Antoine Cornut Chauvinc, Articles A

As an Arcturian Starseed, you may want to look into other belief systems or religions that may better suit your needs in understanding our Life Experience here on Earth. You have a strong connection with your angels and other beings, but they too may not understand how you can be so aware of everything and yet still stand in the center of it all. Other people, animals and energies, even those on other planes of existence have a more difficult time communicating with you. Starseeds come from different civilizations, galaxies, and planets. Click here for my eBook that describes starseed markings for 12 stars and star systems! Not every time, but sometimes, Bootes pulses a bright, warm response. Although you dont go around projecting your opinions on others, if the opportunity arises you love to argue your point and try to get the other person to agree with your logic. I always follow my intuition..and I feel like I knew about what was happening on Earth, like it wasnt nothing abnormal to me.. One thing I like to do is to look and stare at the clouds on the sky ,same thing I do when flying on a plane..I imagine myself flying thru the clouds, I feel that we are Angels on Earth and we used to have wings..bedore coming to Earth. Although they may not be conscious of their origins, they are aware of a deeper meaning to their existence and this is reflected in their work. How do I know for sure where my starseed origin is? Some believe that the color of the eyes is a giveaway when it comes to being a Starseed because many starseeds have those same pale blue eyes. They prefer not to explain their actions and decisions, and when they do, theyre doing it unwillingly or under pressure. They are emotionally stable and intellectually powerful. You believe that a lot can be learned by studying the way these civilizations lived their lives and structured their societies. This is something For example, Arcturian starseeds have distictive eyes with a disarming stare. Arcturian starseeds with poorly integrated Arcturian energy typically feel very alone and disconnected from the rest of the collective consciousness. They came here to bring about a harmonious reality where technology and community are intrinsically linked. They will feel like there is an intellectual or communication disconnect that is preventing them from making connections with other people. Thank you for sharing this helpful post. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. You originate from Arcturus, the brightest star present in Bootes constellation. Some of these starseeds lifetimes are coincidental.. For example, if someone secretly loves cosplay but cannot bear to participate in cosplay because the fear the social rejection of friends they have poorly integrated energy in relation to cosplay. As children, they can also be quite annoying, since theyll look to their parents to explain things that interest them. Arcturian starseeds often have a complete disregard for typical teenage activities, though they will engage in them because of their natural curiosity. Arcturian starseeds have an incredible ability to use their physical senses. I found an astrologer on etsy who is able to map my starseeds, and she helped me realize you can be descendant from more than one star system! Definitely resonating with Arcturian starseed traits. 2. People seeded from Arcturus often carry the trait characteristics from their home planet. Do you think that youre an Arcturian starseed? The Arcturian starseeds come from the Arcturus Star System. Arcturian starseeds have a very high pain threshold and can sustain serious injuries without feeling any pain. These starseeds are extremely powerful beings and have many gifts that they shine down upon Earth and its inhabitants. Inspire them and let them know that you believe in their abilities, gifts and talents and that you want to help them grow and develop those things that are missing from their lives today. If they choose to walk the path of science and improvement, youll likely find them studying or teaching scientific research, architecture, city planning, sustainable energy sources, etc. This will give them a strong intuition, they will likely be able to feel another persons emotions. Since theyre originating from an archaic star system, the Arcturians themselves are considered quite ancient. Starseeds are souls, beings, and spirits that choose to inhabit planet earth from far away parts of the Universe. Still working for 20 years, on MY PLAN, finding goat farm, learning to make cheese, learning from old farmers, be friendly old craftsmanship people..looking at helping animals / build a shelter / sanctuary / and SERVING BY HELPING YOUTH GET MORE INTO THE INTERCONNECTIVITY of nature / and empathy / kindness / mindful of nature.. but too many years in the planning i cannot do it alone moving into FINDING FELLOW COMRADES.. to create some cool cheese, cool podcasts from the middle of maybe NORTH SPAIN, old ghost towns, or italy.. or france maybe greece.. They often stand out in a crowd because of their height and typically have pale skin. Starseeds exist in all shapes and sizes. Arcturian Starseed traits and characteristics include: You often feel outcast. If you think you ARE a starseed, its very likely you came here for a particular mission or purpose. 9. Trouble with unnatural light. As Im reading this, I am reading about me. Arcturian Starseeds are experts in the use of sacred geometry, colour and sound vibrations for altering atmospheres, and states of being. Trust me, its not all that difficult to see. Arcturian starseeds are souls born in Arcturus, the galaxy's most advanced civilization. many of us are trying to find our way.. out of BIG CITY with our people.. who understand also this STAB FIASCO of falsity us outcasts who reject the stab will not have many options in cities so the land is where we are going but we need comrades.. we have all we need to heal and to be healthy there are many of us out here that have been in the BACKGROUND. While all Starseeds are human, their souls missions play a big part in their life path. Is everyone on Earth a Starseed or descendant of one? Youve come to heal the planet, your fellow inhabitants and everyone else within reach who needs it. Save the world. If youre an Arcturian Starseed, you are here to bring new energy into our reality. They are heavy into the communication and transmission of information. My body temp is usually between 96-97. . Arcturians are a bit more practical theyre here to bring us into a new world. If you dont help someone who you feel needs it, a strong feeling of guilt is likely to follow you, especially when you are alone. When I signed up for a reading, they provided me with a unique insight into where my life was going, including who I am meant to be with. So why do I CONTINUOUSLY sacrifice my resources to help those stupid humans? As we already said, the Arcturians are focused on ushering in the brighter future here on Earth, relating spirituality, technology, and societal norm. Just think peace love gratitude we all are conscious creators so lets create heaven on earth. These starseeds often focus on the practical side of spirituality, conscious manifestations, and intuitive development. Others are here to help emotionally guide humans through our evolution and spiritual development. Even saying this makes me feel somewhat arrogant when I know I shouldnt because this is a calling to help and I dont have an ego to get in the way. They have incredibly dark and negative thoughts. I had a energy reading and she told me I needed to look into arcturian because that was possibly one of my spirit guides. It works the same way with Arcturian themes of harmonious, balanced social connections. They are also very sensitive to the cold and feel it more than others. You believe that by implementing science and advancements in technology, the future of planet earth could be extremely positive. I mentioned them earlier. Organization is a skill that comes easily to you, and you use it to enhance your productivity. Theyre also very interested in sustainability, and helping humanity advance scientifically while better integrating itself into its environment. If they choose not to lead, they still guide humanity through inventions and changes to the status quo. Although I loved my parents who treated me very well, Ive never known a sense of belonging, not even with my own child. Helping others gets you in touch with the higher powers and will allow you to open up more to them as well as go deeper within yourself and tap into your spiritual side. There are so few resources available that finding any affirmation is such a lift to my spirit. So, read on to learn what it means to be an Arcturian Starseed and how to live your life as one. Its been 20 yrs and I love him even more. A starseeds mission is to bring love and light back into their soul. You want to help people, inspire them and dare I say it? I love ancient civilizations. You are probably constantly exploring new ideas and concepts. The Arcturians are a fifth dimensional and higher star race that are very evolved in comparison to our own forth dimensional world. However, theyre also very prominent in their understanding of the three-dimensional plane in which they incarnated to. Much like your interest in aliens and space, you find yourself wondering what ancient civilizations were like. There are many starseed races on Earth and they all come here with a specific purpose. Arcturian starseeds are direct descendants of these amazing beings, and have personalities and positive traits that mirror those of the Arcturian race. Arcturian starseeds also have a greater sense of touch than most people and are very sensitive to their surroundings because of this. woow I felt pretty grounded in my knowing of being an Arcturian starseed, but just for fun I read this and this was basically spot on for me!! And its not because youre the only one with a special ability or gift. This is amazing! You may feel disconnected from your soul and may not understand why. These can take many forms, depending on the Starseeds origin. If indoor lighting gives you a headache, no matter what type it is, you might be a Starseed. There is a theme of taking divine knowledge from the spiritual world and using it to manifest divine technology into the physical world. Youll find yourself so deeply immersed in this new information, you wont be able to stop reading! Their interest in history means that they are less likely to be doomed to repeat it. They are the embodiment of wisdom, knowledge, learning, and technological progress inspired by divine knowledge. God lives inside of all of us! You likely have an insatiable curiosity and love learning new things. Thanks for sharing this was very helpful to me as I continue to dig deeper why Im often interested in issues of spiritual life and nature. They seek to help mankind and are known as masters healers. Theyre much more oriented toward the doing aspect of spiritual and scientific advancement than just the feeling side. Many of them find themselves in leadership positions. You may have a hard time believing the information you receive from your guides and ancestors when it comes to your spiritual destiny. They also share another physiognomical characteristic their facial bone structure. I love your post, I want to live on a commune with nature all around and just living for the genuine human connection that is at its most pure form. Its because you know theres something else going on here on Earth, and you dont feel satisfied with your current life on this planet. The Arcturian starseeds represent the earthly embodiments of the Arcturian beings. Arcturian starseeds have had recent incarnations in worlds associated with the star Arcturus and often share many traits and skills of Arcturians. This is a result of your deep feeling of empathy, and your ability to put yourself in someone elses position rather than categorize them based on their circumstances or societys view of them. Being 7 yrs my elder, he avoided my declarations of love and certainty that we would be married some day. Starseeds are physically indistinguishable from humans. Writer, spiritualist, mom. I only partially identify with Andromedans but mostly feel like im Arcturian so not sure if her analysis was correct or if i just posses traits from all my past lives. The first thing I read that grabbed my attention is always being cold. And since the body comprises of a genetic combination of its parents, all starseeds look like regular humans, with standard deviations. A Lyran that is not allowed to express their independence is very, very unhappy and will begin to exhibit traits that are the exact opposite of what is typical for a Lyran Starseed. Before we get into everything you need to know about Arcturian starseeds, its helpful to know what a starseed actually is. This is how powerful your mission is here on Earth, and how aware you are of it. They also dislike pointing their face at the sun because of their sensitivity to the suns rays. You understand that life is something to be shared with others, and therefore feel that if you make someone else happy, you in turn will feel happier. To raise your vibration and change the pattern of everything that has been. Usually to pass on the lessons they have learned when establishing their worlds, and to help us transition through periods of change. Please come get me. I make what I call souls stones I also made a talisman that is a white stone but glows blue in transmitted. Tolerant of people, but prefer animals. These starseeds are actually born with different degrees of Arcturian energy or also karma, which is well-integrated. Beings from Arcturus are also big on helping individuals align with their true selves and find their true voice and spread the truth of the universe. By doing so at times it can help others do the same. Heres What Youre Doing Wrong, 5 Signs Youre Ready To Start A Spiritual Business, Going Full Time With Your Passion in 5 Months. Revealing their origins and purpose, these starseeds often wish to bring a piece of their home to Earth. You feel connected to all living things and are drawn to them for this reason. Why, at such an early age, did I conclude that I was not one of those stupid humans-feeling that I dont belong? You may feel more at peace with yourself and with everything around you. Here are among some of them: They are more drawn to ancient civilizations and old cultures. You may feel separate from others and sometimes struggle to express your feelings the way you want to. I loce freedom and teavelling and I do not like governmebts. As such, there isnt really an objective test for Starseed qualities. This is a great way for you to use your gifts for the greater good and not just for yourself or your family. This will help you ascend, and move into 5D consciousness. As they get great satisfaction in making groups of people laugh, theyre usually the life of the party if they bother to show up in the first place. 1. Youre always looking for proof that you are of this planet and that you came here to stay. Just like Andromedan starseeds, Arcturian starseeds naturally romanticize ancient times. Arcturians often reincarnate on earth. You believe that technology is a positive thing for planet Earth, and if it is used responsibly it could solve many of the current problems. I started AstralHQ as a way to share my more spiritual experiences and knowledge with the world. Learn about the Arcturian Alignment and what it means for Arcturian Starseeds! Check out the current top 100 Best-Selling New Age Spirituality books in the USA here. This leads us to the next point personal freedom. These are called Light Bearers, Light Warriors, Starseed Warriors and Starseed Guardians. thank you for sharing and for the confirmation . You have no interest in consumerism and showing the world that you are a success. Arcturian starseeds are generally happy on this planet, as long as they are utilizing their natural starseed abilities to their fullest potential. Click here for my eBook that describes starseed markings for 12 stars and star systems! Arcturus is a star located in the Bootes constellation. You are often thinking of ways to make a situation better for yourself and those around you. Seems like it might be true. Paired with their wanderlust, Arcturian starseeds are often attracted to warmer climates. I know Im a Starseed, but although I dont fit with the Arcturians, I feel like I love them deep in my heart and identify myself with them and their channeling and messages. Arcturians are blessed with strong, vivid memories. During their teen years, Arcturian individuals frequently feel dissatisfaction or unhappiness for no apparent reason. You don't enjoy being incarnated here on Earth that much. The Arcturians embody wisdom, knowledge and teaching. Andromedan starseed. Can you tell me more about this please? There are no lifetimes on that planet and time as we know it doesnt exist there. Would you like to know which starseed markings you have in your birth chart? Arcturians are perfectionists to the core. Thats why its so important for us to share our gifts with those who are ready, so that we can all help each other through this difficult time period. Most Arcturians feels at home on planet Earth. Arcturian Starseed. Not only did they blow me away with their accurate reading, but they were also kind and understanding of my situation. Those were spot on for me and so helpful. Alpha Centaurians are known for their thirst for knowledge. You may feel drawn to architecture or design, and the act of bringing plans into physical reality. Arcturus is known to be the brightest start within this constellation, and this is where Arcturians first came from. They tend to be multi-talented in both technological innovation and creative pursuits. We help lightworkers step into their power and soul mission. An Akashic Records Soul Realignment Reading can help! Arcturians are emotionally and mentally advanced and were intended to be the spiritual shamans and healers for humanity. In this video you will learn everything about our beloved Arcturian Star Family, including their common characteristics, traits and appearance. Be willing to help others and stand up for truth at all costs. Its because its just so exciting that something is happening here on our planet! Mintakan starseeds are known for their positive outlook on life. What is my purpose on planet Earth? And theres one company that I always end up recommending, Psychic Source. When I turned 19, he stopped running from me. Youll rarely find them in leading public roles, but rather in advisory positions. This is a great time to be alive on Earth right now, as it undergoes a consciousness transformation on a planetary level. All Starseeds Compared And Explained (Signs, Purpose, Traits), Sirian Starseeds Explained: 3 Signs, Purpose, Traits, Abilities And More, unlock a free video that shows you how you can raise your frequency in 5 simple ways, an audio track that raises your vibrations in just 25 seconds or less, The Arcturian Starseeds mission and purpose, vibrates from the 5th to the 11th dimension frequency, Cant Manifest Anything? And while spirit guides operate on a spiritual level through channelers, starseeds operate on an entirely different level the three-dimensional world. Well, Arcturian souls become starseeds through a soul contract that reincarnates them here on Earth. What better way to do this than to incarnate on a planet where there is free will, beauty, and the ability to hide within the population? You are able to visualize the desired outcome, then take the necessary steps to manifest it in the physical realm. As such, the race of beings from this star system, the Arcturians are also considered to be quite old. There are many theories about those who arrive in this world with immediate memories, who seem out of place, have interesting abilities, and feel different from other humans. Arcturian starseeds came to the planet Earth to innovate and guide it into a new, better future. Others call them starseeds. I had someone analyze my chart for me and they said i have 3 past lives as Arcturian, 6 past lives as Andromedan and 3 past life as a plaiedian, and my origion was Andromedan. and being able to go out into the world and show others that there are safe places like that around the world for anyone who is called to true happiness and love. You can help bring positive change by spreading the message to those who are ready to hear it. The signs above and below will give you a good idea about whether you are an Acturian Starseed. Arcturians are other-dimensional, advanced star beings that incarnate on earth frequently. I do struggle with feeling alone on this planet earth and always have. THE ARCTURIAN STAR SYSTEM AND ITS GALACTIC HISTORY Artwork by Vashta Narada You dont think of yourself or any other people as being superior or inferior to each other. But if theres a part of you that still wants to know more, I recommend speaking to a genuine advisor. When it comes to the Arcturian starseeds, their soul has chosen to come here, on Earth, to bring the truth of love and light to the human population. My perspective of humanity: Those stupid humans. You may find yourself slipping into daydreams of the past frequently. Ascended masters and starseeds have a lot of human characteristics, and their differences are in the way they choose to express them. In those regards, their primary focus is on balance and sustainability, which will help alleviate much of our own societal discord. Arcturians are Master Healers "The Arcturians are a group consciousness extraterrestrial race that are highly evolved and come from the Arcturus star system. I have always hated giving myself any self worth because I have felt selfish by doing that but I really feel that I have a new found sense of worth. They can answer questions like, how many incarnations youve lived and give you more clarity on your earth mission. However, without proper guidance and parenting, they might resent those disciplines during childhood and only to re-discover them in their teens. However, their abilities on earth with a human body vary greatly. You want to be able to go anywhere, at any time and do whatever you feel drawn to do at the moment because of your free will. So instead of trying to solve all your love problems on your own, speak to an advisor wholl give you the answers youre looking for. Our galaxy diameter is just a little over 100k light years. Because of their natural inclinations towards patterns and geometry, Arcturian star people are exceptionally talented musicians. Friends often ask me for advice. If visualization is a process you enjoy or would like to explore, you can try my guided meditation here. Or maybe youve felt this way most of your life. They may also have a strong sense of empathy and compassion, and may devote themselves to serving others to a near self-sacrificing degree. They need to have a sense of personal space, even in romantic relationships and almost always require some alone time. I most clearly identify with the Arcturians. They are fifth-dimensional beings and built a society that became the original prototype for how to live on Earth. It's 7.1 billion years old, 25 times bigger than the sun in diameter and shines roughly 113x more brightly. But if you want more clarity on this, Id suggest speaking to a gifted advisor at Psychic Source. TODAY, were diving further into the Arcturian starseed signs, their home star, features, traits, and missions here on Earth. Wow! How crazy.. i relate to all of this and esp CYNTHIA completely Except, no kids.. gay person here alone, an orphan.. no family had many contacts and comrades in the film industry in the 90s.. but after 2000, all collapsed.. This is a planet that is said to be an ascended one already, having already reached its highest potential of enlightenment. One fact correction It is thought that this constellation is over 35 million light-years from the solar system that encompasses planet Earth. I think you meant over 35 light years from Earth. Here are some of the ways that you can help bring about the change that is needed: Its important that we all remember what it feels like to not be afraid of our gifts or our abilities. Its essential to understand that these individuals have an innate understanding of natural sciences and spirituality. Read more about. I cant decide if its all starting to make sense or if its just my imagination. Personal freedom and some alone time are exceptionally important for Arcturian star people. Youre welcome! They also arent concerned with trivialities and pettiness, as theyre emotionally evolved enough to dismiss them entirely. They are here to remind fellow beings on planet Earth that change is a good thing, and with proper consideration, we can create a better world for every life form. Thank you for this. You want to feel normal and accepted in society as an Arcturian starseed, but you also want to know why you are here. They have a high intelligence and are natural critical thinkers and natural analysts, being very mentally polarised. Starseeds are humans who house the souls of interstellar beings. All signs are that I may be for sure acturian starseed, but for the one that I really hate heat and heat weather, in prefere more subtle cooler climate, I live in Israel and suffer so much during its summer.. Me too like you, all the said signs are with me too except the heat thingI too hate heat weather. So, next time youre watching the stars in solitude, wondering where the home is, well, for you, it might very well be on Arcturus. Theyre usually serious, capable, and good at critical thinking. Arcturians are from Arcturus, an ancient star system located in the Bootes constellation. If the words, written in this article resonate deeply within you, you might be on the right path. Now Available The Starseeds Compass: A Guide to Identifying Your Souls Origin. Arcturian starseeds form their opinions based on experience and acquired knowledge. In order for them to do this, they need to actually remember what they are. Copyright 2015-2021 The Starseed's Compass and Aspen Rain. 21 Sings You're an Arcturian Starseed 1. They often have thin limbs and long arms, with fingers that are tapered at the end rather than square. Inside the Alpha Botis solar system is a blue planet the Arcturians like to call home. Thank you. . The body features possessed by the Arcturian starseed is also a cause of great debate. I tend to travel out of my body often at night and thanking have a 2 spirit soul weavers who help return the bits of my spirit I tends to leave behind when traveling to other galaxies weaving them back into my physical body on this plane.