Diane Paula However, often, as you decrease, the chart will be impacted as you knit less stitches, but the key is to keep patterns aligning on top of one another. NOTE: Some patterns refer to cables as "Back" or "Front" cross. Hi Johanna Im sorry, the Arcadia poncho isnt one of ours so Im not really sure? Is it possibly that the number of sts changes? alexaludeman Hi Carol You have it right there, the k4 before the chart and after the chart are the edge sts. Thanks Edith, Emily Wessel There is most likely a pattern repeat that will be worked more times on subsequent repeats of the chart. So where only right side rows are shown, this means that you read each row shown in the chart from RIGHT to LEFT. September 9, 2016 @ Mary Lentini New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Press J to jump to the feed. 8:26 am, I have been reading all your info on reading a chart in knitting. July 14, 2016 @ As I worked through the repeat section once, and then a few rows later, twice etc. Charts will either show all rows (or rounds) or only illustrate one side of the work, usually the right side. Hi Cheryl Im sorry, Im not sure what they are looking for. Or, simplyscroll to the bottom of this pageto watch the embedded version of the video. Any explanation would be most welcome. December 21, 2021 @ The pattern calls to cast on 215 sts. March 8, 2015 @ 3:36 am. Have I missed something? Are there more decreases (k2tog, ssk etc) than increases (yos)? alexaludeman Warmly, Wouldnt straight needles make more sense since one is turning at the end of every row? Thank you. January 25, 2017 @ You may want to double check that if you have Yarn Overs right before or after the marker that they are staying where they should, that you arent moving the markers by misplacing the Yarn Overs. ~ Em, Linda Youll do this for each section, before and after the centreline stitch (because theyre the same they create 2 identical triangles of lace). It should go evenly (i think, not having the pattern in front of me). Watch how to do it. Lace patterns are often described only in charts, as they may have large stitch and row repeats can make writing out (and reading) lace patterns quite cumbersome. Thank you so much for your help in translating! 5:28 pm, I am making a sweater on a circular needle. Would I knit chart b with the 6 stitch repeat for the 23 rows then do chart a after. The text is in Russian but the illustrations are helpful in deciphering certain symbols! Momzilla Or is the k2tog combining those two stitches on the chart? March 23, 2017 @ Im very sure Ive got my markers in the right place and i am reading right to left but somehow the number of stitches doesnt seem to match up. By the time you master this method, you will probably make a little swatch in garter stitch like the one shown in the photo below. Im sorry, I dont really know, usually charts are right to left on the RS and left to right on the WS. So for the next round you are knitting to 1 stitch before the k2tog of the last charted round (or 2 stitches before that if you are working round 19). Knit the stitch that was slipped in the previous row together wth its yarn over. Useful charts I have found for translating Russian knitting chart symbols into English. It is the father cable pattern. March 30, 2015 @ So for round 2 is it K1 (main color), K1 (contrast color), K1 (main color) and then on to chart c? 9:16 pm. Origins. Original symbol instructions in Russian. 10:24 am. Symbol. :P Does this mean I YO,K1 8 times. still work the same. Usually you would want to start at the bottom right and go right to left. November 11, 2017 @ st (s): stitch (es) tog: together. 9:04 am. April 7, 2021 @ Thanks much!! Sorry for the novel!! 12:57 pm. Im working on the LINES mittens pattern and have figured out the charts, except the thumb gusset. It could be that the chart is increasing sts, or it could be that you are counting the yarn overs as sts needed to work the row. I see the concept, but I dont LITERALLY know how to make it happen. At row 19, bind off 6 stitches and with the stitches left, you start a new pattern row using that. Thank you in advance. Debra Siegel 8:49 pm. Looking forward to your reply, thank you in advance! So if the stitch repeat is 10 stitches, and there are 4 stitches for the foundation cast on will be 18 stitches plus multiples of 10 to the width I want. I read a chart from left to right. July 16, 2015 @ St st: stockinette stitch. 9:43 pm, What does it mean Cont to dec every row until 13 more dec each side and AT SAME TIME after 7more dec rows, alexaludeman Do I k1 . Obviously lots of experimentation is in order here to confirm (or disprove) these guesses. March 8, 2016 @ Thank you to Sharon, Ella, Dianne and Crafty Beats. thank you! Maybe if the slash crossed 2 boxes I could better understand. The particular pattern I wanted to swatch seemed simple but I cant even get through the first rows before my stitches are misaligned. Maybe email us with a picture? Thanks Julia February 25, 2015 @ 11:52 am. Hi. Now I had a second problem. But I have seen that some people purl into the back loop of the yarn overs, specifically the yarn overs before purls of the previous row. I am currently following a pattern that has two charts. Now, lets see how we should hold the working yarn and knit stitches using this efficient knitting style that is not only fast but is also gentle on our hands and wrists. The problem is the chart does not have any black lines to indicate the repeat pattern. susan sprachman 3:10 am. 6:18 am. On the chart it shows the knitting square as being half it size (width) and the x represents the cc, but is placed on the right side of the skinny box. It says to use the 8 stitch repeat, the chart has color-coded dark lines, but they dont match, i.e. October 22, 2016 @ To work the wrong side rows, follow the instructions given in the text or chart notes. alexaludeman 11:31 pm. Hi Lori No matter what else is happening in the mitten you are always working the next charted row, does that help? I am having difficulty understanding how to complete the repeat with a different starting point. Because left handed and right handed knitters usually knit the same way (sometimes varying the way they hold the yarn, things like that) knitting patterns and charts are always (as far as I know) written for the one way (knitting moving from right to left). Ive ripped it out 3 times and I cant figure it out. Can you please help me to decipher this chart? Have you tried contacting the designer? I am having a fascinating time this weekend noodling out Russian language pages on knitting and crochet, and trying to translate some terms. 1,2,or 3? Beth Im using KFB method. Hi Judith it sounds like those are maybe non-stitches? February 2, 2015 @ 9:41 am. 12:06 pm. Work the next stitch, then knit or purl the stitch on your cable needle. The chart seems to have one extra row on the right side. Kate Scott I am struggling with Ann Budd & Anne Hansons Top-Down India Print Henley. Hi Oana Im sorry, I really couldnt say, perhaps contact the designer? I want to try some Russian stitch charts, and this helps a lot. Each chart will have its own key with instructions on how to work each symbol, Jessica Henderson An easy knitting pattern over a four row repeat. Any help will be much appreciated. Emily Wessel January 14, 2015 @ first row is knit, the second has the beginnings of two purled columns on the RS of the fabric: k5, p2, k13, p2, k5. Does that mean I pearl stitch 20 & 21 together? I have finished the right hand Norwegian mitten. 9:10 am. This pattern is called the Lestrange cloak from the unofficial harry potter knits from 2013. More Great Patterns Like This. Im knitting a lacy cowl in the round and the pattern is on a chart. 4:52 am. 8:29 am. 12:28 pm. Perhaps they just numbered on the left for convenience but its against all convention that Ive read for charts. 7:08 am. Roberta, Renee 12:00 am. Or does the chart fit with the number of sts you have? Hi Nadine Do you work your knitting left to right as well? My main problem is that the print on the chart is tiny so unable to read it have tried magnifying glass & magnifying ruler with no success.Does anyone have any tips? In WS rows p all sts and yos. Row 4 dots If that doesnt work drop us an email at and we will get you sorted. When wearing the poncho, you can make sure the seam is in the back. Alot of times a chart asks to work between letters (B and C example), but there is sometimes a pattern instruction that crosses from C to D and I dont know how to interpret it. 1:36 pm. MaryAnn McGee Sherry Corrigan, Alexa Ludeman Hi you will usually have a particular starting point, and the repeat should occur after that. The first thing you should check when you start knitting from a chart is the key or legend, and chart notes if they are included. I am working on knitbots Sycamore Vest. Symbol. February 23, 2021 @ First embraced as a functional, post-surf boot and then a global symbol of provocation and laidback luxury, the Classic Boot has influenced new . October 27, 2016 @ It depends if there is a button band picked up or something there, or if there are edge sts indicated in the pattern. August 23, 2015 @ For the knitters attempting the knit, just a few tips after continuous tearing out of rows and starting over last night. It is not marked as stitches, there are no written instructions. June 8, 2018 @ June 17, 2020 @ When you are knitting in the round, you will read all chart rounds from right to left (in the direction that you knit). Natalie Beck If you would like to help with symbol meanings, written formats or to simply help out another knitter you may do so in the comments section. It is illustrated in a pretty lace stitch chart, alexaludeman The chart shown for a stitch/pattern called Triangle rib on the does not show even rows/ws rows and there is no instructions for ws rows in the key except for this: l knitwise in odd rows, purlwise in even rows; = purlwise in odd rows, knitwise in even rows.