I did my own photo blowup of that part of the photo and compared it to a known photo of Oswald taken after his arrest. It shows the moment when the bullet hit the President and exploded his head. This was simultaneous with the March 17, 1992 Globe article. This most likely was a distraction [diversion] shot. Closeup of Greer preparing to shoot (Greer's left hand, wrapped around the handle of the .45 automatic, have been obscured by photo retouching by ADDING what looks like a "gray glove" to his left hand by government artisans (Greer was photographed with bare hands on the wheel at the beginning of the motorcade) Greer's shirt was white, but appears light blue in the enlargement seen below. It's SA John D. Ready seen on the right in the video above who had shrugged his shoulders three times and is perplexed as to why he shouldn't continue running alongside the limo. [Update Jan. 14, 2013. ]. [Editor's Note: I read William Cooper's 1991 book, Behold a Pale Horse, in 1995. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. a wonderful history of the Zapruder film, and the way it was used to convince Again, the Presidents head was found to move forwards. Secret Service agent Roy Kellerman pulled a gun to stop him and in the process a FBI agent tried to intervene and got knocked over in the scuffle. For those unfamiliar with the Torbitt Document, William Torbitt is a trial lawyer in the Southwestern part of the United States with twenty years trial experience. The actions of Greer and Kellerman at Parkland Hospital show that they were an active part of the cover-up team as well. Zapruder Film Frames. All 486 frames of the Zapruder film The shot from the knoll, to his left temporal lobe, caused him to move leftward and that is the shot that knocked him over in the seat. [Larry Ed. I cried as I drove home from Cabrillo Junior College (Santa Cruz County) that closed after the announcement was made about his assassination on Nov. 22, 1963, In 1992 I found out who really killed him and your time will be well spent as you read all fully documented proof I have found that the limousine driver, William Greer [left], actually fired the fatal shot that day. . We know from the Zapruder film that this bullet hole occurs at frame 333, twenty frames after the fatal shot was fired which could not have been fired from the sides or above. Still by still, Abraham Zapruder's home movie showed the world the assassination of President Kennedy, but the most infamous frame was kept from view.Subscri. involved. |Guiding Principles | Global Warming |Gang Stalking | Monoatomic Gold He also put a condition that the amount he was making from selling the film would not be disclosed to the public. trajectory of the bullet out of Kennedy's head. I can clearly remember my disbelief that one person with a gun could completely change the course of history. My conclusion is that this assassination was always going to be an inside job, the only sure way to ensure the presidents death. August 9, 2007: I received a short note today from JB with three links to the 26 second Zapruder film which you can view on-line with your computer. A 24/7 news publication with nearly a century of experience, TIMEs coverage shapes how we understand our world. There's really only one way to connect these dots together and that is that Kennedy's body was transferred from the ceremonial coffin into the plain military container that researcher David Lifton shows in his lectures. When Zapruder sold the film to Life he asked that frame 313 not be shown because that's the one that gave him nightmares and he didn't want to be responsible for giving the world nightmares and Life went along with that for years. He fired three shots at Kennedy of which the last one hit his head. Newcomb found out from his research that within 48 hours of the assassination before Oswald was arrested, the FBI questioned both Greer and Kellerman, treating them like suspects. The most well-known of those is a 26-second clip captured by Abraham Zapruder, a businessman who worked across the street from where Kennedy was killed. "I . Frame 313 of the Zapruder Film, 1963 (Photo courtesy of: TIME: 100 Photos) A grassy field. When educational TV channel KQED aired "Dallas Revisited," the feed went out to all cable systems in California on their 6 p.m. broadcast. By comparison, the following is a high speed photo of a .22 calibre bullet travelling from right to left through an apple. The title of this DVD is "313" as in zapruder film frame number 313 and there's very little analysis of that record! We? Cardiac Massage? Zapruder Film Frames Addeddate 2019-11-05 01:54:09 Identifier zapruderfilmframes Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.4. plus-circle Add Review. appear and snake up the side of the Presidents head, which he called the The following shows the Zapruder film (frames 311 to 316) in slow motion to see this frame in context. http://educate-yourself.org/cn/everythingrichmanstrick14jan15.shtml#top, Bill Cooper Identifies JFK Gatekeepers and Shills (May 23, 1989) The Zapruder film is a silent 8mm color motion picture sequence shot by Abraham Zapruder with a Bell & Howell home-movie camera, as United States President John F. Kennedy's motorcade passed through Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963.It captured the assassination of the President.. The clip is only 26 seconds long, but it's amazing to see. SKU: MSD-8253. It was Lyndon Johnson who ordered Congressman Henry Gonzales to remove Gov. tell us that the shot must have come from behind! no one has said a dam thing since you posted this, they see fakery and dont even call it . This timeline of events during the JFK assasination was compiled from "The Torbitt Document", "High Treason" by Robert J. Groden and Harrison Edward Livingstone, and "Murder from Within," by Fred Newcomb and Perry Adams. Abraham Zapruder was the only person in the world who filmed JFKs final moment. ", Hugh Betzner, who had a photograph published in Life Magazine and was standing right next to the Secret Service agents and heard a sound "like firecrackers going off in the car." Zapruder Film: JFK Assassination [HD] From ecolvin August 25th, 2019. views. I want to publicly thank the fellow who sent me the DVD and the link to the Larry Jamison's article seen below..Ken], by Larry Jamison Damage control. Roy Herman Kellerman's hair was short, close to his head, not "greasy" and NOT reflective of sunlight as government gatekeepers and disinfo artists contend. Todays photograph is the frame number 313 from Zapruders footage which shows the Presidents head exploding after being hit by the bullet. note - The timing of this broadcast would sugguest that it replaces a Hard Copy telecast that was to show "Dallas Revisited" and the story of William Cooper who lectures on the Kennedy assassination, alleging that he saw Office of Naval Intelligence briefing papers that confirm that JFK was shot by the limousine driver, William Greer. Current News | Introduction | Colloidal Silver | Chemtrails | Sylphs | Emerging Diseases | Forbidden Cures | Ozone | Immunity Boosting | Nutrition |Tone Gen 0. This was in the WC report and in a taped interview with Newcomb. The two shots that hit Kennedy and the single shot in the back that wounded Connally ALL came from Secret Service Limo driver William Greer. The hole in Kennedy's back just below the shoulder ws not reported in Dallas. When Kellerman was asked why there was no bullet ijn the back wound he said "it probably worked its' way out when we were giving him cardiac massage. There are other films also available of that moment but Zapruders footage shows the gunshot hitting the Presidents head. I've replaced it with a current Youtube video link that worksKen]. 0:19. Gonzales took the clothing to Washington, D.C. where they hung in his closet for at least a week before Nellie Connally got them back and laudered them, making them useless to the FBI when the finially caught up with them to test them for powder burns. A little known event that I learned about from my interview with Fred Newcomb can best be described as the "hospital room scuffle." modern computers to remove as much of the blur from Frame 313 as possible. JFK Assassination - New Smoking Gun Version Of The Zapruder Film. ), Did the limo driver shoot JFK? . There was no "magic bullet!" Gonzales then took them back to Washington D.C. where they hung in his closet for at least a week. Assassination of John F. Kennedy Encyclopedia Britannica JFK Assassination : The Zapruder Film - Frames 313, 314, 315 vengencefrom1979 22.9K subscribers 79K views 12 years ago zapruder film -. When I tried to mail the manuscript of my OP-ED article to Fred Newcomb for approval of the text, he never got it. 2:32. The Presidential aircraft was due to depart Dallas at 2:35 pm. Could it could also have been gunfire being returned from within the car? Earlier, when the Dallas Coronor sought to open the casket to do an autopsy in Dallas, it was Roy Kellerman who pulled a gun on him to stop him. 3. When Roy Kellerman was asked about this bullet, he replied: "it probably worked itself out during cardiac massage." the skeptics had to agree that either the Zapruder film or the autopsy photos Directors --- Genres In the above video, the same Emory P. Roberts is seen standing up from the front passenger seat of the Secret Service agent's car and gives the order to SA John D. Ready (running along the right rear of JFK's limo) and SA Clinton Hill (running along the left rear of JFK's limo) to stand down and stop running alongside of the President's limo and to return to the Secret Service car following Kennedy's limo. As you will learn from the story below, I accepted that assertion for many years until I read Fred Neucomb's book, Murder From Within, which makes it absolutely clear that Greer had also shot Connally in the back (Connally was turned around 180 degrees and gawking at JFK following the first throat shot) to get him out the line of fire to finish off Kennedy. before and just after the impact of the shot: (These are modern copies of Ref: Conspiracy of Silence, Dr. Charles A. Crenshaw, High Treason, Robert J. Groden and Harrison E. Livingstone, and Murder from Within, Fred Newcomb and Perry Adams. He was given a copy of "Dallas Revisited" to show to Connallys golf partner. I think I described it in my statement as though someone was shooting a revolver into a hard objectit seemed to have some type of echo. Was William Greer a CIA AGENT? II, pp 138-139 of the Warre Commission Report Volumes: "I jumped from the car realizing that something was wrong, and ran to the presidential limousine. The gun has been etched into a highlight to make you "think" it is Kellermans head. 12:31 p.m. - William Seymour, FBI Division 5 team shooter fires three shots from the sixth floor of the TSBD, hitting Kennedy once in the back. I was to eventually meet a researcher and author, Fred Newcomb, who, with co-author Perry Adams, of Santa Barbara, wrote a book based on original interviews with witnesses in Dallas in 1968 and a review of the National Archives in 1974. There were witnesses who saw what really happened in the car but later changed their minds after Oswald was arrested and charged. To protect their lives, their identities were protected. He decided to go to Dealey Plaza to see the Presidents motorcade. those frames.) I showed him my copy of "Dallas Revisited" and some stills I made of frames 312 and 313 of the Zapruder film from a high quality broadcast video. It is reasonable to assume that if a gun were fired in the limousine, then there would be the smell of gunsmoke. (are they trying to drop some hints about the upcoming release of CIA documents? Note: On shift report for Nov. 22, 1963, I listed SA Rybka as riding in center of rear seat, which was in error, as he was not in car. Abraham Zapruder [Frame 313 of 8mm home movie of assassination of John F. Kennedy, Dallas] Copyright Zapruder Film 1967 (Renewed 1995) The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza Credit line The LIFE Magazine Collection, 2005 Feedback Accession No. When Kellerman was asked why there was no bullet in the back wound he said "it probably worked its' way out when we were giving him cardiac massage." In the Zapruder film, JFK grabs his throat and slumps forward and to his left oto his wife's shoulder. CPS/DCF Tyranny | Adrenal Burnout | The Women Warriors | Orgone Adventures |Dr. John Coleman | Railroading Dr. Jeffrey MacDonald | Henry Makow When I resent another copy via United Parcel package service, he got it. The shot was fired from the TSBD at 325 to impact at 328 and Zapruder blurred his film at 331, 6 frames later just as he had for the previous shot from the TSBD fired at 221 with an accompanying blur at 227, 6 frames later. Do HEADS really contain this much blood? The illuminati cover all the bases. credence: the head wound shown on the Zapruder film does not at all match the Two shots miss. This was the book which first opened my eyes to the New World Order gang and their takeover agenda. When John Judge lectured at Cal Poly, we learned from him that former Nazi General Walter Dornberger was brought into this country under Project Paperclip after his superior Werner Von Braun said he "refused to make rockets for us until his buddy Dornberger was brought into this country." . Obviously, weights had been substituted inside Kennedy's "official" casket which was off-loaded in Washington and seen by TV viewers around the world. By Jerry Organ. "The doctor said one bullet passed from back to front on the right side of the President's head. He said the shots came from behind him, "up on the mall," or "up on the knoll." His reply: "From right there in the car" Senator Spector just went on to the next question, never asking Miller any specifics. Dallas businessman Abraham Zapruder used this Bell & Howell 8 mm home movie camera to film President John F. Kennedy's motorcade on Nov. 22, 1963. var sc_invisible=0; A woman dressed in pink. This is Abraham Zapruder's full 8mm film of LONE GUNMAN Lee Harvey Oswald's assassination of President Kennedy on November 22, 1963. The case was so strong that Newcomb distributed copies to law enforcement authorities and to members of the Senate and Congress at that time because he felt he would be guilty of obstruction of justice if he didn't. Johnson gave his orders because the muzzle blast from Greer's gun went past Connally and his clothes and would have had powder burns. This time the ad ran but only for 4 weeks. Fred had such a compelling book because he went to Dallas in 1968 when witness memories were still fresh. frames, published by the U.S. Government, to Nobel-prize-winning physicist JFK Assassination The Abraham Zapruder Film Stable With 3D Effect Glasses Required. The U.S. Governments I'm Joe Janes of the University of Washington Information School. His brother, Charles Cabell, was fired by JFK for his failure in the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba. Two are still laying on the ground taking cover and looking in that direction. He is the shooter captured on the [Mary] Moorman polaroid firing a [loud] rifle that produced a puff of smoke so people would look at him [Badgeman], so a split second later, Greer was able to shoot Kennedy with less people watching him. Austin P. Miller makes a statement found on page 82 of the Warren Report, NY Times edition that could have turned the whole Warren Commission report in a different direction if they had been looking for the truth. It was necessary to surgically alter Kennedy's head wounds so it didn't appear that a bullet had entered Kennedy's forehead. Since Connally bones were shattered by a conventional lead bullet, I have no other choice than to conclude that all of the shots from Greer's .45 automatic were lead bullets and not the special shell fish toxin pellets that Bill Cooper described in his book and videos . Frame 313 of Zapruder Film. Box and phone number on the ad form. Taken with the Carolyn Arnold statement, I have to coclude that Oswald was innocent. It is my opinion that a cover-up plan was hurriedly hatched on the fly that day. Covert operations are literally done with "smoke and mirrors!". on the official story of many tragic events from the past including the Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King assassinations, the crash of TWA flight 800 and even the tradjedy of the 9-11 events.
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