When we were hurt, we healed each other. One-Shot. He is the brains of the group and tends to be the most rational, but is also often treated as the butt of the joke. Sexuality Please consider turning it on! Working with them, you then received a mission. The love he thought he couldnt keep hold of & the Ring that threatens to slip from his grasp. . Fortunately, he finally ran into the loving arms of the person he deserved. A Beauty and the Beast alternate universe sci-fi fantasy. Only Moxxie knows the truth about Blitzos survival. Blitz is determined to keep his promise to bring his little girl, Loona, home, but a new law stands in his way, stating that only married couples can adopt. It darkens with suggestions of horrors too vile for any demon and conflicts that will change the landscape of Hell. An abused drug-addicted spider. With a book that grants him access to the Human World, Blitzo Wire thinks of a brilliant idea: a company that offers to take care of unfinished business. Years after his wife passed away, Demon Bull King is freed from an interdimensional Prison, thanks to his son. Moxxie has a long red thin tail with a quadrilateral barb at the end, as well as lanky digitigrade legs ending in what appears to be cloven red hooves, reminiscent of artiodactyls. is he willing to sacrifice his company for the lone desperado?. Separated, And alone. It starts with the paintings and sketches piling up in Octavia's bedroom and the awful nightmares that inspire them. I really, desperately would like some requests. Now, heres what you should NOT do in this situation:1) Wander onto you office buildings rooftop2) Stand on the edge3) Fall. Of course, the boys will have a happy ending. Moxxie has participated in the most amount of songs in the series thus far. All Throughout history, the Magnes were thought to be the top of the top in Hell's hierarchy, however, there was a position in Hell that sits above everything else and occupied by one man. Demons!Welcome all! An unlikely story of one Goetian family consisting of a prince with 2 daughters, one biological and one adoptive as they formed a familial bond with a ragtag group of murderous lower hellborns. Isaac, or rather the new Alloces, is ecstatic about his new life, but his euphoria slowly fades as unanswered questions pile up inside his head. In the Ring of Wrath, Moxxie lives with his wife Millie and Blitzo, both experienced hunters brought by the Ars Goetia amongst countless others in order to wipe out the last pack of hellbeasts while he stays behind at home to happily provide 'emotional' support. Moxxie (Helluva Boss) Stella Goetia Octavia Goetia Loona (Helluva Boss) Blitzo's Eels (Helluva Boss) Asmodeus | Ozzie FizzaRolli (Helluva Boss) Barbie Wire (Helluva Boss) Original Helluva Boss Character (s) Pregnancy Stolas is pregnant that's it that's the tags It's not said in chapter 1 but I tried my best to imply it All of them rarely contacting Blitzo anymore, even though he wanted the team back together. It was Moxxie. Happy Halloween! Meh i'll try, fuck it. Day 1: First Meeting/First DateDay 2: Engagement/WeddingDay 3: Chocolate/FlowersDay 4: Musical/MovieDay 5: Hurt/ComfortDay 6: Ozzie's/AnniversaryDay 7: Parenthood/Free Day. A series of one-shots solely for the ship Strixxie. Millie (wife)Joe (father-in-law)Lin (mother-in-law)Sallie May (sister-in-law)Unnamed parentsThree unnamed brothers-in-law When Stolas giving Blitz the Asmodean crystals goes about as wrong as it could get. Imps! Male Moxxie and Millie have moved away, and Loona has moved out. lucifer; helluvaboss; helluvabossxreader +7 more # 11. Feel free to suggest others. Between the pulsating music and the sweet taste of honeysuckle residue on his tongue. He watched as a single bullet exited the gun, flying out before a shriek was heard. Death is never easy, for some it can be calmer if you die close to the people you love, but what happens when you are resurrected from a talking flower to fulfill his wish? The reluctant defender of the memoryless White Rabbit he names Charlie and aided by the cantankerous and infuriatingly handsome Gryphon, Husk, his self-appointed Red Knight, to escape Wonderland-and possibly his coma-Angel must navigate dangerous terrain, deal with enemies and allies who appear and disappear at random, decipher grotesque clues, battle some pretty awful monsters, and save the mysterious "Golden Afternoon" from the tyrannical Queen of Hearts before the carnivorous Fright Train destroys the Web of Wonderland. You wont see them complaining, life is about to get very strange and lovely for the three demons. One Day while tr One helluva day, Moxxie does not swear as often as the others, when in a bad situation he often uses the comparatively tame phrase "Oh, crumbs". A drunken night to wash away the bitter taste. It's been a week since the disastrous 'date' at Ozzie's and Blitz has barely been able to get out of the stupor and doldrums of his own consequences. > Helluva boss x 'blind' angel male reader So Stolas, tells her about the Imp he loved a long time ago that he's spent every day slowly moving on from ever since his passing. Please consider turning it on! But he made a promise to Blitzo that he would not tell anyone. Octavia and Stella goes to the beach on this one!But Millie and Lin are there too!Sexy things ensue. Working at a company where her boss harasses her everyday and the receptionist is completely apathetic for anything that's not her phone, Moxxie's best friend being the only one there to really pick up her spirits. Being the main singer and songwriter of ". What starts off as a fun-filled evening swiftly transitions into an eventful fiasco, as the imp finds himself in a highly compromising situation with a beautiful, but seriously pissed-off hellhound. (Sequel to Inflorescent Toom & Fourth Book of the Efflorescent Agony series. Stolas and Blitzo make a slightly different agreement for the full moon. First appearance Moxxie has grown tired of all the pranks Striker keeps pulling on her, and decides its about time she pranks him back. Blitz very much gave a shit.--After the events of Season 1 Episode 7, Stolas tries to apologize, fails miserably and ends up with a completely dilemma on his hands when he is made aware that the realities of imps in Hell is worse than he imagined. Over the course of twenty-four hours, Blitz considers a variety of ways to deal with Stolas's abusive ex-wife and her insistence on taking Octavia away. When he peaked through a gab between the planks, Moxxie froze at the sight. Work Search: Yet, here he was greeting Millie with a charming grin on his rugged features. How do . Moxxie is an assassin and the weapons expert of I.M.P, Millie's husband and one of the main protagonists of Helluva Boss. So come along, and see my Geopolitical meta dive into the idea that has been running through my head, what if real life meets the Hellaverse? Loona had an ego, and as of recently a bruised one at that after being told that she was nothing but a "drunken layabout" by Moxxie. Believing Blitzo had simply broken into his home again plays along before realizing something was amiss. What is he risking by being a good imp? aka alastor and angel start dating and husk is sure something fishy is going on. Dislikes He. Very horrible things. Reader discretion is advised. Buckzo unexpectedly drops by for a visit, forcing Blitz to face parts of his traumatic past. And so are the two's lives. Nothing goes the way they planned of course. Black and white horns curved from what turned into white hair on his head. Please consider turning it on! Work Search: "Pregnant, Mr. Blitzo," The doctor cheerfully repeated, and it was a testament to just how stunned Blitz was that he didn't correct him on the name. They were going to win this war, or die trying. RT @SwainArtFS: #Loona's Fanfiction. Welcome to my second story! [GENDERBENT VERSION] > Helluva boss x 'blind' angel male reader > Seraphim male reader. Episode 2 "Secrets and Snipers": After receiving his daughter, Princess Octavia, from his ex-wife Stella for the week, the father and daughter duo decide to have some fun by going to Times Square in New York City for some family fun. As friendships grow and the year blackens, a rag-tag group of demons band together to answer one question; What price would you pay to save your family? Moxxie's name is based on the word "moxie" which means "to have fighting spirit". While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Professional status Which almost happens to Blitz.Seriously, do not fucking try this at home. Like things would be okay afterwards, like theyd just merrily go their separate ways and not end up dredging up all the bullshit surrounding them. In her rush of thought, however, she had mistakenly left her means of returning home back on the other side of the portal, rendering her stranded; "Oh shit". helluvaboss. And what is it with this strange demon helping her father that Loona finds herself connecting with and changing because of him? Work Search: "Does me killing that drug dealer I saw on the way in answer it?" As punishment, Lucifer himself cursed them to walk as demons by day and roam as hellbeasts by night. Stella Goetia hates Imps. Yet, even with the help, Blitzo will need to still confront everything from his past and accept his mistakes and losses if he is to ever fully heal. Of course, the recent fiasco with her husband and his little paramour did nothing to help her hatred. General warnings for this book are as follows: Death, Blood and Violence, Stalking, Unhealthy Relationships, and Emotional/Psychological Abuse. helluvabossfandom. Well, I'm doing that. Hell won't have it. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". Mox/MoxMox (by Millie)M (by Blitzo)Little One (by Striker and Coco)Little Fella/Dude (by Striker) He also mentions that coffee orders would often misspell his name, like putting Roxie or Foxy, which was first foreshadowed in his non-canon Voxtagram. He also is uncomfortable with the idea of killing targets who have families, and attempts to give people second chances, as seen in "Murder Family". The teenage hellhound then becomes pissed off, she stomps towards Moxxie and when she got closer to him, she strangles him, causing the weak imp demon to choke. Raoul, watcher of the Collective Unconscious and half-brother to Stolas, calls on his niece Octavia to journey to the human realm and take part in this ordeal to tip the balance in humanity and the world's favor. "I'll show that fat little fucker", she scowls as she goes on a job on her own to prove once and for all to the marksman of I.M.P that she was, in fact, an asset to Blitz's business and not just some drunken layabout.