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. Venus is the teacher of the demons and in modern a term that means those stuck in material existence. She flourishes in the presence of a guardian who will watch over her privacy. Venus in Pisces, women in committed relationships are almost borderline infatuated with their mates. Pisces people are flowing and intuitive, picking up on the subtitles others miss and with Venus in the sign theyre particularly romantic and gentle. Schedules and inconveniences are annoying to a Venus in Pisces woman, along with harshness. They want a safe, solid relationship. Love Unbound 2. A Libra and Pisces companions can be contented and well mixed. They can roam about in other words, in their dream planes, which gives them a great energy that spills forth into everything that they do. Sweet, romantic Pisces just doesnt cope well with rejection. She tries everything on, sees how it fits, and then decides whether to make it a part of her future or let it go. Thats because its antithetical to everything this optimistic sign holds true. Natives with this combination possess a special charm and beauty. People who want to manipulate and hurt her will do that very easily because she takes it all very seriously and to her heart. In traditional astrology, Pisces is the sign where our planet of love and beauty is exalted. We have the chance to let go of old, outdated patterns when Venus enters Pisces, which will also inspire us to seek friendships, creativity, or self-expression in new, exciting ways. People with Pisces birth signs portray themselves as romantic, tender-hearted friends. Shes romantic, very much so, affectionate, compassionate, and the profundity of her heart is astonishing. The Venus Pisces woman is spiritual, disarming, and emotionally secretive. It is connected to wealth and Lakshmi, poetry, beautiful clothes, fine arts and music. His greatest desire is to meet his soul mate, someone he can share all of life's joys with and who will be there for him when he needs them. Sometimes her willingness to help comes across as naive, and people are quick to take advantage of someone like this. and want to join her sanctuary, where she goes deep, both alone and in intimacy with others. is a profound, chilly, and mysteriously emotional sign. Her heart is so big, and she wears it on her sleeve without shame. She can also be taken advantage of, which eventually leads to her river drying up and depletion. When it comes to aesthetics, she likes comfortable, colorful, clothes, and she prefers an eclectic look to stiff elegance. Aquarius Sun, Libra Rising. She may consider herself a witch, live and lead with the moon cycles, and enjoy casting a spell or working with tarot cards. In general, the Venus in Pisces woman is known for being loving, compassionate, and sensitive. The Venus Pisces woman sees into the soul of a person, even if it's deep down. Do these sound familiar to how you navigate love, sex, and relationships? Venus moves into her sign of exaltation on April 15th until May 10th. However, she also colors your personality by giving insight into what you value, your aesthetics, style, fashion and tastes. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Best matches: Venus in Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, Capricorn, Virgo. And since shes so good at reading people, she will know if youre sincere or not. October 16, 2020. Sign up at: Vedic Natal Chart Reading-FIVE AREAS AND YOUR QUESTIONS. The Venus in Pisces woman is someone of great intuition paired with a sweet, adorable nature that not many can resist. They are both believers of a long-lasting relationship and work hard to keep it. Sometimes, their apparent sensitivity can be misleading. Now that we've gotten that out of the way, let's consider the real depthness of Venus in Pisces. It is her sweet, honest, and innocent nature that attracts so many men to a Pisces woman in Venus. 1. 2023 BY REVOLOON LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. They act almost like chameleons, and its sometimes difficult to pin down their thoughts and desires. This attention to detail can be a driving force in a Pisces womans relationships. Her compassionate nature makes her want to save the world, but this begins with saving herself. Barry Rosens talk on Secret of the Houses and over 20 new ways of looking at astrological houses and new techniques for evaluating them is now available for viewing on his You Tube Channel: Available in 2 formats: 2 /9 week courses or 1/18 week course. People with Venus in Pisces are dreamy idealists. A Venus in Pisces woman can also use this same people-pleasing characteristic to change herself depending on who she is talking to. The issue with this strategy for falling in love is that it can grow so desperate that a lady with Venus Pisces woman will take an offer of love from just about anyone. She is giving and compassionate, but sometimes she may be a touch too trusting. When Venus falls in Pisces, which is ruled by Neptune, you have a man who is sensitive, empathetic, and intuitively in touch with his partner. These women exude a kind of aura that attracts men like honey, and its their natural sweet nature that makes them go crazy with anticipation. While often connected to beauty and the senses, it is also a great teacher and like Jupiter has its depth of wisdom. advertisement. She won't be content unless they share a strong connection in all important areas, including, Learning And Growth Of Venus Pisces Woman, When you need it most, money appears in the most unlikely locations. Venus entered Pisces on March 17th, 2021, where it will stay until April 10th, 2021. . Her enthusiasm to assist occasionally comes across as naive, and people are quick to exploit someone like this. However, despite her affinity for noticing details, she is not controlled by them. If you are Taurus rising, this is a really great time for you with an 11th house transit of your ascendant lord as it brings great new friends, fulfillment of desires and strong income. She picks up subtle currents and will be tuning into the deeper soul connection. A Venus in Pisces woman will do well with a partner who encourages her independence and gives her enough time and space to be on her own and recharge. She shouldn't feel bad for saying "no" occasionally and taking some time to refuel emotionally. 12 of 12: Romantic Pisces meets their soulmate between 17 and 19. Who knows what other flavors you like that you might be missing out on? With Venus Pisces, this could mean instinctively recoiling from those with loose boundaries, like themselves. She is beautiful on the outside, of course, but she is just as attractive on the inside. Astrology for the aesthetically inclined. Highly sensitive, fantasycan be their reality and they are particularlyartistic, adaptable and empathetic. There can be a sense of giving over of energy, putting her at risk of emotional vampires. 2. Venus in Pisces instinctively feels other peoples pain, which is how she can deeply empathize with it. Its not that shes self-loathing; she puts others first so much that her own needs tend to get swept under the rug. Taurus women are ruled by Venus, the goddess of love and beauty. Venus in Pisces womens love lives read like a romantic novel and play out like a movie. So what does that mean for you? You are so idealistic about matters of the heart that its easy for you to ignore red flags in potential or current partners. Someone who will love and accept us, flaws and all? Acquire life lessons: He needs to be more circumspect about who he associates with. They may go out of their way to help out the person they are with, and they like to feel of service. .iaqpzn-4tcl4q{color:inherit;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}.iaqpzn-4tcl4q:hover{color:#000;}For Beginners. What is the most underrated zodiac sign? We can expect a more imaginative or creative side of business with fresh, original ideas. She finds beauty, joy, and pleasure practically everywhere, even if its not remotely connected to love. Since Venus is the love planet, you'll learn more reading about Pisces in love. In addition to writing her blog, Anna also offers personalized astrological readings to her clients. Aquarius is an eccentric yet scientific sign, whereas Venus is romance and poetry. By finding your numerology number, you can unlock the power of numbers to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your destiny. She is sympathetic, understanding, kind, and giving. She is known for her down-to-earth approach and her ability to make complex astrological concepts accessible to a wide audience. The Eight of Cups is not , Difference between Vedic and western astrology Vedic astrology is based on the sidereal zodiac a system in which positions of planets are calculated based on where they are actually observed in the sky in , Author Lakeesha Jones tells her lifes story in an uplifting way and offers information that can help readers improve their lives too. It makes her happy to make her partner happy. But what does it mean if your Venus placement falls in Pisces? Artistically minded, the Pisces woman will veer towards muted tones across her fashion and beauty style, that reflect the shades of the sea, so soft grey or lavender eye-shadows suit. They love creating music and listening to music so they may escape the stresses which overwhelm their sensitive personalities. Finally, a Venus in Pisces woman would do well learning how to love herself more. Pisces can find their soulmate in these three zodiacs, including Taurus, Virgo, and Cancer. While she waits for her lobster, it can feel like a significant part of her is missing. Venus in Pisces Dates: February 25 to March 21 On February 25 at 5:11 a.m. Pacific Time, Venusthe planet of romance, glamour, finances, art, and pleasure finishes her transit through rebellious and detached Aquarius to enter the mutable, water sign of Pisces. Subscribe To Our Newsletter! Hurting her partner is the very last thing she would do, and even she wonders if she could do it at all. How Do People Share The News About Their Engagements? To one person, she might be one thing, but another person will get an entirely different version of her. Venus is your ruler and therefore you value what she stands forbeauty, art, culture. Because Venus is about value, it governs our . She yearns to meld with love. To some, what seems overly ideal or unreal may appeal to them, and they may even find such things attractive. This woman wants a partner whos going to do all the boring stuff for her, take care of all the responsibilities, and just let her keep on dreaming. Why cant Bruce Banner transform in Infinity War? This woman fantasizes about meeting the ideal man. If you want to impress her, show compassion and don't be crude. She probably has endless vivid fantasies that play out in her mind but may struggle to find the courage to act on them in real life. Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) often vibe best with other Earth and Water signs: Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. The right mate will not be alarmed by extreme sadness or happiness, or anything in between. Venus in Libra. She loves dancing, music, singing, artsy stuff, as she is a very creative individual who needs to have fun. The metaphysical significance of Venus' passage through Pisces is that it reaches the end of its journey through the zodiac, and Venus reaches its highest point in the psychological seas of Pisces. Strong boundaries and respect for her own imaginative. While the ability to forgive is an incredible trait to have, it can become detrimental to this womans emotional health. There is a clear difference between intuition and fantasy. A Venus in Pisces woman is not selective. She is certainly lovely on the surface, but she is also lovely on the inside. While some zodiac signs get a lot of attention and praise, others remain underrated and underappreciated. She will experience much grief in her relationships, but she also attracts undeniable joy. Astrology has always been a topic of fascination for many people. She flourishes in the presence of a guardian who will watch over her privacy. She is a champion to the underdog and leaves no one behind. See which celebritieshave their Venus sign in pretty Pisces, below, Zooey Deschanel Michelle ObamaShirley Bassey, Isabel LucasAlicia KeysNatalie Imbruglia Sasha Pivovarova Agyness Deyn Doutzen Kroes Selita Ebanks Geena Davis Vanessa Redgrave, DrewBarrymore Olivia Palermo Ursula AndressRachel WeiszEva HerzigovLaura Dern Charlotte ChurchDakota Fanning, Victoria Beckham Billie Holiday Kristen StewartEmma WatsonLucy LawlessMaria SharapovaKate HudsonCline DionReese Witherspoon Kourtney KardashianNorah Jones Claire DanesSuri CruiseJoss StoneRosie Huntington-WhiteleyJennifer GreyDiana RossShannen Doherty Selena Q, Penlope CruzKelly ClarksonKirsten DunstMichelle PfeifferBarbra StreisandBettie PageAndie MacdowellQueen Elizabeth, What Is The Venus Return? She is no match for signs of different values, characters, or beliefs because she will adapt to make any situation reach its full potential.