Who will reign triumphant this time?[ https://goo.gl/hRAVDf ] Subscribe to the Carto. Aquamarine says she's skeptical of how "a Steven" could also be a "My-Dad", but she accepts it because she wants to leave. You're nothing like Jasper! In "Growing Pains", Steven reaches out to his father to tell him about his failed proposal to Connie only to change his mind when he hears how busy his father is, not wanting to be a burden. Steven returns this sentiment, as shown by his efforts to assist Alexandrite in her fight against Malachite in "Super Watermelon Island". However, she shows a deeper affection than most for Steven, admitting to watching Steven once he has fallen asleep. Answer (1 of 2): According to this answer by Abigail Johnston, White Diamond is 14.5 Stevens tall. However, in "Reunited", Lapis returns to help Steven and the Crystal Gems fight against Yellow and Blue Diamond, dropping the Barn on top of the latter. In "Together Alone", when Steven takes his mother's old throne for his mother's legacy, Pink Diamond will be very proud of him. In "The Future" as Steven is preparing to leave Beach City, Peridot is more upset than most, sobbing after wondering where she'll find another Steven. He quietly waits for her to finish her report instead of alerting the others until she notices him. After an explanation of why they reacted nonchalantly to Steven's departure and assuring they'll always be there for him, Pearl gives a tearful goodbye to Steven as he leaves Beach City. Lion, most of the time, does whatever he wants and often ignores or disobeys Steven. She lets him have the first hit and as the fight goes on, she has Steven back into a corner where she down talks him on how he always tries to help others when in reality, he's the one who needs help. 14 ("The Answer" to "Change Your Mind")15 (Unleash the Light)16 (Steven Universe: The Movie to "The Future"), I changed. This also shows that, as Dr. Maheswaran reveals from her examination, Steven is suffering psychological, mental, and emotional trauma (most likely, but not confirmed to be PTSD) due to the traumatic events throughout the original series and movie dating back to his childhood that is starting to flare up now that those in Steven's support system (e.g. Spinel is a character in the Steven Universe franchise. Monster Steven is an enormous, pink creature with spikes protruding all over his body . First meeting her after she rescues him and Steven Jr. from the Big Bird, he is somewhat intimidated. James Ward-Prowse. Steven's obliviousness can create problems even with those he cares about as in "Dewey Wins" he thinks Connie should be grateful to him for giving himself up to Homeworld to save her, not understanding how he hurt her until suffering the same hurt when Dewey concedes the mayoral race in spite of Steven's campaigning and urging the public to give him another chance; although this particular obliviousness could be attributed to him not being ready to face his feelings over his surrender and everything he experienced on Homeworld as well as having to deal with the emotional anguish his surrender caused his loved ones. When Steven returns to Little Homeworld after his fight with Spinel, Bismuth is happy to learn that he is unharmed and greets him along with Lapis and Peridot. Sugilite | Malachite | Cluster Gems | Cluster | Zebra Jasper | Bluebird Azurite, Gem Monsters Connie pauses. He is based in Los Angeles which is the setting of many of his videos. During the game, however, Ruby and Sapphire accidentally fuse into Garnet and the Rubies, realizing the Gems' lies, fuse into "Giant Ruby" and almost attack them. On the sides of his head are a pair of long, angular horns that point upwards, as well as a similar-looking pair of short, curved tusks on the sides of his lower jaw. In "The Trial", he pleads guilty even knowing that he would be shattered/executed, feeling that he was responsible for Rose's actions and deserved to suffer her punishment. James Ward-Prowse of Southampton. After offering her the foot of her limb enhancer suit, Steven becomes the only person Peridot allows into the bathroom after she locks herself in. Steven sees the best in everyone and is also very compassionate, something which Pearl notes he inherits from his mother and treasures his friends and family. Steven and Bluebird Azurite are enemies, as she is the fusion of his two worst enemies Aquamarine and "Eyeball" and was made to get revenge on Steven for his dissolution of the Gem Empire during Era 3, which caused Bluebird's components to be cast out and forgotten. However, Steven becomes disillusioned after learning his father's backstory was similar to his mother's: Greg was brought up with strict, overbearing parents who controlled his life and never supported his interests which led to him running away to take control of his destiny. Steven. As seen in "Laser Light Cannon" and "Cat Fingers", they share a very strong father-son relationship, and Greg is always emotionally supportive. Steven has made an effort to befriend Blue and Yellow Pearl. Lion is Steven's "pet" who he first met in "Steven's Lion" while the Crystal Gems were retrieving the Desert Glass. He also shows that he can fuse, as he can fuse with Connie to form Stevonnie. Steve Harmon is the narrator and protagonist of the story. No matter the situation, Steven will always go out of his way to support his loved ones, even if it means putting his life on the line and he will avoid resorting to violence if possible. Now, they've come to Earth for their revenge! While talking to her, Lapis refuses his help, saying, "Just let me do this for you!". I need it "Change Your Mind". As revealed in "Steven's Birthday", while he is fourteen years of age his half-Gem physiology affects his rate of aging and he appears younger. So stop leaving me out of this. During the aftermath, she shows a genuine display of affection towards him by nuzzling him and hugging him. It is for this reason that she lies to her parents about Steven in "Fusion Cuisine", saying that he had a traditional nuclear family. Bismuth was a member of Rose Quartz's Crystal Gems. EDIT: Ok I know in the show there are a lot of times when the same characters are different sizes because the storyboard artists don't try to make the characters the same heights, but I based my chart off of first appearances and how characters are sized most of the time, so . As of "The Future", it is uncertain how he currently feels about his mother. In "Now We're Only Falling Apart" Steven tells Sapphire that Pink Diamond didn't get hurt as Pearl revealed that Pink wanted to scare Homeworld from Earth. Steven to a Cluster Gem. !!! Steven's gemstone as it appears on his Gem half. Steven looked up to Lars very much and wanted to be accepted by him, even once saying he did not mind suffering third-degree burns to receive a high five from him. Peridot seems to take the gesture extremely well and is on much better terms with Steven by the end of the episode. In "Bubbled" Steven encounters "Eyeball" while drifting in space marooned in his bubble, and she is angry at him for sending them in outer space and for tricking her. As a human/Gem hybrid, Steven possesses unique physiology, resembling a fusion of a Gem and a human. Violence is always the last resort. "Made of Honor" further shows his enthusiasm for weddings in the form of the wedding planner book he claims to have been putting together his entire life and he shows great zeal in preparing for and performing Ruby and Sapphire's wedding in "Reunited". Later, after Steven has transformed back, Lion greets him with a warm, friendly lick and allows Steven to embrace him and cry into his mane as his master/charge finally lets out his emotions. When they find a potential way home, Steven does not want to leave Lars behind, but he is convinced, and instead of high fiving, they hug each other, showing how close they have become since the beginning as Lars allows Steven to return home. He becomes very eager to meet the fusion when Amethyst and Pearl reveal the information and the concept of fusion to him. "Prickly Pair" shows that Steven feels he can't talk about his problems with Pearl for fear of her blaming herself and breaking down. At the beginning of "Kevin Party", Steven is seen putting up missing posters for Lion, indicating that he misses Lion very much. According to Pearl and Vidalia, Steven takes after his parents. Superhuman strength, speed, agility, durability, stamina and endurance, Rid himself of trauma and find a new purpose in life, Kang the Conqueror (Marvel Cinematic Universe), https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/File:Steven_Corrupts.ogg, https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/File:That%27s_not_Steven_anymore!.mp3, Monster Steven is the final antagonist of. He does, however, manage to get her to realize just how many times she has made Pink cry, and Blue agrees to help him return to Earth, even fighting Yellow to do so, in addition to finally acknowledging him as his own separate being. Shocked at her apparent betrayal, Steven leaves her locked in the truck and tells the other Gems of what occurred, very upset at Peridot for having learned nothing. During the battle, instead of being cold and ruthless to her as she does to him and the rest of the Crystal Gems, he teases her instead. You think I'm so great, I'm so mature, and I always know what to do, but that's not true! She is even willing to risk her life to save Steven from a falling icicle. However, none of his moves cause damage, except for the counter for Bubble Shield. After Steven had got to see the videotape Rose had left him in "Lion 3: Straight to Video", he was moved to tears when she expresses her love for him and grows more curious about the person Rose was. Despite being educated in an isolated environment and never attending conventional school, he possesses a good deal of knowledge not only on general topics, but also in scientific and technical fields like physics, chemistry, and geography due to being educated by the highly intellectual Pearl. It is Connie's sensible nature that convinces him to let his anger go. In "Coach Steven" she's about 10 Stevens (40 ft) tall. Before moving out, Steven offers to let Greg move into his room in the beach house, and gives him a Kerry Moonbeam poster as a goodbye gift. Choose from Same Day Delivery, Drive Up or Order Pickup. and "I Am My Mom" he comes to a resolution about his feelings for Rose when he gives himself up as Rose Quartz to Aquamarine to both save his friends to atone for both their actions that led up to that point. In the last episode of the 6th StevenBomb, "I Am My Mom", Steven comes to terms with his feelings for Connie and confesses his love to her as he is taken away to Homeworld. Furthermore, he has also been shown to be able to fuse with other Gems as well, as he first fused with Amethyst to form Smoky Quartz in "Earthlings". After capturing Connie, Steven commands her and Topaz to let his friends go, to which Aquamarine uses her wand to hurl Steven towards a tree. Steven's gemstone projects a form that looks like a pink-colored version of Steven's human body and speaks in his voice after cycling through the forms of his mother. It is unknown whether he was referring to her specifically or everyone in general, but it's heavily implied that it was for her. In her most recent outfit, she sports a pair of purple overalls. Learning about his mom, things he didn't realize, things aren't as they seem, it's hard for him to process all that. For them. She proves this by telling him the only times where he's won facing her was when he either had help from the other Crystal Gems or when he is Fused with someone. I'm supposed to know better! In "Mindful Education", it is revealed that Steven harbors intense emotional baggage for being unable to help her, Jasper mid-corruption manifesting in one of Stevonnie's hallucinations as a result. Moved, and desperate to redeem the Gem, Steven brings Spinel back to the Gems and Connie, who, after initially being wary, agree to let Steven help Spinel to deactivate the Injector. On an exceptional day, surfers can catch a wave towering around 24 meters (80 feet). The two argue, and after passing over a satellite, "Eyeball" monologues about her disbelief that any Crystal Gems were left on Earth and how she wanted to see Rose Quartz but was tricked by the Gems instead. Steven has since grown more mature and level-headed in dealing with strenuous situations, but his enthusiasm has remained the same. Along with their love for each other Steven and Connie share an equal partnership and friendship. Because Alexandrite typically only forms in dire situations, Steven has rarely interacted with her. With this, Steven decides to embrace his mother's old role on Homeworld to help convince White Diamond to cure the corrupted Gems on Earth. He is then reduced to a mindlessly feral creature intent on causing destruction out of his overwhelming anguish; in this state, he does not listen to anyone and will ruthlessly attack those who try to stop him without hesitation. She also shows great concern for Steven when he briefly lifted the Injector out of the ground, as well as when he burned his arm from the poison. Later, in "Change Your Mind", Steven successfully manages to meet with White Diamond a second time. Later, when he is knocked out by Yellow Diamond, Connie frantically tries to wake him up, reminding him of their reconstituted promise to always be a team. She seeks to restrain him in the ocean, and after everyone embraces Steven with love and allows him to transform back, Lapis and the others are happy and relived to see Steven back to normal. However, he is still paranoid about her and her secrets as seen in "Lion 4: Alternate Ending". He also wears cuffed blue jeans and salmon-pink flip-flop sandals. When the Robonoids attack, Lars nearly has another panic attack, but Steven comforts him, saying that it was okay to be afraid. Steven first meets Sugilite when he and the Crystal Gems went on a mission to destroy the Communication Hub. This revelation leaves Steven feeling resentful over being denied typical childhood experiences (such as going to school and the doctor) and likely causes him to conclude that the lack of normalcy in his childhood has left him unable to deal with his trauma or figure out what to do with his life. Gemstone. "Made of Honor" and "Reunited" cement Steven's growth and maturity as he forgives Bismuth and accepts her back into the Crystal Gems with Bismuth claiming Steven as the real leader of the Crystal Gems and as he convinces Blue and Yellow Diamond to stop fighting by revealing his identity as Pink Diamond's son/reincarnation. He then takes him to Greg and Bismuth and watches as Steven relays a message to them for help before returning to his own body. Stephen Bowers. His maturity has grown to new levels as he helps Lapis Lazuli and Peridot acclimate to Earth and continues to hone his powers. And even though it mustve been hard, and he loved his family so, so much, maybe he had to leave to keep moving forward. And that's why I'm here, isn't it? He lets her go, but not before telling Sadie and Shep they make a good couple. She was created 6,000 years prior to the events of the movie to comfort the lonely Pink Diamond, who had lost her first Pearl to White Diamond. Listen to me, Spinel. She created weapons for the other members of the Gems, and found new ways to fight Homeworld. During the chase, Steven seems to care about her when he asks if she is okay after falling off the wall. Of the four exceptions: Rainbow Quartz 2.0 also uses "he/him" pronouns, and Sunstone and Obsidian also use "she/her". I don't want to do this, Lars. In "Bluebird", Aquamarine fuses with "Eyeball" so the two of them can get their revenge on Steven for him changing Homeworld for the better causing the both of them to be cast out and forgotten. However, upon seeing each other at the party, tension and uncertainty between them (due to Steven believing that Connie's new look was a sign that she had decided to move on from him, and Connie presumably being uncertain of what Steven thinks of her after unintentionally leaving him completely in the dark during the duration of their estrangement) prevent them from reconciling immediately.