The archaeologist Arnoldo Gonzalez said on Monday that researchers believe the tomb and pyramid were purposely built atop a spring between 683-702 AD. It is less well-known that this Osiris Shaft was actually discovered as early as 193334 by famed Egyptologist, Dr. Selim Hassan. Swimmers and scuba divers have also mysteriously drowned in the lake, curiously mostly in spring, with some of the bodies never found. AtAncient Origins, we believe that one of the most important fields of knowledge we can pursue as human beings is our beginnings. Tunnel 3 is 5,709 feet long and connects to Tunnel 4 known as the Carley V. Porter Tunnel. Just a meter or 2 below the sand one should be able to find remains of roman housing and buildings and below that there are even more structures which have been tentatively identified as rooms and othere hollow spaces. Attention has focused on the heavily carved stone sarcophagus in which Pakal was buried, and which some erroneously believe depicts the Maya ruler seated at the controls of a spaceship. Underwater tunnels are built using tunneling shields, tunnel boring machines, or immersed tubes. Interesting, if true! Before a Pharaoh could face the trials of the Twelve Great Halls, he first had to secure passage in the form of a boat that would carry him down the river of the Underworld. One of my sources, a expert timeline reader, claims it is a dimensional portal that only those that have the correct DNA can ever hope to open. The tunnel was constructed as the government's response to the unfortunate sinking of five ferry ships due to a typhoon back in 1954 . One couldnt help but feel there were some unseen observers down there that day observing our entry into their watery crypt. some thoughts: They now officially call it the Osiris Shaft. Oddly, spring is also a season in which the lake experiences the most accidents involving fishermen, who flock here to fish for the very large Lahontan cutthroat trout. All three of the organized religions (Islam, Roman, and Judaic) tend to censor history before their own inception. Toronto Tunnels leading to subterranean city. When you think of pyramids, most people think only of those in Egypt and Middle America. There's geological speculation that Donner Lake Pyramid and Tahoe lakes are also connected to one another via underground passageway (s), as there have been reports of bodies that went missing in Lake Tahoe only to later wing up in Pyramid lake which is close by. The name Pyramid Lake derives from the numerous soaring limestone cone-shaped formations, called tufa formations, that line the shores and jut up out of the water here, with the largest of these being Anaho Island, looming out over the water like the ruin of some inscrutable ancient civilization. But now they are coming into the Light and what is being found raises even deeper questions. Eerie indeed, but even more so considering that hearing these voices is said to be a bad omen, with a local saying being 'If you hear them you will have bad luck, if you see them you are dead. The phenomenon is said to be particularly prominent in the spring, when such reports experience a surge. Beneath the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids there is an extensive underground tunnel and chamber network which runs for a total of more than ten miles, connecting all pyramids and other places together. I wondered if there might be any inorganic salts in the rock walls, which could have leached into the water. My magnetometer had a higher reading than the norm, suggesting something else entirely. The lakes surface is 140feet below sea-level, and covers about 78square miles. (Author provided). There are those who believe this to be the tomb of the god Osiris, which is why they refer to it as the Osiris Shaft. Biology, nature, and cryptozoology still remain Brent Swancers first intellectual loves. In the remains under Fuxian Lake, one of the structures resembles a pyramid. There were undecipherable markings on the slab, a crisscross of deeply carved lines and some symbols. Others dispute this dating and believe it dates back much earlier. In the darkness, we were led to an iron-gated entry under the causeway between the pyramids. I meant to say, and thought I wrote- incomplete. As Above, so Below . It isa well-known secret that an ancient city may exist underneath the Pyramids, much like Hawara. I looked down the last shaft and saw water was up to the last rung of the ladder leading to the third underground chamber. Underwater tunnels are used as an alternate means of transportation. This became the first underwater tunnel in the world. We seek to retell the story of our beginnings. U.S.- Egyptian cultural ties are strengthened as Ivanka Trumps family explores the crumbling pyramids, temples and tombs of the Nile River. An article about the find stated : We have discovered a subway used by the ancient Egyptians of 5000 years ago. Newfoundland Condemned Iron Mine connects with tunnels. "You can look all you want for pyramids and other manmade structures . Im super sensitive and I feel kind of good nervous when I drink it. There is an ancient Hermetic saying: As Above, so Below,meaning, That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above, and that which is Above corresponds to that which is Below, to accomplish the Miracle of the One Thing.. I was told this chamber was for the favored onesthe guardians which tended to be the highest of priests. It wouldnt be surprising if they did. I enlisted a certified water analysis lab in California to run a series of tests, then called a friend of mine, who is an organic chemist, for his analysis of the test results. It passes beneath the causeway leading between the second Pyramid and the Sphinx. This underwater sea tunnel reaches to a whooping depth of 2300m. Lake Moeris isan ancient man-made lake in the northwest area of the Faiyum Oasis. Its possible this could be the depository of ancient and advanced knowledge the Atlanteans hid behind in the event of a future global catastrophe. Regardless of how they were constructed, the Egyptian pyramids of the Giza Plateau represent one of mankinds most astonishing engineering achievements. If the water tables/sea levels were much lower 5,000 to 12,000 years ago, wouldnt that be an indication that water wasnt in those chambers where is is today? I enlisted a certified water analysis lab in California to run a series of tests, then called a friend of mine, who is an organic chemist, for his analysis of the test results. I wondered if there might be any inorganic salts in the rock walls, which could have leached into the water. Sometimes locations with sinister legends and weird phenomena are some of the most stunningly beautiful places in the world, somehow managing to balance natural beauty with strange, ominous tales. Tomb Secrets from Egyptologist Kara Cooney, Egos Clash Behind Stall in Search for Nefertiti's Tomb, Capturing Images on Film from Another Dimension, VAXXED Movie Controversy: What You Should Know, Hidden Essene Texts Provide Clues to Bible's Origin. Is underground water a pre-requisite for all pyramid building? The Multiple Miraculous Healings of Valerie, Secrets of the Ancient Egyptian Sacred Blue Lotus, Geologists Report Man-Made Earthquakes on the Rise, Pineal Gland DMT - A Pathway to Psychic Abilities, Mystery Solved: Ancient Tomb Lamps Still Found Burning, Magrav Technology & Recent War Games Over Europe, Answers to the American Epidemic of Gluten Intolerance, Recent Discoveries at the Bosnian Pyramid, The 12 Electromagnetic Vortices on Human Consciousness, Talking with Spirits with James Van Praagh, The Mystery Schools of the Order of Melchizedek, Celebrities at Golden Globe Events Love Trinfinity8, Sacred Egyptian Alchemy with Essential Oils, Discovering Extraterrestrial Evidence in Egypt. Instead of falling by my feet as physics would allow, the card bizarrely flew out across a short span of water and onto the top of the stone sarcophagus. It is unknown when Lake Moeris turned from freshwater to seawater, or the cause. They had to weigh several tons. This chamber is known to flood and this year the water had mysteriously risen higher than expected. There are hundreds of pyramids around the world, many overgrown by vegetation and barely recognizable. SANTIAGO (Reuters) - Scientists have found a previously undiscovered moai on Easter Island, uncovering the large stone statue in a dry lake bed on the tiny, remote island in the middle of the. Just in case. Coincidence? Required fields are marked *. Emerging from the winze, the permafrost tunnel opens into a high-ceilinged gallery of water-ice patterns, each one as beautiful as an abstract sculpture. 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Beneath the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids there is an extensive underground tunnel and chamber network which runs for a total of more than ten miles, connecting all pyramids and other places together. The pyramids in Bosnia were discovered in2005, in the town of Visoko. I got an explanation that I should mix it with standard tap (or distilled) water in 1:10 or even more. Are the Misty Peaks of the Azores Remnants of the Legendary Atlantis? To me, this would mean there is a potential for a lot more to explore but it would have to be done underwater. Join MU Plus+ and get exclusive shows and extensions & much more! pyramid lake underwater tunnels. The tests showed something I hadnt expected. One old legend among the Paiute was that the lake was the home of a race of mermaids, and that one of these beings once fell in love with a village man. Nonetheless, I am grateful. Native Winnebago or Ho-Chunk people have talked about a "sunken village of rock tepees" under Rock Lake since the early 1830s, when the first pioneers came in the southern region of Wisconsin between what is now Milwaukee and the capitol at Madison. If you know about pyramids, it makes sense, Hello Kathy. In truth, we are just beginning to put together the puzzle pieces that have eluded us for centuries. However every continent has them, regardless of the fact that they often are not recognized by the scientific establishment. Why is the U.S. so Medically Backward about Ozone? They are found in many areas, I have seen them in farmers fields. A vast network of underground chambers and water tunnels have been discovered beneath several of the worlds most well-known pyramids, including the Great Pyramid on Egypts Giza Plateau. It seemed to be even more advanced than Egyptian pyramids. Ancient Greek legends tell of a hidden above-ground and below-ground pyramid complex at Hawara known as The Labyrinth that contained Twelve Great Halls. The inspector pointed to an iron ladder leading down this first shaft. The Lesser of Two Evils, Russian Scientists Discover Philosopher's Stone to Make Gold, New Answers for Strange Hum Heard Worldwide. "There is untouched archaeology down there, as well as a delicate ecosystem that includes colonies of bats and a species of spider which we have tentatively identified as the white widow," British . From this subway, we have unearthed a series of shafts leading down more than 125 feet, with roomy courts and side chambers. Someday, someone will find it and wonder who it belonged to. Seikan is the world's longest tunnel with an underwater segment, beating the . The story goes that when the man brought the mermaid to the village to announce his intentions to marry her, they were met with disdain and the man was told to take the strange creature back to the water. In addition to freak boating accidents, missing equipment, and technical trouble, there are the more sinister stories of drownings and disappearances. (Author supplied). For centuries these ancient tunnels have remained hidden and off-limits to everyone but a select few. GcMAF, Nagalase: Why 8 Holistic Doctors Were Murdered & Others Poisoned, FEAR: False (Flag) Evidence Appearing Real, Los Alamos Study Finds Airport Scanners Alter DNA. The area of highest activity is between Oakville and Toronto. is it safe to drink or not? Three great pyramids link the Avenue: the pyramid of the Sun, the Moon, and the Feathere I was curious to know what an analysis of the water samples I took from under the Giza Plateau might show, if anything. 1 Seikan Tunnel - 53.9 km. The water is clear but filled with silt and some debris. You can do a quick Google Images search for stills from the documentary if you don't believe me. 5 A Stonehenge-Like Structure Under Lake Michigan. Subscribe free to the Trinfinity & Beyond Blog. The Chinese government doesnt talk much about them and has cordoned them off from the public. I wondered how they had managed to remove the other five sarcophagi, if they indeed existed. I has already been confirmed there are ancients buildings below the sand on that spot. Architecture of the Floating (Or Sinking) City: How Was Venice Built? Liquid mercury found under Mexican pyramid could lead to king's tomb, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. In prehistory it was once a freshwaterlake, with an area estimated to vary between 490 656 miles. The Pharaoh would then set sail and begin his adventure. It might reveal instead an earlier pre-dynastic culture which some scholars have referred to as the Atlantic Period, relating to those who fled a catastrophic flood event on earth and brought advanced knowledge to the Egyptian lands to preserve it from future global destruction. If the Great Pyramid was indeed intended as some kind of ancient power plant, as some physicists and engineers have theorized, then it would indeed need water to generate power. that Pakals position in the engraving on the stone sarcophagus lid resembled the position of astronauts, and he appeared to be seated in a contraption with flames coming out of it and controls. Only two black basalt and granite sarcophagi were still there, both empty with their heavy lids slightly ajar. Mission to Inner Earth - Is it Really Hollow? Home; Members; News; Results; Events; About us; Links; Media; Contact; 27 Nov 2020 Sprawled out like a mirage in the desert and brushing up against tranquil mountains, Pyramid Lake lies nestled within the Truckee River Basin, located in southeastern Washoe County of the U.S. state of Nevada, around 64 km (40 miles) from the city of Reno. January 17, 2018 - The world's longest underwater cave has been discovered near the city of Tulum, on Mexico's Yucatn Peninsula. The tunnels led water from under the funeral chamber out into the broad esplanade in front of the temple, thus giving Pakals spirit a path to the underworld. (Our entry has now opened the way for others wanting access, but also for a hefty price.). This monument to the forgotten explorer William Bitter lies buried by the shifting sands of time and the sea floor. Is Artificial Intelligence Becoming Conscious? Great work! The Bosnian Pyramid, which is even larger than the Great Pyramid, also has water tunnels which look remarkably similar to the water tunnels running under the Giza Plateau. There is always the possibility that what they find may pre-date Egyptian culture, disproving the accepted timeline of history. However, the Egyptian authorities deny and often ridicule anyone attempting to verify this hidden subterranean city. Gonzalez said he believes there is no shaft or connection between the tomb and the tunnel, but adds the conduit hasnt been fully explored yet because it is too small to crawl through. It was indeed Frmont who gave the lake the title of Pyramid Lake. Rugby World Cup Winners List, Gandhi was . To this day, both visitors and locals alike often report hearing the disembodied voices of babies crying or the laughter of children wafting from out across the still water, which are often heard even by people who have never heard of the old tales of Water Babies. The new discovery connects two previously known flooded caves . Chicago, IL. While the water down there is relatively clear, there exists a hodgepodge of construction debris from earlier explorersbroken stones, scattered wooden slats, some papyrus strips, and a strange white filmy substance on the water in several places. Today it is a smaller saltwater lake called Birket Qarun. Subscribe free to the Trinfinity & Beyond Blog. Lake Moeris isan ancient man-made lake in the northwest area of the Faiyum Oasis. I was told there were three lower levels, the last leading to the water tunnels more than 125 feet below ground. They now officially call it the Osiris Shaft. Before a Pharaoh could face the trials of the Twelve Great Halls, he first had to secure passage in the form of a boat that would carry him down the river of the Underworld. Lake Ontario "Lights" Orange-colored spheres have been seen coming out of/diving into Lake Ontario. The Water Report showed highest concentrate of sodium, followed by chloride. It felt like I was meant to leave something personal behind. An article about the find stated: We have discovered a subway used by the ancient Egyptians of 5000 years ago. Initially they refused our request, but eventually caved in for a price. We were initially met with suspicion by Egyptian authorities who wanted to know who we were, what we wanted, and how we even knew about the shafts. The Chinese government doesnt talk much about them and has cordoned them off from the public. A Mysterious Underwater Stonehenge Has Been Found Underneath Lake Michigan. So it was in early 2018, at 4:30 AM, when a Giza Plateau inspector, my Egyptologist friend Hares and myself plodded across the desert sands with only a flashlight to light our way in the morning chill. . Pyramid Lake is hydrologically connected to Tahoe by the umbilical cord of the Truckee River, which drains water from Lake Tahoe 120 miles east through the city of Reno and past agricultural fields in Nevada. This water source connected both east and west of the pyramid. Perhaps the sarcophagus was one that was dropped or left behind due to it's size or bulkiness? What is the origin of the legend of the Christed Son who was born of a virgin on December 25th?