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He is, by my estimation, the most interesting part of either epilogue, anyway. Anyone who presides over something popular is forced to play the role of an informal cult leader, which is what it felt like throughout most of Homestucks run, and even well beyond. He said, Some online personalities will revel in that role, and actually start behaving like a true cult leader. She is secure in who she is, complete with her disability, without the desire to be fixed or normal. Despite this small, impressive moment, Homestuck is, overall, extremely ableist and disrespectful toward its disabled characters, and real persons with disabilities. So Im almost made to feel bad for even entertaining John/Roxy as an idea in the first place if the results were to be this disastrous for everyone involved. But then, homosexuality in a society where bisexuality is the norm is kind of a different thing. Tavros treatment in homestuck is also disgusting, in all honesty. Even considering the medium of the text itself, its a remarkably online object. Sure, their bodies didn't change, but don't you dare say ghosts don't mature mentally. At its peak, the comic entertained roughly 600,000 readers a day, and inspired one of the most robust cult followings of a generation fans filled convention floors with cosplays of the characters and filled online forums and websites like Tumblr full of fan art. Take later. In fact, you yourself just said that "Japanese highschool girl esque- outfits" are sexual. Too bad the post is gone. As Zhens, who also goes by Z, crusade grows, she continues to grapple with the responsibility that comes with inspiring such a snowballing movement. This one seems more like a short story than opinion dressed up like hard-hitting analysis, but maybe it will make for a welcome change of pace. Oh I just know this one will be worth the reading. Asaresult, the narrative remains incomplete and unstable, and the relevance of key events is questioned all together. The mock content warnings that show up at the beginning of the epilogues are not mock anything and are entirely legit. In both the SFW and NSFW route, there was no mention of him being trans. Defending? As are the characters. By choosing I Accept, you consent to our use of cookies and other tracking technologies. Its impossible to talk about Hussies sentiments toward his following without discussing the following itself. And then theres this punch-card based, bit-wise inventory system that they exploit to make whatever they want in the game. 15 jan 2023 08:41:30 Regardless, the intense gaze of the man in the thumbnail dares you to go on and see what the hell this is all about. From troll call, right? In real life, if they have the option to choose their rate of fire, professionals like to stick to single-fire mode. Or perhaps the second option catches your eye. N/A. Please keep in mind, the characters of friendsim are all minors. And the world ends. Homestuck directly lead me to writing as much as I do now. This fits in with the medical model of ableism, described on stopableism.org as: The power to change disabled people seems to lie with the medical and associated professions, with their talk of cures, normalization, and science.This enormous crime that they do to Tavros is never critiqued or addressed as problematic in any way; instead it is brushed off as being perfectly acceptable, like every other instance of ableism in Homestuck. Cohen fucked up when making that "announcement". But Im not really sure Ive got much of a lowdown to give. Using the silly word follies, readers can infer that whatever happened to Tavros, in his wheelchair (as readers apparently need to be reminded), they were light-hearted and amusingbecause of his disability. Homestuck is a product of its time, and even if it wasnt the characters presented are all socially inept children, so of course some weird stuffs Gonna come out their mouth. A decade in the future, long after our heroes win the game, and long after our heroes have left Homestuck itself, John is confronted with a choice: he can use his powers to return to canon, fill the plot hole, and stabilize the story, or decide to continue living his life, canon integrity he damned. Unless you believe the existence of these controversies is a matter of opinion, as I'm willing to firmly disagree with you on that matter. Yo! Conspiracy theories, outright fabrications, connecting dots on whatever precious facts are known to paint whatever picture the theorizer wants to paint. Come on, you disappoint. Please also read our Privacy Notice and Terms of Use, which became effective December 20, 2019. And then the four kids and their parents, Jane, Roxy, Dirk, and Jake, swap places, so the new kids are their parents and the parents are their kids, but the original four leave before theyre erased from existence and meet up with the original players from that other universe. $24.00. Like I oughta. Or like how this first conversation between John and Terezi is way different knowing John spends his dying breaths bleeding out, poisoned, hate-fucking Terezi in the back of his dads Sedan. They all have the same mother (Grub). Up until researching this post, I did not know much about ableism, and Ive learned a lot, but I am super sorry if Ive gotten anything wrong in the process of writing this. As far as controversies contained within the fandom go, there's only one big one that I can think of. Is it racist? It makes the story feel cyclical in a good way. Cart; chantelle jamieson married Even worse, Hussie confirming dersecest to be a canon ship in a doomed timeline in the most recent homestuck book, which is better explained in this post. I can come to my own conclusions. I wrote in second person. Theres also the fact that the epilogues have no qualms about crushing aspects of the story the reader may have enjoyed. However, back when HS was being written, it was OK to say the word. Ill give credit where credit is due, and then some. Question: Hey hiveswap team and @skullmandible, confirm Lanque as a trans boy yes/no? After all (Vriska)'s whole personality changed. A member of fandom may have a good attitude for a while, but since their involvement is predicated on obsession or very strongly held feelings, that positive attitude can turn on a dime, and it can take very little to trigger extreme negativity. Taken from this page , here is a brief overview of ableism, how it impacts persons with disabilities, and its negative role in society. By doing this, Andrew Hussie and his collaborators admit to writing fanfiction of their own story. Shraddha Walkar, Nikki Yadav: Why the coverage of crimes against women is problematic; Shraddha Walkar, Nikki Yadav: Why the coverage of crimes against women is problematic When such murders are headlined with the term live-in, the choice of the victim to cohabitate with a partner takes precedence over the criminal act of the offender We are currently experiencing a system-wide issue with a delay on all activations. If Im Hussie, I use the epilogues to tie up lose ends and put the story to rest, not start this whole other tangent about what canon really means and how all your favorite characters are actually awful people. The fact that Andrew Hussies Homestuck is terrible is an immutable fact I am stating for the record. And she decides what gets put in front of our eyes and what doesnt. But I am going to assume you mean the timeline Davesprite came from. With the end of Adobe Flash on the horizon, hours of Flash content, much of it interactive, is going to have to be scrapped and remade. WebBut, there is still no ETA for everything to work normally again. Anarchist. ships, god tier classpect theories, and vriska seem to be the biggest controversies. A hole in plot, if you will. I saw a lot of promise in Johns relationship with Roxy. I just had no idea until you told me just now. 1. Dead Calliope, however, has powers related to narrative creation to combat the narrative destruction of Lord English. Homestuck actually so sensitive to changes in the Internet that continuing the site as intended has proved to be somewhat of a challenge. Or you read a lot of Twilight and now you cant escape allure of urban fantasy erotica with alarmingly dubious ideas surrounding consent. cough Cronus cough. When the question is sprung up and no one is correcting the fans till that point, you can tell its just an on the spot decision. Sprouts' operating income surged 20% to $62 million. Web1. Welcome to Alternia. To me, black is just a color. Granted, this panel also depicts the fact that Terezi uses a cane to walk around, which is realistichowever, we rarely ever it in regular interactions with her. At times it is as if the text is saying that since Tavros is not normal because of his disability, he is not normal to society in general, as well. Constantly seeking out fetishistic situations and sexualizing characters in a fantasy story as well reading straight up bullshit from in-between the lines. yes. A weekly roundup of the best things from Polygon, By submitting your email, you agree to our, Andrew Hussie, the reluctant cult leader, on life after Homestuck, Sign up for the Albeit, important, weighty fanfiction elevated by the very fact they exist on homestuck.com and not on myI mean someonesGoogle Docs account locked away somewhere, but fanfiction nonetheless. https://linktr.ee/moblack, Pumpkin Party in Sea Hitlers Water Apocalypse, pages that change their formatting to fit different, this first conversation between John and Terezi. I don't think people give the tumblr community enough credit for how much creative content it produces, but they are right that the SJW side can get a little over the top. This is not so much directed at you, fiveforchaos, but since this sort of misconception comes up frequently I figured I might as well step in. I didn't even know that there is a stereotype until now. The end credits and post-end credits content were released in the style of Snapchat posts. Is this. I thought we were more on the page of "Hussie is terrible because of recent incidents like the released emails between the moderation team and him", Man like almost every single criticism this person presents can be explained away with one of 3 responses. And then the monsters came. And then they got in a rocket.. Example: MLP makes money not only by merchandising but also by ad sales, etc. I see that like "are you crazy? Ive yet to hear from Jane fans who had to watch the character Ben Shapiro her way into supporting actual genocide of an entire race of sentient beings. You mean I cant wear the same thing I wore when I was younger? When it was met with backlash, whatpumpkin changed his answer to spades/snowman, You know what? Any help is greatly appreciated! We were weirdly concerned with fundamental narrative principles at the time, more so than little kids had any right to be. newsletter, Streamers have to become increasingly savvy, what people think they know about them online, information around topics like mental health, like writing fanfiction or creating fan art. The Homestuck Discord exists at https://discord.gg/homestuck if you want to chat with fellow fans. Vriska and Terezi were close friends during their childhood, who on Alternia formed the Scourge Sisters, Team Charge's FLARP rivals. You must have a lot of time on your hands to look into all that, don't you? In addition to music, most pages at minimum combine text and images, but gifs and Adobe Flash animations are common. Heck, people are still debating troll genitalia). WebWhy Homestucks Disaster of an Epilogue was so Bad 9,982 views Jul 7, 2019 330 Dislike Share Skooter 58 subscribers Omg I started this April this took me like 3 and a half months sksksskks. Maybe you watched a lot of Naruto, so your big project is filled to the brim with edgy ninjas and impractically sized swords. And then theres genocide. ._1W1pLIfaIb8rYU6YeTdAk6{margin-right:6px}._1H6Meh6ZAemKxOJDOEasfK{border-radius:50%;box-sizing:border-box;height:20px;margin-left:-8px;width:20px}._1H6Meh6ZAemKxOJDOEasfK:first-child{margin-left:0}._30vlMmCcnqKnXP1t-fzm0e{display:inline-block;margin-left:-8px;position:relative} From $14.00 End Pose Print. WebIts likely that managers who say, bring me solutions, not problems dodge complaints and criticism to avoid time-consuming conflicts and tiresome tension. These Fraymotifs stack when two characters use their own powers to create something new and even stronger, similar to how each characters leitmotif stacks in the music of the comic to bring the reader to higher story beats. The Homestuck Discord exists at https://discord.gg/homestuck if you want to chat with fellow fans. Please explain. It is compelling, funny, genre-busting contemporary art. Although dogfighting is a felony in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, it continues to occur in every part of the country and in every type of community. Remember how Lanque is trans? https://www.homestuck.com/story/5571 https://www.homestuck.com/story/5701 https://www.homestuck.com/story/5732. but the stance that critical enjoyment is impossible because of those aspects that don't look good today is pretty flawed. Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is the latest product to feel the review bomb burn. To start, the music created in the making of, and parallel to Homestuck is simply incredible. Just don't think it's safe for your thirteen-year-old brother just 'cause the protagonist is the same age xDD. When I did that I had a problem with the paginate laravel 8 UI getting messy and somehow it happened. 164 Followers. Fans still regularly obsess over questions and details of Hussies life and work. (I'm pretty sure this subreddit has a "CAUCASIAN" and "PEACHY" emote, but I can't remember what it is, so if anyone else remembers, could you tell me?). While the jokes are not necessarily at Terezis expenseshe is usually the one making themthere is still the problem of a definitely not-blind author writing them. However, even then, Hussie thinks, a distance from the leader could possibly lead to an even more insatiable fandom. A subreddit for Homestuck and the works of Andrew Hussie. They post in the most inappropriate moments, for example, a tragedy happened, and all of a sudden a K-Pop post pops up in the replies not once but many, many times. ALL trolls have horns. Im not sure how much there is thats truly positive about those things, but there is plenty which is negative. The epilogues were poorly received among some fans for a variety of reasons. Music is even baked into the comics mechanics. And then his dead sister, Calliope, from another timeline where she becomes super strong, shows up to try and stop him. WebAndrew Hussie (born August 25, 1979) is an American author and artist. N/A. Im not even going to get into their relentless support of ikimaru, the terrible treatment and handling of canonically gay characters, the overall grossness of the quadrant system, Another epilogue has been released as an official fanfiction, some of the tags are jokes, some are not, and im personally not at all interested in finding out which is real and which arent. Reading Homestuck is no easy feat, and will take a large amount of time. According to the definitions posted above, ableism occurs when society considers the non-disabled as the standard for living, and the disabled are marginalizedand Tavros is constantly marginalized as an other throughout his presence in Homestuck. In case you don't know what I am talking about: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ojLmFm-WUrCZ7fXALowpiAW7jklCfq14n0Zz1ECdsX0/mobilebasic, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Z_pA2pfbnyXjxMx4PZm_LNbRSO3cZuZJ2jOOD1RpE0o/edit. i have the moral authority. He forces Rose to consent to being kidnapped, then makes her wife, Kanaya, blame herself for it all. No one considered it a slur yet. The "r-slur" being used is true. SBaHJ is hailed as hilarious by being so INTENTIONALLY awful. The music from this one little animation tells the story just as much as anything on screen does. It seems to be about storytelling, social justice, and some character from a fairly popular piece of Japanese animation you may or may not have heard of? If you are talking about, Karkat: hey asshole, stop playing games for girls, then I see it differently from you. This applies to the treatment of Mituna, who due to the overexertion of his psychic powers received brain damage that altered his personality. To feel what its like to be faced with a behemoth of a story and to be forced to choose: Meat or Candy, one path or the other. The solid sales performance also lifted the food retailer's profit margins. And then Obama shows up. Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is the latest product to feel the review bomb burn. And, most problematically, they do so without his consent, waiting until he is asleep to forcibly cut off his legs and replace them with the robolegs. The flaws of each epilogue reflect the flaws in Meat and Candy as narrative frames of mind. Rather than being a swapped preference, it is a more exacting preference. Hussie didn't make John and Karkat et al drop the r word to say anything about them, that's just a word he himself used to use, so his characters did too. There's just about one for every group. At this point in the web-comic, they fix Tavros. On a scarier note, fans have even gone as far as to find Hussies brothers social media accounts, according to those who posted it. I think it's the perfect example of the dissonance between Hussie and the fandom. So what fills that vacuum is rampant speculation. And then theres this game in the mail. For the Beta Kids, it's Jade, for the Trolls it's Vriska, and for the Alpha kids it's Dirk. Lynera is literally stalking Bronya, trying to control her relationships, and threatening those who get inbetween. I've been dealing with this stuff for years--just this very small, specific subset of the law in question--and I still ask our legal counsel for clarification or confirmation fairly often, because it's not always straightforward. because their revenue is huge and governed by much more than direct sales. I like my complaints like I like my inception, always going one level deeper. Attempts to defeat him with conventional weaponry are doomed to fail because he is already here. Two friends who realize they see each other as something more I live for that kind of stuff when its done right. No, I am pretty sure that's because there's a sex "scene" that they didn't want children to see. How to read Homestuck And then one of the four kids, John, gains the ability to rewrite the comic itself. They show up literally once in the background of a page and a few times during the final fight(s). Her Imperious Condescension is one of the most notable victims of hussies blatant racism. Theres enough music that the music references itself as you move through the story, creating a kind of self-contained musical canon. that's all i'm saying. Yeah, honestly the content of these docs probably says a lot more about the author of them they they do anything about Andrew Hussie. And when she tries to get better she says fuck it and focuses all this on the player instead. Hussie built a career by spinning dramatic and bumbling tales of the onslaughts of online life. Eventually, she goes on to write a widely read manifesto; taking the reins of a militant revolutionary group that wears goth clown makeup. I dont know what to say or think about any of this at this point. I welcome it. This is silly on a few levels. Any art of a character on a body pillow has a 90% chance of it being sexual. Its a contemporary text that carries the history of Hussies work and online life for better and for worse. And then the four original kids make their game unplayable so they reset their entire universe so they can have a chance at winning. According to multiple reports, many users of DISH network services are facing issues during the authentication or login process to the companys platform. They eventually date in Candy, but it turns into a lopsided, unhealthy marriage and subsequent that prevents him from fully processing the fact that he is trans. The impressive thing is, these couldve easily just been throw-away, cheap, forced, gags. We have different media, slang, food, hobbies, etc, so Hussie's references soared straight over my head. Firstly, there is no total concensus within the text or with the characters. But there are uncomfortable aspects to it. The protests began, police stations started burning down, and it all felt pretty surreal, because Id just spent a month writing about situations that looked a lot like this. People dissect drama around his work and become amateur reporters on matters internal to his company. Dividend Yield. And thats the trimmed down version of the trimmed down version. Are you sure you aren't the one doing stereotypes here? His use of a wheelchair, for example, is frequently exploited as a weakness to make fun of. Homestuck has never shied away from cartoonish gore and bloodshed before, but ironically, what the epilogues lack in pictures they make up for in graphic content. Music is so integral to the experience of Homestuck Id argue the story doesnt work without it. "Queer Eye" star Karamo Brown recently told INSIDER that he thinks the beloved film about a gay relationship, " Call Me by Your Name ," is "problematic as f---." Homestuck itself. Its digitally illustrated and lets you click through like you would in a narrative game. Oh come on, he jsut made a joke. To beat the game, they have to interact with the game worlds characters, and with a disgruntled group of internet trolls. Do trolls even have races? Besides the sometimes-cane, she needs no assistance at alland while that is fantasticit would be preferable to see her use the sort of assistance that blind people typically use, instead of Terezi just being able to see everything that she licks. In December of last year, St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter proposed raising the citys sales tax rate by one percent in order to pay for street maintenance and parks. Its not like every single thing that ever happened in the decades-long span the Candy timeline took place is available for us to read. But then again, being straight is also like a fetish to trolls. In Meat, the story blasts through at a lightning pace, but the characters we love get thrown into the background as the story concerns itself more and more with Dirk and Calliope. That should be plenty to say on how wrong it is, with Meenah being a literal adult and this Vriska being a literal child. But discussing inefficiencies and difficulties doesnt automatically translate to grumbling, but can be constructive and even strengthen bonds. WebA tale about a boy and his friends and a game they play together. OK, I don't think I can say much about basing lesbian characters on bi people, because I am not an expert on that, but none of that even matters. Be prepared. So to that end I'd like to know what events caused the biggest splash with fans. She also rapes Jake. Im not sure if fondly is the word Id use here, but I can regard it. I didn't find many of the document's arguments compelling, but I also don't find this rebuttle compelling as it focuses very much on reacting more to the person/people writing than any points made. Also, (controversy incoming) in my honest opinion, as long as you don't have children, there's nothing wrong about incest. In its heyday, the Homestuck fandom iterated and developed a lot of cultures that have come to characterize fandom today. When I was a kid, my brother and I would play a game Ive come to call And Then. That'd apply if the author was using it in dialogue for a particular reason, to say something specific about the characters, and not just because it was in the author's own regular vocabulary. They obviously "matured" when dead. All of them are real. The figure of revolution in the eyes of Hussies story is in fact, an influencer. and i think its mostly to do with homestucks treatment of femininity vs masculinity in a way that is not typically done While the kickstarter itself was controversial due to how much money it raised, despite Hussie having never made a game before. The very same iteration of Vriska that is also 13. He forces Jake to admit he loves him just to get the satisfaction of embarrassing him and destroying his heart, and he consistently and purposefully misgenders Roxy. Buckets, apparently someone threw one at a Karkat at a convention. Whereas Tavros was never given a choice, Terezi is, and she turns it down. The first Game of Thrones book is just shy of 300 thousand words, and the longest book in that series is just over 400 thousand. 2. But, there is still no ETA for everything to work normally again. But I strongly recommend it! I will just go ahead and read through the Google Docs about Hussie being terrible and comment every time I have something to say. He didnt complete a draft until just a day before the first Black Lives Matter protests prompted by the murder of George Floyd at the hands of police officers in Minneapolis, Minnesota. With some of the claims, I doubt the author has even read homestuck, because they are clearly missing the context of the scenes. Wait, Meenah is black now? Thewhirlwindofanarticledropsyou on a plush cushion of narrative airexactlywhereyoustarted,butolder,wiser,andaround whole20 minutesshorterontime. As he comes to better understand and accept himself for who he is, the homophobia fades from his vocabulary, he opens up to people, and allows more of his vulnerabilities to show though. And then there are all the people who cant shroud themselves in secrecy. Dont try to make me part of some angry mob. A disruption in narrative events. 1.4K Takers Personality Quiz. But Homestuck wouldnt be Homestuck if not for Hussies tendency to add more when in doubt, so here we are. Its also an allegory for what Im doing presently with Psycholonials. So, Hussie himself condradicted well, himself. WebAnswer random questions and Ill give you a Lana del ray lyric that will reveal a deep truth about you. Last year, the worlds S.U.V.s collectively released almost a billion metric tons of carbon dioxide. Why else would he made the prison comment? Gross Margin. The implosion of Silvergate Bank has a lot to do with the fact that it was crypto's bank of choice. I don't agree with the original doc, but yes, OP wrote a terribly annoying post. She spends extra time on characters feelings and their conversations with each other, much to the annoyance of Dirk. If you dont write often and consequently dont think of story length in terms of word count (what are you, a normal person? Likewise Mindfang's joyous rape-and-murder spree of a memoir is discussed in text (And it's never graphic. Also feel free to send me ideas of things youd like me to cover! Here appears another symptom of ableismthat of the view that persons with disabilities need to be fixed in order to fit in with normal society. I don't think writing off the whole webcomic as worthless because it's 'problematic' is smart either. Please our crops are dying Cohen: yep! Mainstream content producers can afford to turn a blind eye to smaller copyright infringements (though they can and do take steps to stop them when they are made aware of them!) After that page was posted, people (mostly from Tumblr) started a bit of an uproar, so Hussie retconned that page to say "PEACHY" rather than Caucasian. I cant put them on a scale from 1 to 10 and I cant recommend anyone read them or not. What the actual fuck are you talking about? In 2012, around 24,000 backers pledged roughly $2 million to help bring Hiveswap, a video game version of the Homestuck, to life. I think a lot of new authors start out by aping works they admire. We use cookies and other tracking technologies to improve your browsing experience on our site, show personalized content and targeted ads, analyze site traffic, and understand where our audiences come from. Oops. In my case, that thing I tried to copy when I started out was Homestuck. He's an asshole and I can't stand him. Media can be challenging, but largely it offers a totally safe place for people to indulge, express and investigate ideas they would NEVER do in real life and therefore does NOT always reflect an individual's real life views. And then they play it. Originally the Black Queen of the trolls' incipisphere, after exile to Alternia and took the title of Banished Quasiroyal. Such a cool set of powers that only works in something like Homestuck. We did investigate it. Still, he said that the text works as a thematic followup to his entire experience with building a fandom. And finally heres the part that really seals the deal. And then there is the matter of Tavross robolegs, which are built for him after the trolls time in their game session. And then John implies that its maybe Jakes fault for letting it get as bad as it did? Copyright issues; unlike many, more mainstream content producers who kind of give convention artists alleys the big shrugaroo, Hussie, as a small buisness owner, is very strict about people selling fanmade Homestuck content. WebMarch 3, 2023. Personally, whatever his previous works may have been, I think he's done a wonderful job creating a wide variety of strong female characters. Tumblr community vs. every other community. The key to defeating him lies instead in a magical artifact in the shape of Homestucks logo. Imagine flipping through one book that size. there are pedophilic implications between Chahut who is confirmed to be basically an adult, soon to be taken off the planet and Amisia, a literal child, these were done by the same artist. As of now, recordings of the content exist on YouTube and are embedded where the Flash animations used to be, but take it from me when I say its really not the same. ya. Rufioh, dead 19 year old hitting on aradiabot, aka aradia as a permanent dead 13 year old.