This site uses different types of cookies. Our Queen, Kanadajin3, has blurred her face from all of her videos and now has a new channel, NiqabQUEEN . How exactly do Rachel & Jun give off that impression? Everyone in this chart is too thin. These links lead to uploads and my or may not work:Someone reloaded the video here:Mira's video:'s video:\u0026nr=1Rachel and Jun's Youtube:'s Youtube:'s Google Plus page: other main channel: Oyajis is broadcast live at 10:30pm EVERY Wednesday JAPAN TIME. I wish a happier future for all of those who were affected/involved. A bit hypocritical that she said that since Mira married a Japanese native and divorced him quite soon after she moved to Japan. For example, vloggers like the Rachel & Jun channel who seem to sell this image that its okay to basically be a sucker and a weeaboo, Japanese will still love you anyway. The couple were featured in BBC,[3] The Japan Times,[4] Japan Today[11] and in the TV show Asachan from TBS, in a section dedicated to foreign YouTube personalities based in Japan. I cant even believe 0. I follow a bunch of these ladies and gents on facebook, twitter, instagram, YouTube of course, and a couple of their blogs. You should never release someones personal information without their permission. Before I start this response, I would just like to say thatI do not know any of these people personally. I do believe that it is ok to have a different opinion than someone and that it is ok to voice your opinion, but you need to do it in a polite way. They all need to put on their big girl/boy pants and GROW UP. I have, however, watched various responses to her video and responses to the whole situation to get a good basis of what is going on. Pretty sure his videos are still up though, check some of them out. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. To me 60 is 0 percent chubby. [4] A video of a visit to the "Fox Village" (Kitsune Mura) from Za (July 2015) went viral and was featured on many websites. I think anybody who moves to Japan based on those fantasies isn't going to last very long and will return to their home country quickly. Shouldnt -10 and 0, and 10 and 20 be reversed? As a woman 20 is ideal, but now Im about 60 or more. Or, a better question, do you feel as if jvloggers perpetuate stereotypes about daily Japanese life? YUZU BATH Japanese winter solstice - BATH IN YUZU ON DECEMBER 21 or 22nd in Japan on the winter solstice it is custom to take a hot bath in YUZU and eat kabocha You can buy yuzu and do this at your home, or . People that do some things in Tokyo might do things entirely different out here where I live. I like all of the ones above 10. But i already searched on my own and came accross the videos. 20 is just over the line for being chubby. Kanadajin3 Canadian girl who does stuff in Japan. It seemed as though she had made some notes of what to say as I noticed her looking down every so often as if she was reading something. Id go for 20 and above. Haku (a large Maine Coon), Poki (a stray picked up from the street) and Nagi (a Norwegian Forest cat) all have their amusing individual personality traits that set them apart, leading to hilarious antics all over their owners apartment. For people already living in Japan - if you do not reside in Japan you are welcome to read, but do not post or you will be removed. Please do not harass her for doing this. I thought I liked chubby women but I guess I really like fat women, then. If anyone has followed Mira you know that she has a more unique way of speaking English. Tackle the content. For those of you who follow the Jvlogging scene you probably have heard about the drama that had unfolded between Kanadajin3 (Mira) and Rachel and Jun among a few other Jvloggers. I think Mirasbest option would be to seriously think about what she did, realize that she was wrong, and apologize. RachelAndJun American/Japanese Fukuoka, Japan YouTube (mostly using our vlog channel now) CATS Email: 80 to 100 are just fat, arent they? 50 or 60 look better. The ongoing war has caused widespread devastation, contributed to a global economic crisis, a massive humanitarian crisis, and the death of . I thought something strange was happening when I read Sharla in Japan's comment about a "close friend" of hers and how "being an asshole gets you nowhere". Rachel is from Cincinnati, Ohio. I like 40 and 60. I saw a video once where they did a skit where Rachel called Chris about some snacks and now I cannot find it. The website cannot function properly without these cookies. I came across her by accident and I don't even remember what I was looking for at the time or what video of hers I had seen first. If she doesnt mean it then there is no point to it. I was on vacation when this situation started, so I have not seen Rachel's video. Although she shouldnt apologize if it isnt sincere. Only once did i watch a video of Kanadajin and didn't like it. I cant see their faces so just looking at them this way theyre all fine. I don't know if that makes me happy or sad. To me, Rachel is the definition of the gaijin who has the Japanese girlfriend/boyfriend who, by that connection alone, is the know-all on everything Japanese and by that in itself makes her channel obnoxious. Chris is a really down to earth guy. I was on vacation when this situation started, so I have not seen Rachel's video. This post is regarding the current dispute between Mira (Kanadajin3), Rachel (Rachel & Jun) , and Sharla (Sharla in Japan). Some of the videos have Japanese and English maxed in the title along with the thumbnails that are in English. Ah, yeah, that would make sense. For someone to look pretty next to me, 40 is good. as further proof that they are fake accounts belonging to her, they all make the same spelling and grammatical mistakes that Mira makes. This site uses cookies. Hopefully history won't repeat itself anytime soon. Her video was a bit lengthy as well and definitely had a very serious tone to it. If shes cute then 100 is okay, too. This post is regarding the current dispute between Mira (Kanadajin3), Rachel (Rachel & Jun) , and Sharla (Sharla in Japan). I thought the examples of chubby girls would be fatter. It says "country's with good manners statistics". My tastes start at 40. That in itself is enough proof for me that the account are, in fact, Mira in disguise. It's not in any way normal? Start privatizing your videos. I have, however, watched various responses to her video and responses to the whole situation to get a good basis of what is going on. I've seen people bitch about "living in Japan", when really, what they're bitching about is "living in the middle of fucking nowhere". ", So many people said "You're going to get homesick and want to move back home after a few weeks blah blah blah.". This is our vlog channel. Each person's experience and interpretation of any place is going to be different. She says that no one had ever sent her an email or anything asking her if the accusations were true or not. Also welcome in this sub, are people who are a part of the Abroad In Japan Universe - Sharla, Ryotaro, Natsuki, and a few others! Of course 60 and below are no good. To be honest, all of them are sexy. Id like someone from 10 to 80 please!! The clothing shop supposedly contacted Rachel and asked if she would like to be sponsored to them. They say J-vlogging has opened doors to other work: the couple has been offered voice acting roles in video games and Rachel has been approached to do modelling. They posted 2 weeks ago. endangeredpenguin 6 mo. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. 60-100 are chubby. be forcefully captured to play the role of. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Alas I was extremely disappointed after watching Rachel's video. So much so that they are in fear for their lives and are actually considering moving. I do wish everyone the best of luck with everything that they do. This post is regarding the current dispute between Mira (Kanadajin3), Rachel (Rachel & Jun) , and Sharla (Sharla in Japan). I dont know a lot about this, so I cant say much about whether I believe this accusation or not. As the Jvloggers themselves have said- there is no point in spreading the hate even more by attacking Mira's accounts with more horrible comments. And laughed! All the viewers have to go by are the videos and comments that have been made by these Jvloggers. Other than -20 and below, and 100, everyone else is fine. Privacy Policy. If she was 60 Id feel like I was having sex with a pig. Rachel's video shows that she went to great lengths to do some research about the attacks that she was receiving from some usernames. Anyone that tries to teach people about life in Japan based on limited experience of living in Tokyo I can just not watch. Really chilled and down to earth guy. I would want to start at 20% for a girlfriend, and I think it would feel better to sleep with someone starting at 40%. Jun was also very offended when Mira said that Rachel only married Jun for a marriage visa, even though they're living apart. And I say "dangerous" as I'm referring to the accusation that Mira had leaked private information; compromising safety for other Jvloggers. 0 is too skinny. Around 60 would be the best for cuddling. Someone copying her language and spelling mistakes and setting her up? What does this all mean? Rachel and Sharla may or may not forgive her; it all depends on what they want to do. These are pictures that when uploaded to. Absolutely stereotypes are perpetrated. By the way, I think boobs that fit in your hand are good! However, the accounts were used to harass Rachel on a video she made regarding a certain clothing shop. could you elaborate a little bit on the differences between RTK and kodansha's book? Anything relevant to living or working in Japan such as lifestyle, food, style, environment, education, technology, housing, work, immigration, sport etc. Shes a little too fat to be chubby, but only in her waist. Harassment of any kinda should not happen, especially if it is simply because you disagree with a person. Apologize first. Leaving hateful comments will not help anything or anyone. Harassing someone with fake accounts because you disagree with them is not ok. As well as harassment, Mira was accused of releasing private, personal information about Rachel and Sharla on the internet. reenactment of an old ritual where one unlucky man passing near a shrine would Mira herself was contacted by a company and after doing research she denied the company of it's request for her to do a video. There is a wide range of jvloggers and to say that all of them are "Japan is amazing" or "Look at this food lol" is inaccurate. Unclassified cookies are cookies that we are in the process of classifying, together with the providers of individual cookies. The thin girls look like the ones from Five Star stories and are gross. She is guilty. The ones under 0 look too thin and unhealthy. ---------- Post added 14th Jun 2014 at 08:57 PM ----------,, (You must log in or sign up to post here. Mira's video makes her seem at least partially innocent. shrine, called the, However, there are Hadaka otoko designated to protect the She looks like itd feel good to cuddle with her. My big problem with all of these This is Life in Japan vloggers that try to explain about things in Japan and constantly use phrases such as "In Japan we do x" is that the vast majority of them are in Tokyo.