Thats an oversight. It was not immediately clear what equipment would be arriving today. Romania, in particular, has sounded the alarm over Russian activities in the waterway, and has gone on a $10 billion spending spree since 2014, buying U.S. F-16s, rocket artillery and advanced. Is not the opposite more true? There is also a chance of that senario, Trouble is it is Trumps policies towards NATO ( even threatening to leave it) and distaste for Europe that has given the impetus to Putin to try this on. Putin is serious, building up a concentration of troops and armour to this level is not an excersise. A lot older but the modern B52 is like triggers broom. So, USA has no troops in Ukraine? one area that peeves me is that we no longer have the facilities to build produce the equipment fast enough. In new training drills yesterday, three dozen Russian warplanes including Su-34 fighter-bombers, Su-25 attack aircraft and MiG-31 fighter-interceptors flew from airfields in Perm, Krasnoyarsk,. Moscow has announced the 'successful' completion of tests on its Kinzhal - or Dagger - hypersonic missiles, which can carry nuclear or conventional weapons with a range of 1,250 miles, in the Arctic, though the weapons had been deployed with Russian forces ahead of the trials. The region has been on a knife-edge since the end of last year when Moscow moved as many as 100,000 troops, as well as tanks and missiles, close to the border. On 19 July 2020, another explosion hit a power plant in Isfahan Province. It requires us to hold their backyard at risk, whether thats in the Barents Sea, the High North, the Baltic or the Black Sea.. Murdaugh is heckled as he leaves court, Two Russian tanks annihilated with bombs by Ukrainian armed forces, Ukraine soldiers shoot down enemy drones with drones of their own, Dozens stuck in car park as staff refuses to open gate for woman, Missing hiker buried under snow forces arm out to wave to helicopter, Insane moment river of rocks falls onto Malibu Canyon in CA, Fleet-footed cop chases an offender riding a scooter, Isabel Oakeshott clashes with Nick Robinson over Hancock texts. I think youll find the Poles really ramping up, unlike us Brits who have more horses than tanks, the Poles have superannuated their winged hussars moumts and morphed onto modern MBTs. You talking Cobbers as usual! I see a German Navy Chief had to resign tonight, for making pro Russian comments. If Biden was was standing up to Putin hed use some of that military grunt they have. If a shooting war were to start, the Astutes would be at sea ready to start shooting, its what they are for, granted we dont have enough of them, a situation that wont be rectified until SSN(R) comes of the pipeline at the earliest. In an announcement on Monday, the agency said the surprise. No, but it would be interesting to know what Circumstances would trigger that. Correction. Thanks for that. Really Ivan ? White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki warned of human rights violations and war crimes if diplomacy failed and the Russian government went ahead with its plans. Russian warship with 'unstoppable' 7,000mph hypersonic missiles 'sails Russian warships have been spotted off the British coast. You forgot Estonia which is British led! So is his agenda really totally different? A senior State Department official said: 'This is neither an exercise nor normal troop movement. 'We're now at a stage where Russia could at any point launch an attack in Ukraine, and what Secretary Blinken is going to go do is highlight very clearly there is a diplomatic path forward. I tell you what happened ; the worst thing that people in this Country did, come out of Europe. You are right. Whats the Latin 50% because decimate is only 1 in 10 (10%). How does that relate to this story? Russia warns Britain it will bomb ships next time | Reuters HMS Lancaster joined Severn tracking Steregushchiy-class corvette Boikiy in the Channel and using its Wildcat helicopter to gather intelligence. I would love it if we did do that. George is on Twitter at @geoallison, Comments may automatically be held for moderation by our team, they will be approved as soon as possible in accordance with our. Special Forces, or a couple of thousand US Marines or Paratroopers. Ill think you well find Im disagreeing with a nut job who thinks Salisbury was a UK government conspiracy lol. We in the West lost sight of the long term strategic goal of the US is remaining the sole superpowewr. That is doing it at hands length, other, more shouted about, is skimming money when still on post and that is an area Ukraine is expert in,Read more , With Russia claiming they arent going to invade, they objective maybe another country altogether. The core of the Russian navy's Northern Fleet has been observed manoeuvring in and around Irish-controlled waters in recent days, ahead of planned live-fire drills. Patrol ship HMS Severn was on duty in the English Channel and Dover Strait, where it shadowed a surfaced Kilo-class submarine, the Stary Oskol, the corvette Boikiy, patrol ship Vasiliy Bykov and support ships. Under USSR the orders would come from Moscow but the big red button was at the command post for each group of silos in Ukraine. I think one of Moscow's long-standing goals has been to try to sow divisions between and within our countries and quite simply, we cannot and will not let them do that. Sean, Where is this wharf in Australia? And if we enter a shooting war with Russia. Europe must now start taking this threat seriously, re-arm and be prepared to fight. It does not stop Russia interfering in/invading Ukraine. The jams at US West Coast ports have been due to the global supply chain being out of whack. An interesting question is how much does Kremlin insider Klyushin being in US custody have to do with the escalation? the disaster of the BEF and lack of anti tank capability that was promised in the event of conflict, sadly never materialised. The guided missile frigate Admiral Gorshkov has been. "Despite the increase in Russian activity, both on the surface and underwater, we are always ready to respond.". He is testing NATO unity and Bidens willingness to risk the wrath of those voters while knowing any faltering step in those voters eyes be it commitment of weakness will bring back a Trump style Govt withRead more , I do wonder if another motivating factor could be something more base than that. Reuters provides business, financial, national and international news to professionals via desktop terminals, the world's media organizations, industry events and directly to consumers. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken today warnedRussia could attack Ukraine on 'very short notice'during a meeting with UkrainianPresident Volodymyr Zelensky at the American embassy in Kiev. Ukraine is not a NATO country, therefore Article 5 will not be called and NATO will not fight. lol. I cant believe Putin seriously wants to invade Ukraine he would lose far more than he gained. Hope the Turks can hold them up over their passage through the straights and send Putins timetable skew-whiff. A Russian military ship armed with hypersonic missiles has sailed through the Strait of Dover, the narrowest part of the English Channel - only a few miles away from the English coast. I meant a small number combat troops postured to help the Ukranians defend themselves. LOL Ivan you really are poster boy for Putin . Agree but the Russians view is that any weapon in hand can be used against an enemy and therefore gets kept. Mind you cant complain about my pension, thank God for SERPS. The conclusion was that Tiger stood the better chance due to her 6 turret being mostly electrically powered rather than hydraulic, like Blakes, so the presumption was shed be more reliable. Test capabilities. Much as he did in Syria . Although hailing the recent 24.1 billion uplift in Defence spending as reversing a long period of decline, General Carter did not say how much of the new money will fill the existing black hole of around 10 billion in the MoDs 10-year equipment budget. Russia is 'flexing muscles in Britain's back yard' after ten warships US is now flying in warlike items to Ukraine. His views were backed by Labour leader Keir Starmerwho tweeted on Saturday: To protect our values and our security we must be steadfast in our opposition to Russian aggression. Russian warships sail down British coastline | CNN In theory . The Armys flip ups on procurement have disengaged us from effective land ops in NATO context. Western military analysts have suggested Russia cannot keep such troops deployed where they are indefinitely for financial and logistical reasons and would need to pull them back by summer. Just do what I do and refer to wikipedia according to which the class was commissioned between 1975 and 1991. Russian deputy Defence Minister Alexander Fomin confirmed that the mission includes the relocation of two S-400 mobile surface to air missile battalions, a Pantsir-S battalion and 12 Su-35 fighters for the 'surprise' inspection and drills. French President Emmanuel Macron has offered to send troops to Romania., Heavily armed Russian-backed separatists have controlled a swath of eastern Ukraine since 2014 and continue to exchange fire with Ukrainian government forces despite a 2015 ceasefire that ended major hostilities. So were Western economies corrupt, going back in time. However, the MoD has failed to reveal which, if any, of the existing equipment programmes will be cut to reduce the funding gap. Again, your assessment that putting 2,000 US troops into Ukraine before the status quo has changed, would not have detered 100,000+ troops amassing on the border or the worldwideRead more . Two weeks ago nearly a dozen warships and combat aircraft from Russias Northern, Baltic and Black Sea fleets gave a show of force in the waters off the British and Irish coasts General Sir Nick Carter has said. ', She said it mimicked the playbook used when Russia annexed the Crimean peninsula, and included social media disinformation to show Kiev as the instigator of violence. A longer-range version would also be welcome, Ive discussed the advantages short to medium term of NSM/JSM as well as Block V Tomahawk, particularly now that both Russia and China have joint interests in the North Atlantic. Im not entirely sure how/where you have Ur info ref Astutes having v limited Comms when dived from? The lack of AsUW is a gamble that could prove catastrophic, as bad as the lack of anti-tank weaponry given to the BEF. Do you have a link on that drawdown, havent seen that comment before? On western side it was concern that with the post Soviet economic collapse theyd end up in very dodgy countries hands. But what might a Russian attack look like and what could it seek to achieve? Or how much BS the kremlin comes up with, I think RT chat forum is your home you have many friends there Ivan lol. The same Russian warship has since conducted military drills in the Norwegian Sea, the Russian defence ministry announced. Historical connections with Lvov/Lviv arguably Polish for some. A very rugged and reliable ship, only 500 tons carrying capacity but their operation in Syria would not have been possible without the. Clearly they have something on him-most probably a secret video of Trump in bed with some Russian beauty! Hi mate. "The Royal Navy will always uphold international law and will not accept unlawful interference with innocent passage," Wallace said. Are you saying another country told Iran to attack the UAE? Like wise the Danse could blockade the Baltic as well. Russia summoned the British ambassador in Moscow for a formal diplomatic scolding after the warship breached what the Kremlin says are its territorial waters but which Britain and most of the world say belong to Ukraine. A Russian ship that's been off the coast of Hawaii for weeks is Video shared by the US Coast Guard of a Russian ship near the Hawaiian Islands. SMs dont spend a lot of time having needless conversations with their controlling authority. Russian forces could expand the fighting in Donbass to draw Ukraine into a conventional conflict, said Neil Melvin, director of International Security Studies at the RUSI think-tank in London. The assessment put the number of rebels within Ukraine who are loyal to Moscow at 35,000 and estimated Russia has a further 3,000 military personnel within Kiev's territory. Astutes dont need to surface to receive Comms, they are more then capable of receiving them whilst deep. I have faith in the crews and TTPs, I have limited faith when the top brass dispense with offensive capabilities that the USN and every other major navy endorses. Military analysts said even if it overwhelmed Ukraine's army, which is half the size of its own, Russia could face guerrilla-type resistance, making it hard to hold on to captured territory. Commander Philip Harper, Severn's commanding officer, said: "In very challenging conditions with rough weather, Severn and several other British and allied ships have spent 20 days ensuring that Russian transiting warships remain under our watchful eyes.". It builds up its arsenal in one location to make the world think thats the location they are going to attack. kill chain is very complex to find, track, and then engage a warship at range that doesnt want to be shot at. A distraction for poor ratings at home possibly. It would be a signal of intent to the Russians. EFP is tripwire forces (and not many of them ie only 3 Battlegroups in total) to prevent Russian incursions into Poland, Lithuania, Latvia or rather to reassue the peoples of those countries they are not going to affect the Russo-Ukraine situaution. Will Stewart Published. Unfortunately we are in a poor starting position militarily, as is most of NATO if things escalate. That's why he wants to overthrow the government of Volodymyr Zelenskyj in Kyiv. As @RB has posted a lack of ASM is not high on the list of RNs priorities, whatever the reasons. Any toys the RN requires would magical appear on the Quay side, and the funds suddenly available. In a meaningful way I mean putting forces on the ground and in the air. Munich - Officially, Vladimir Putin's goal in the Ukraine war is still to denazify the neighboring country. Putin praised the ship's strength as it sailed off on its journey, saying: "The frigate Admiral Gorshkov is embarking on a long sea voyage. At this distance we could also send a cutting out party/borders Im sure! Thomas C. D'Arcy, encountered a formation of seven Chinese and Russian warships in the Bering Sea last month. Unless we get fair warning and are able to build stuff in advance of a peer to peer conflict it wont matter, as it will be over too quickly. With you on this DL, some interim AShMs on all T45/T23sbut Mr Wallace is here in Sydney at the moment. 'They discussed U.S. and international security and economic assistance to Ukraine, and the Secretary expressed appreciation for Ukraines continued calls for a diplomatic solution, stressing the need for Ukrainian unity in the face of the Russian threat,' Price said. Irish defence forces have been monitoring the activity of Russian warships that on Tuesday made a U-turn off the country's coast. Russia has accused Kyiv of harbouring plans to retake the region by force, something Ukraine denies. Donald Trump says only he can prevent a Third World War, China sets modest economic growth target of about 5 per cent for 2023, Police granted extra stop-and-search powers after schoolboy stabbed, Prince Harry: A lot of us in Army didnt necessarily agree or disagree with war in Afghanistan, Rishi Sunak to host Coronation Big Lunch at Downing Street, Project Fear authors discussed when to deploy new Covid variant. A string of government websites was hacked on Friday. SPEAR 3 will have a small warhead, but it will be very accurate. An analogy would be how the small number of US troops placed in both Syria and Afghanistan deterred attackers until they were removed andlook what follows. UK politicians have been cutting our forces (numerically) once or twice a decade since the end of the Korean War, ie over the last 70 years, not just the last 30 years. I think not, and the point is that this illustrates that Nuclear Insurance works! We have got troops there, albeit only a small number in a training and advisory role still complicates the plot for Putin. I cant imagine we would though, as it could cause an incident in the channel. Thats one of the reasons the JSM in particular is getting the BAe RF receiver. My point still stands EFP is a deterrent/trip wire force to prevent Russia thinking she has an option to interfere in those countries. Launch control was always in Moscow. The BBC said shots were fired and that as many as 20 Russian aircraft were "buzzing" the British ship. UK and French jets team up against simulated aerial threat, Britain, Italy and Japan merge combat aircraft projects. Russia is allied with Iran, need I say more. Its a gap that worries the ranks the most! RNs lack of AsUW is a gamble, otherwise why retain harpoon? he said. Iranians being bombed at will??? To Decimate is as you put Dave 1 in 10 ,50% is half which is Dimidium, Cheers Tommo my googlefu is poor however, my google translate fu was non-existent , Over the last third of a century the pollies have dimidiumated the British Army . Kongsberg have said that the NSM will also get the receiver. Published: 8:51 ET, Jan 24 2023 A RUSSIAN warship armed with "unstoppable" hypersonic missiles is sailing towards the US coast in a show of strength, reports claim. READ NEXT:Army poised to send 'game-changing' tanks to Ukraine to smash RussiaBefore and after maps show Russia's territorial losses in UkraineUK tanks to cause 'real problems' for Russia on Ukrainian frontlineCleverly under pressure over German spy - Britain battles 'silent war'Putin replaces 'General Armageddon' after three months in top job. And the balls to back up that posture with action if necessary. The talks between the two diplomats came just a day after Russia unveiled plans for naval drills involving more than 140 warships and more than 60 aircraft, seen as a show of strength. Coast Guard releases video of Russian ships in Hawaii waters It seems Not! The RN suffered badly in the Falklands through short sightedness and gaps in capabilities, and is sadly doomed to suffer again unless it takes the enemies and their capabilities and tactics seriously. Ooops! "There is nothing unusual here: it is commonplace, but this time the ship is equipped with the latest hypersonic rocket system Zircon, which has no match. However, the IDF has a long standing policy of refusing to confirm or deny allegations ofRead more . If it doesnt conform to the official line it gets spiked.
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